>>Melissa is seen walking backstage,rubbing her forehead with a wet towel.She walks past Tyler<<


Melissa:What in the hell do you want?

Tyler:Geese,whats your problem.

Melissa:You think this is funny don't you?

Tyler:Think what is funny?Your choice of profession?Hey if you are a slut,thats fine with us,but just don't go advertising it on your forehead.It makes me look bad!

Melissa:FUCK YOU!

Tyler:What did you say to me?

Melissa:Don't touch me.

Tyler:Oh is that right?Maybe I should do what I should have done a long time ago,instead of letting you grow into a spoiled brat.

>>Melissa looks at her father as if to say "yeah right"<<

Tyler:Where is your knight in shining armor?Where is your pet freak?

Melissa:I don't have a pet freak.I control a monster and if you are referring to Kane,I have no idea where he is.He looked at my forehead and said "tonight it ends" and left.

Tyler:Its about to end between us as well.

>>Tyler reaches out to grab Melissa by the arm but Twister grabs his arm and pushes away<<

Twister:Whats the problem here?

Melissa:Nothing,he is just being an asshole like usual!

>>Tyler gets mad but Twister stands in between them both<<

Twister:Leave her alone,Tyler.

Melissa:Thanks,but I don't need your help.

Twister:Sure,I saw you had it all under control.

Melissa:So,what do you want?

>>Melissa and Twister walk down the hall,leaving Tyler behind them<<

Twister:This "list" Kane made..

Melissa:No,you aren't on it.

Twister:Thats good.

Melissa:Well,look,thanks for the save back there...I gotta go.

>>The Rock walks down the isle to his music as Melissa walks into her locker room and falls onto the couch in exsaustion<<

Melissa:What a day!!!

>>Melissa watches The Rock's interview<<

Rock:Kane you are a dead man.You messed with The Rock for the last time.

Melissa:HaHa!What a loon!

>>The titantron clicks on and Kane is seen in the same Graveyard that he was lerking in the other night<<

Melissa:Hey,there he is.Whats he doing?

>>Kane points down to The Rock's wife hogtied and gagged into a grave<<

Rock:What in the blue hell?!

Kane:Just stand there and look stupid,or she dies!

Rock:Kane!This is insane!Let her go!

Kane:Shut up!You want to critize me?You want to humilate my manager?!

>>Melissa jumps up and runs to the entrance area,running by Twister<<

Twister:Whats up?

Melissa:He is going to kill her!

>>Melissa runs out and runs to the ring and takes the mic from The Rock<<

Melissa:Kane...you can't do this.You have to let her go.



Kane:This is a lesson the Rock is about to learn,and one he will never forget!

Rock:Let her go!


>>All of the EWF superstars have gathered backstage to watch this unbelievable segment<<

Kane:I must break you,Rock.The best way to do that is to take away your love and to make an example out of you.The question is,how will she be taken care of.

>>Kane kicks her into an empty grave<<

Kane:I could bury her!

>>Kane shovels some dirt on the Rock's wife<<

Melissa:Kane!Stop it!

Rock:Oh man,I gotta go help her.

Kane:Hey Rock,you might wanna stick around for the other option.

>>Kane reaches off camera and gets a huge gas can and pours the whole can over his wife in the deep grave<<

Rock:Kane,I will do whatever you want man.Anything.Just stop.What do you want?

Kane:Bow to me.Bow to EWF's King of Evil.

>>The Rock gets down on his knees and does the worshipping motion to the screne<<


>>Kane strikes a match and throws it into the grave.The grave explodes into a raging fire as Kane watches with satisfaction<<

Melissa:Oh my god!Get the fire department out there!

>>Rock runs out of the ring,horrified for his wife.He takes out his cell phone and calls the police and fire department and tells them the situation.He gets into his car and drives off.The camera crew follows him to the Graveyard where the police have already arrived.As soon as he steps out of his car,an officer turns him around and handcuffs him<<

Rock:What are you arresting me for?!

Officer:Sir,you have the right to remain silent.Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.You are entitled to legal council,if you cannot afford an attourney,one will be provided for you free of charge.Do you understand the rights I have just read you?

Rock:Yeah,why am I being arrested?

Officer:Filing a false murder charge is a serious offence!

>>The police take him away and the camera crew searches the Graveyard where Kane was.There is a filled Grave,with a tombstone and everything.Scientist's are conducting tests<<

Scientist:This Grave has been set for awhile,maybe 2-3 years.

Ross:How is that possible?!

Lawler:We just saw..I am going crazy!The Rock is going to Prison!

>>The camera switches over to Gravy and Tyler and Melissa watching the moniter in disbelief<<

Gravy:Kane is a lunatic!

>>Gravy turns around and runs into Kane who is standing there looking at him<<

Gravy:Oh shit!You scared me to death!

Melissa:Kane what in the hell was that all about?

Kane:Rock wants to play games?Mind games are my specialty.

Melissa:He can go to jail for life!

Kane:Not my problem.

Tyler:Not your problem?Not your problem?!My World champion is on his way to lebonworth because you made him and everyone else halucinate his wife's death!

Melissa:Kane we need to talk.

>>Kane walks up to Gravy and stares him down<<

Gravy:Get out of my face man.

Kane:Your the next one on the list!

Melissa:Come on,Kane.

>>Kane follows Melissa<<

Melissa:Kane,I have seen some terrible out of control things before..but I have never seen a stunt pulled like what you pulled.GOOD JOB!

Ross:Good job?!

Lawler:I think Tyler should have taken care of his daughter earlier.

>>The show goes off the air<<