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m shadows
m shadows 
lead singer of a7x

Comments (3) | Add a Comment

M Shadows is so fine and his band kicks ass also[ Synyster Gates lead guitarist in Avenged Sevenfold] is so fucking hott.
Pinkey chick 101 | | February 25, 2006

M. Shadows is so fuckin hot and he knows it! The band is one of the best seriously! And everyone in A7X is frickin hot and they all know it! And no im not a robot(my screen name) anywayz good luck in liffe and come to OKLAHOMA on june 28! thats my birthday woohoo...yea im gettin drunk
Jessica | | May 08, 2006

Whats up M.Shadows P.S Call me. I know you want me. I know where you live. Haha not I'm just playing.But really call me.
Kelly | March 31, 2007