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user : big_king_chief
pet : Matrix__Neo__200
NP : 971

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Shops and stores galore at the Neopian Market

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The Marketplace

The Marketplace is where you can open up a shop and sell your products to everybody else in Neopia. If you spot something that shouldn't be in a Neopets shop, please report it using this form.

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Quick Stock | Shop Front | Shop Blogs | Reset Shop

Your Shop
(it costs 150 NP to open a shop)
Shop Name
(where your shop is located)
Shop Description
(please do not use rude words or IFRAMES!)
Please select a description from the drop down menu below.
Shopkeeper Picture
(Check the box if you want your shopkeeper to have a transparent background)

Shopkeeper Name
Shopkeeper Greeting

Shop Size

Your shop is currently size 7 (70 sq ft. of floorspace). This means that it can hold 35 items for sale. If you would like to purchase some more room to place items in, then please press the upgrade button below. Remember, the bigger your shop gets, the higher it appears on the list, and the more likely people are to visit it!

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