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THE 411
Latest Update: November 2004
- Fanfiction
- Fanart
- Gallery

-Alan Tracy
Fanfiction Added along with some new Pictures in the Gallery.

-Scott Tracy
Pictures Added to the gallery.

Tracy Brothers © to Gerry Anderson.
Site is owned by Gordy Tracy.
Layout designed by Gordy Tracy.

Welcome to Lean On Me:
Lean On Me is a tribute site to the Tracy Boys, Scott, John, Virgil, Alan and Gordon. You can find Info, Fanstuff, Graphics, Galleries and much more here, just on these five Boys in Blue. Or should that be white now?....Whatever you like, be it Movie or Television, we have the lot! So sit back, relax and search the site to your hearts content. and remember, everything here is for you.

News & Updates

November 30th 2004     Updated By: Gordy
I'd like to welcome you all to Lean On Me! Im not new on the site front. I have a Thunderbirds Site, Unsung Heroes, which can be found here, if you didnt come from there. The pages here aren't fact I have lots of content up so far. A major miracle, and those of you who attend Unsung Heores will know this! Before you all run away I would just like to point out that I'm getting better!
There's also the small point of staff. I am looking for two people to help me out here....I would prefer it if they weren't the same people who help me at Unsung Heroes. Because variety is nice ^_^ I'd like new friends too! If you'd like to help, please go over to the staffage page and you'll find all the details over there. Please think carefully before applying. Im serious about my staff, and if I don't think you're pulling your weight I will remove you. I don't want people to just chat can do that by stealing my email and adding me to your Messenger, be it AOL, MSN or Yahoo : P
Enough shameless plugging..Im sure you'd all like to hop over the site and see what there ahead!