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D?m?ge ?o ?he B??in


Dye Buying
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: The Used - 'Take it Away'
Hi!..Well today was really funny..I was flirting with Tito all day..cuz I don't know why, it was fun though..and he's like.."oh my god amy i love you" lol it was funny..and i sat on him..cuz hes like amy we should make out and im like noo i have a boyfriend..and he was preteding to be all sad and so i sat on him and hugged him..And then I was walking through the hall with him..and i like tripped on the broom thinger..and i got up and tito was staring at my like so i hit him..he said it felt good lol..And yeah Todd's all sad cuz Karli might be moving and he wont get to talk to her for like a year maybe..I don't know..but yeah I feel bad for him and her..even though im really jealous of her..But yeah, I'm trying for todd..I really am..I'm trying to be better around him..and not get jealous..and mad and's hard but im really trying..and Jamies is gonna come over and bring Wes..and Tito is coming tooooooooo..that will be fun..I was going to go out with James..but he got mad cuz I was going out with yeah we arent gonna go out..oh well..WELL I was talking to Todd..but i think he hates me..he doesnt talk to me anymore..*sigh* really sucks..Oh well..OI! I slapped patrick like get your ass off my and he was like rubbing his ass on i slapped him..and OMG!! Glenn and Nichole-le-o were getting drinks from the water fountain..and it was funny..cuz they were making all these weird faces, and glenn was moving her head back in forth..lmao it was hilarious..AND then Tito came up behind me and scared me like really and then he put his arms around my waist for like 5 minutes..I dunno it was weird..and Megan and Mike were walking threw the halls holding hands going to 5th period..and Titos like AMY!! hold my i did..and bethany got a detention for PDA! lmao that was funny..and today was devins birthday (omg he's so hot) likes SO! what do you want for your b-day..and hes like like sorrrry..and titos like NO and he got kinda pissed..i think he thinks he owns me..I don't i gave Devin a dollar..LOL and a hug..and a pencil i found on the ground..well yeah im gonna go wait for tito and jamie and wes and talk to todd maybe..bye byes!

Love, ?he ?*u? at 5:31 PM EDT
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