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Welcome to the Shapeshifter Holt. We reside in underground caverns with special magics at our hands. There are few humans here, as the massive mountians that completely encircle this valley protect us. Come, rest beside the cool waterfalls, sleep in the spring grass with no worries or cares as to your safety. Call upon Selestna if you are in need of assistance. Enjoy the beauty of this untouched wilderness and eat the bounty of the land. Stay here stranger, we welcome you.
In case you're wondering, this holt is Elfquest based, Elfquest being a fantasy comic, for more information on Elfquest, see the links page where there are a few links to excellent Elfquest sites.
The Holt is being Shutdown until the Elfquest movie comes out in the Spring of 2002. Until then, no new elves will be added and there will be no new updates. Nothing will be erased. Thanks for your support!
*If you'd like make changes to your elf/have it recognize/correct an error on your create-an-elf form, simply send an e-mail to selestna with the information.
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Members should check the updates every three weeks or so.

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***NOTE**** Elfquest, and its logos,characters, situations and the disctinctive likenesses thereof, are trademarks of Warp Graphics, Inc. All Elfquest art and story originally appearing in any Warp Graphics publication, is copyright Warp Graphics, Inc. and may not be copied or modified in any way. All rights reserved worldwide. Used with permission from