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Crimson Abattoir

Welcome to the Abattoir

The Crimson Abattoir is a vast collection of art, writings, and information on the darker subjects of existence.
Follow the blood stained path into the other rooms of the Abattoir.
BUT-Beware, for some things are not meant to be seen.

The Art of Torture
The Poetry of Slaughter
Bath in the Blood of Your Enemy
Cannibalism: The Guide to True Destiny
Mangled Teddy Bear's Psychosis Pictorial
If You Feel the Need to Stalk Me-pictures-

Hell is not always what it seems, remember that, for there are many great things to come from evil.

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Damn Myspace!
Join the KMA group on Myspace, it's for sadistic artists.

Please Respect my Copyrights so I don't have to sue your sorry ass.