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Chapter 2 - "Playing Games"

'What a day this has been!' Crystal mumbled to herself. 'Well on the bright side of things, school let out early.'

Crystal was a quiet girl who was cynical about most social things. Her love for computers and games traped her inside a fantasy world where many could not reach her. Her short brown hair was highlighted with golden blonde streaks which made her stand out with a mysterious glow. She walked down the street with her long black duster blowing behind her. Crystal's blue eye focused on the concrete as if she were studying it.

On her way home Crystal figured she could stop at Gamer's Gathering to play Final Fantasy VIII to pass some time. Afterall no one was home at her house. She had always carried her Game Card with her because she practically lived at Gamer's Gathering. If she was nowhere to be found, just check there and sure enough she'd be sitting playing some new game.

As she walked inside the television was ranting on about the odd happenings at school. She looked over at Mr. Zuri who was intently watching so that he did not hear her come in. On the walls were anime merchandise, video games, and books. In the corners were tv's, computers, and games set up for playing.
"Crystal? You're here early..."
"That school," Crystal pointed to the tv, "I transferred there, so I got out early."
"ohh! Well I hope you and you're friends were alright."
"Yeah, I'm ok, but...What friends!?" Crystal said annoyed, looking down at here chunky black boots.
"Tough day? I know, here." Mr. Zuri hands Crystal a copy of FFVII and smiles. Crystal looks up surprised. "I have ESP!" He shrugs laughing and turns back to the tv.

Crystal throws down her dirt-covered bookbag and plops in a big cushy chair in the back of the shop. In front of her is a bigscreen tv hooked up to a playstation2. As she starts to play her game, she begins to wind down and her thoughts are filled with Cloud and Aeris, rather than the day.

"I'm into elemental games too." Marybeth says with a grin.
Crystal looks up and her surprised expression quickly fades to anger.
"Why are you hear? I get it ok, you hate me! I won't bother you again, gawd!" Crystal became uncomfortable and ran her fingers through her hair, then realizing that she had never washed the pudding out.
"Sorry about that puddin' head!"
Crystal gave Marybeth an annoyed look and walked over to the water-cooler to wash her hand off. "Hey, I just want to play my game. Why are you hear."
"Actually I came to appoligize. I didn't mean to be mean to you. It's a thing, ya know. We're always mean to the newbies. It's like initiation!"
"Right!" Crystal was avoiding eye contact with Marybeth.
"Do you hear that?" Marybeth said.
There was a bubbling noise and it seemed to get louder and louder.
"Oh my GAWD!" The top had burst off of the water-cooler and splashed all over Marybeth.
"How..? But...did I?..." Crystal's mouth hung wide open.
"Crystal, this isn't one of your video games, this is real."

Chapter 3