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[ Deckard and Gaff drive to Leon's apartment in spinner, watching Leon's video. ]

Holden (video): Reaction time is a factor in this, so please pay attention. Now, answer as quickly as you can.

Leon (video): Sure.

Holden (video): One-one-eight-seven at Hunterwasser.

Leon (video): Yeah, That's the hotel.

Holden (video): What?

Leon (video): Where I live.

Holden (video): Nice place?

Leon (video): Yeah, sure I guess--that part of the test?

Holden (video): No--

[ Deckard and Gaff inspect the apartment. Deckard finds a scale in the bathtub and some family photos. Gaff watches quietly, folding an origami statue of a man with an erection. ]

Deckard (voice-over): I didn't know whether Leon gave Holden a legit address. But it was the only lead I had, so I checked it out. [ pause ] Whatever was in the bathtub was not human. Replicants don't have scales. [ pause ] And family photos? Replicants didn't have families either.

[ Leon meets Roy outside of phonebooth. ]

Roy: Time enough. [ pause ] Did you get your precious photos?

Leon: Someone was there.

Roy: Man? Police-man?

[ Roy and Leon enter Chew's building ]

  Chew: [ ???] [ Chinese for: "Ha yes! So little time." ]

[ Chew examines an eye under a microscope ] Chew: [ ??? ] [ Chinese for: "Ha, ha! So beautiful." ]

[ Roy and Leon enter Chew's lab ] Chew: [ ??? ] [ Chinese for: "Ha, ha! Beautiful indeed." ]

[ Leon tugs at the hoses connected to Chew's heated fur coat. ] Chew: [ ??? ] [ Chinese for: "Where did you come from? What the hell do you think you are doing?" ]

[ Chew speaks into his coat-lapel microphone. ]

Chew: [ ??? ] [ Chinese for: "Ah - Chong, come quickly." ]

Roy: Fiery the angels fell. Deep thunder rode around their shores, burning with the fires of Orc.

Chew: [ ??? ]. You not come here. Illegal. [ pause ] Hey. Hey. [ ??? ] Cold! Those are my eyes! Freezing!

Roy: Yes, questions.

[ Leon removes Chew's jacket. ]

Chew: Hey! Hey! Hu-ahh. Huh. Huh-ay...

Roy: Morphology, longevity, incept dates.

Chew: Don't know -- I, I don't know such stuff. I just do eyes. Just eyes -- Just genetic design -- just eyes. You Nexus, huh? I design your eyes.

Roy: Chew, if only you could see what I've seen with your eyes. Questions.

Chew: I don't know answers.

Roy: Who does?

Chew: Tyrell. He -- He knows everything.

Roy: Tyrell corporation?

Chew: He big boss. He big genius. He design your mind, your brain.

Roy: Ah, smart.

Chew: Cold.

Roy: Not an easy man to see--

Chew: Very cold.

Roy: I guess?

Chew: Se-Se-Sebastian he -- he take -- take you there.

Roy: Sebastian who?

Chew: J. -- J. F. Sebastian-- Sebas... Sebas...

Roy: Now, where would we find this J. F. Sebastian?

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