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"If you hold up a dozen roses infront of a mirror, you'll see thirteen of the most beautiful things."
Friday, 13 February 2004
im still here and alive
im so sorry, where have i been? *smacks self* ow...i deserved it. Joel and Sam's wedding is tomorrow, i cant wait. and Valentines Day is tomorrow too. So tomorrow im going to the wedding, then Billiam and i are going out to dinner i believe. Alex is fine, and im still hobbleing around in casts, not very fun. i needa ask the doctor when theyr coming off.

Mad love, all for Billy and Alex

Posted by scary/stephanie606 at 7:52 PM EST
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Friday, 30 January 2004
im home!
im home! did ya miss me?! ok well billy u lucked out. cuz spraying you with smoothie at the moment would be both hard and painful. and i want EVERYONE to tell me what happened while i was gone. anywayz, its really hard to get around. cast on one arm, crutch in the other. enuff complaining.

mad love, all for <3 billy <3 and alex

Posted by scary/stephanie606 at 6:50 PM EST
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Sunday, 18 January 2004
good times good times
well iv been reading sum of billy and my old blogs and it reminds me of what fun the paris trip was lol. except for the truck accident joke thing. that one scared the hell outta me. and more nightmares!!!! *cries* i find billy dead in each one. *cries a lot more* ok. nuff of that. *whipes tears from eyes* hmmm i havnt played any tricks on billy yet. any ideas? heheheh...

mad love ALLLLLLLL for sexy billy and our alex

Posted by scary/stephanie606 at 4:16 PM EST
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Thursday, 15 January 2004
*sniff* i had the worst nightmare last night. i was in the kitchen doing sumthing, i cant remember what. and billy was calling my name so i was going thru the house looking for him. *sniff*i got to the living room and he was laying on the couch *sniff* and he looked asleep or sumthin cuz he wasnt moving. and i went over to him, but i could still hear his voice calling my name even tho he wasnt awake. *sniff* so i tried to wake him up, i was shaking him but no matter what i did he wouldnt wake up. and i started crying and i kept shaking his shoulders but he still wouldnt wake *sniff* and then I woke up to him calling my name, telling me to get up. when i got out of bed i found myself crying, and i just started hugging billy and kept on saying 'i love you, i love you so much' and stuff like that.

Billy: i love you so much, i cant imagine life without you. NEVER leave me

mad love, all for billy *sniff* and alex

Posted by scary/stephanie606 at 12:28 AM EST
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Saturday, 10 January 2004
i got a present for Billay! im not gonna tell you what it is.'ll never find it, billy! muahahaha. ok. thats about enough fun for today.

mad love, all for Billiam and Alexum

Posted by scary/stephanie606 at 7:07 PM EST
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Friday, 9 January 2004 bootiful behbeh
yall guys dont kno a work out till u have a born at exactly 9:01 January 9th 2004. Alexandra Nicole Martin. i cant say that enough. alexandra nicole martin...alexandra nicole martin...thats enough for now...EVERYONE has to come and see her. im countin on all of ya.

Mad love all for Billy n the new Alex

Posted by scary/stephanie606 at 9:38 PM EST
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Thursday, 8 January 2004
i take survey!
Your name: Stephanie Rene (Thomas) Martin

Birthday: February 23 1982

Age: 21

Height: 5'8"-ish

eye color: Blue/Green

Locale: Maryland

School: None

Religion: Christian

What are you wearing right now:...a shirt and pants

Orientation: Straight

Have you ever...

Been in love: Still am

Left the country: yeah

Taken any illegal substances: Classified

Gone out in public in your pajamas: Yes

Set any body part on fire for amusement: no...not that i've never thought about it

Kept a secret from everyone: Not really

Actually thrown shoes onto a phone wire: Yno

Had an imaginary friend: when i was like...7

Wanted to hook up with a friend: Yes

Done something stupid to impress your crush: Yes, sadly

Found a cartoon character attractive: Johnny Bravo!

Ever at anytime owned a new kids on the block tape: No

Planned your week based on the tv guide: twice, or thrice, i cant remember

Been in an accident: when hannah ran over me with a bike

Lied: Yes

Cut your hair: does it look like my hair is touching the floor?

Worn a skirt: yup

Worn a tie: i dont know

Been mean: to a person i really really hate

Gone for a walk: yes...

Gone to the movies: its been a while, but yeah

Gone out for dinner: i dont know how to cook!

Felt stupid: Many times

Said "I love you": i do it every day. i love you billy!

Written a paper: yes. i hated most of my english teachers

Taken a test: yes

Written in a journal: isnt this blog like a journal?

Talked to someone you have a crush on: yes

Had a serious talk: Yeah.

Missed someone: yes

Hugged someone: yes. *hugs billy*

Had a nightmare: i dont know, i barely ever remember my dreams

Fought with your parent: never physical

Fought with a friend: Sadly, yes.

Been scared: Yes


Favorite Food: cheez wiz

Favorite Actor: hmm...jim carey? or is it carrey...

Favorite Actress: i think...julia roberts...? o well, theres others.

Favorite Book: Harry Potter! YAY!

Favorite Band: Good Charlotte. duh...

Favorite Album: too many to list

Favorite Tv Program: All things rock

Favorite Movie: NMBC

Soap: cherry?

Lip gloss: anything that lasts more than 10 minutes

Colours: black, purple, blue

Day/night: night. day is when i sleep!

Commercial: california cheeze!

Type of sandwich: pb & j

Coffee or hot chocolate: Hot chocolate.

Hot or cold: cold

Lace or satin: satin

Neve Campbell or Jennifer Love Hewitt: Jennifer Love Hewitt

Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt: billy!

Character on Saved By The Bell: i dont know

Character on 90210: still clueless

Character on the brady bunch: that show bothers me

Wrestler: the only one i know is The Rock

cartoon character: Is Sally from NMBC considered a cartoon character?

Blonde/brunette: both

Luke Skywalker/Han Solo: Luke Skywalker

Die by fire/water: water

Do you have a...

Boyfriend/girlfriend: married

Crush: yes. on billiam!

Best friend: More than one.

Do you rank your speed dial in order of favorites: i dont use speed dial. whats the use if you have the persons number memorized?

Who do you go to for advice: uh...myself?

Who knows all your secrets: me

Who are you jealous of: barbie! that bitch has everything! lol

Who do you cry with: billy?

What is your quote: MY quote? uh...i love billy!

When was the last time you...

Smiled? - a second ago

Laughed? - haha. there

Cried? – hmm...a few weeks

Danced? - in the mirror. to the anthem!!! last weekend

Were sarcastic? - i dont know. im sarcastic a lot

Kissed someone? - *kisses billy* there

Talked to an ex? - i dont know

Watched your favorite movie? - yesterday. its all billy ever watches

Had a nightmare? - i dont remember most of my dreams

Last book you rea? - the hungry catipillar!

Last movie you saw? - The Nightmare Before Christmas

Last song you heard? - bloody valentine. if u dont know who does that song you better get your ass outta here cuz ur a crazy biotch

Last thing you had to drink? - milk (with cookies!)

Last time you showered? - This morning.

Last thing you ate? - a cookie

Wwished upon a star? - when ever i see a shooting star

Laughed until you cried? - the last time billy and i had a cheez wiz fight

Helped a stranger? - i let a lady use my pen at the grocery store yesterday!

Played truth or dare? - i dont like that game

Watched a sunrise/sunset: this morning

Went to the beach at night? - a month ago?

Spent quality time alone? - when i sleep

Read a book for fun? - when i read the hungry catilpillar!

Kissed someone you didn't like? - never have.

Kept a secret told to you? - now...duh...cuz im still keeping it? jeez the person that made this survey was REAL smart...hey theres sarcasm!

Hung out with someone you hated? - Yeah.

Lied to sound good? - i dont know

Did something out of character? - cant remember

Do you believe in...

God/devil: yes

Your friends: yes

Aliens: Yeah.

Love: yes...

Love at first sight: not sure

The closet monster: no. i believe in the boogy man though

One person for everyone: sorta

Psychic powers: sometimes

Government conspiracies: Sure.

That squirrels are evil: squirrels are ok. GOFERS ARE EVIL

That the end of the world is coming: Yeah. in like a billion years

Heaven/hell: Yeah.

Superstitions: yes

How are you feeling right now?: happy

Why are you feeling as you are?: because im happy

Are YOU on prozac?: no

Do you take drugs?: no

Do you dislike people who use drugs?: depends on the person

Do you have any piercings?: ears, belly button

Tattoos?: sally from NMBC

Pet rabbits?: it died when i was like 9

Dogs?: billy's...bunji, sam, cash

Cats?: once again, billy's...nelly, stellar, nelson

What do you fear most in this world?: hate

Do you know HTML?: mostly

Does calling you a nerd insult you?: not really

Do you live with your parents?: i dont have parents any more. :'(

Do you have siblings?: Nope.

If you could do anything, anywhere in the world, at anytime, what would it be? say what?

I see- a computer screen with a really long survey on it

I find– that this survey is annoying

I want- Alex to come sooner

I have– a dog?

I wish- i had more cheez wiz

I hate- avril

I miss- My parents

I fear– violence

I feel- my keyboard

I hear– billy calling my name, hurry i have to go!

I smell– socks...ew

I crave- cookies! and cheez wiz

I search– words in a word search?

I wonder- if alex will be healthy. i hope so!

I regret – um...cant think of anything

Do You...

Smoke? No

Do drugs? no

Have sex? no, alex just started forming in my stomach for no apparent reason.

Sleep with stuffed animals? Yeah.

Live in the moment? Yes

Have a dream that keeps coming back? how many times do i have to tell you?! i dont remember my dreams

Play an instrument? i did play guitar for a while, but i stopped cuz i kept destroying them out of frustration

Believe there is life on other planets? yes. of all the universe, how can there be life on only one planet?

Remember your first love? Yup.

Still love him/her? no

Read the newspaper? every once in a while

Have any gay or lesbian friends? yes

Believe in miracles? yup

Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? yes

Consider yourself tolerant of others? I guess.

Consider love a mistake? no

Like the taste of alcohol? its ok

Have a favorite candy? gummy worms!

Believe in Astrology? Why not.

Believe in magic? yes! harry potter rules!

Believe in God? Sure.

Pray? at times

Go to church? no

have any secrets? yes...but the person reading this probly knows them

Have any pets? proven true, the person that made this survey is a dumbass. 3 cats and 3 dogs

Talk to strangers who instant message you? if theyr nice

Wear hats? sometimes

Hate yourself? at times

Have an obsession? Yeah. cheez wiz

Collect anything? i keep the kisses that billy blows me in a locked ;)

Have a best friend? More than one.

Wish on stars? All the time.

Like your handwriting? its ok.

Have any bad habits? cant think of any

Care about looks? sometimes

Believe in witches? harry potter!

Believe in Satan? Yes.

Believe in ghosts? yes

Believe in Santa? not really...hear that, joel?!

Believe in the Easter Bunny? no

Believe in the Tooth Fairy? no

Have a second family? i dont have a first one, billys family i guess?

Trust others easily? if iv known them for a long time

Like noise? isnt music noise? then yes

Take walks in the rain? dont diss the rain

Kiss with your eyes closed? or else theyr not true!

Sing in the shower? if no one is ther to hear me

Own handcuffs? Nope.

Have any scars? a few

Who do you most want to respond: any body who reads this?

Who will read this but won't respond: people who dont like me?

Posted by scary/stephanie606 at 8:30 PM EST
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still waiting....
...any day now...any day...

mad love, all for billy and alex (STILL WAITING)

Posted by scary/stephanie606 at 6:31 PM EST
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still waiting...
...any day now...

i luv u billy and alex

Posted by scary/stephanie606 at 1:05 AM EST
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Tuesday, 6 January 2004
w0ot w0ot! baby coming soon! VERY soon!
alex should be coming any day now...any day kinda nervous cuz, u kno i havnt been a mommy before but ill try my best. and i KNO billy will too...WONT YOU, maybe i should stop on my see-food diet. get it...i see food...ya watever. i think iv eaten one too many cookies. how will i ever fit in my hip huggers again?! lol. ok. PPL!!! ur all in SERIOUS need of blogging! (most of u at least, *cough*chris!!!*cough* ok i go buh bye. happy sparkles!!

mad love, all for billy and alex. i heart you all! :p

Posted by scary/stephanie606 at 12:39 AM EST
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