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The Last Sight

Greetings and welcome.

I do hope that you find everything you are looking for here. After all, if you have come this far, your stay will not be a long one. It should at least be pleasurable.

That? It is a painting of my sweet, dear and loving departed husband. In a way he is both founder and first client of The Jessica Method. Ironic or poetic, the beauty of it to this day makes me clench. Ahhh... Memories.

Now, please follow me into the main parlor. No, I'm not going to bite. I will have our lawyers begin contacting all of the correct financial parties and begin fund transfer once we are done with our conversation. I find it best to sit and chat with our clients before we get to the true, heart of the matter. But I do need to admit that sometimes I find myself so drawn that I start even before the ink is dry.

I guess in some way, we all are slaves to something. I happen to be lucky enough to be in a business that I am in love with. Please, come inside and sit down. I find myself needing a nice, stiff drink. What would your pleasure be? Of the libation sort, I mean.

Here you go, on the house. Come site on the sofa across from me. I'm sorry I didn't mean to hit you with my foot as I got comfortable. No, I'm fine, thank you. I will have the servants bring you something to eat while we talk a while. After all, everyone deserves a last meal.

The Jessica Method offers our clients exclusive contracts to provide them with the most intimate moments of their lives. The Ending of it. When our Clients have lived long enough, or have reached the apex of their life, or lived past their Golden Moment and no longer wish to see another sunrise (or if you are a vampire who wishes to see the one first in a while) it is my personal passion to assist you to the other side of the veil.

It all comes down to the contract. After our interview process, we decide on a... how should I describe it? ...mutually satisfying closure to this portion of the tale that is your Life. A treasure hunter can find one last adventure. An aged spinster can entertain one last brief and surprisingly sweet, but fatal, interlude. A closet sleuth will have the chance to solve a murder; perhaps his own. The possibilities are as endless as the contract's fine print.

This is your chance. The last decision you will ever make. Take control and shuffle this mortal coil on your own terms. Burn out. No one deserves to fade away.


OOC from Jessica's Mun

This is nowhere near the real me. Jess is a sick, sick, sick, puppy. The illegal activites that she engages in, in order to keep TJM Enterprises open will never be discussed as portions of a playable feature of a contract. IE if the character making the contract is a minor, Jess will sell your teenybopper to some slave ring for mad cash. I'm not so stupid to RP anything remotely pederastic. Jess also will forcibly kidnap and add people to her stable of "Contractual Players" - this too I will not RP. If there is someone who wishes to be in Miss Method's employ please follow the link.

As her mun I have ultimate veto on whether a contract is to be taken. You don't get to complain. Vetos will usually happen because OOC I have family to take care of or brought home work from the office or don't have time and don't want to cheat anyone with half-assed RP.

As I said Jessica is not me and I share very little of herself in my own personal makeup. Please keep that in mind. She uses the royal "we" and often is assumed to be cold. She is actually quite warm and caring, just often thinking about killing you - before or after having her way with you. Nothing personal, she just never quite "leaves work at the office."