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SeCrEt X JuGgAlO: Got Somthing to say?
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO: Be a big man about it
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO: To my face
SkitZo x KinG: lol allright
SkitZo x KinG
: u no i will
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO
: you wont do it
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO: No you wont
SkitZo x KinG: and why not
SkitZo x KinG
: ...
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO
: you wont i know you wont,And if you do your gonna make it out to your lil teenage friends liek O ima step up to Skitzo like your cool and they can watch you get the shit poped out of you
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO: all you are is a big mouth
SkitZo x KinG: hahaha
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO
: who has to stick his nose into other peoples buzness
SkitZo x KinG: i take it theres people around you that ur trying to impress?
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO
: hahah i dont have to impess people
SkitZo x KinG: mmhmm
SkitZo x KinG
: anything else u care to add?
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO
: Took you long enuff.And Nope ya ant worth my time youngin
SkitZo x KinG: lol youngin
SkitZo x KinG
: im 18, its legal to fight me
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO
: sorry about youngin,Teenager
SkitZo x KinG: u were a teenager a couple months ago lol
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO
: a year ago
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO: i grew up from that shit A long ass time ago
SkitZo x KinG: anyways, im done with the cyber thug message board shit, anything else i hafta say, ill IM you, and i suggest u do the same
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO
: See jimmy Unlike you i have a life,A good Gf a good paying job i dont need to be chilling at the malls being stoopid all the time
SkitZo x KinG: lol im banned from the mall, and i work
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO
: werd
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO: I neva had a real problim with you
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO: me mike and jeremy have our constant dissagreements
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO: People who but in make shit worse
SkitZo x KinG: i never had a problem either, but i do have a biiiiiig mouth, but i never say shit that i wont back up, thats 4 real
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO
: i just never really knew you and still dont know you to judge you ,But you seem to know me and you dont to judge me
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO: same here
SkitZo x KinG: and i dont walk around thinkin im tough shit, kuz ive won my share of fights, but ive also lost some, but i never walk away from ym word
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO
: if you know me and chilled with me alot more with the people i do then you would know where im coming from with people makin up shit about me tryin to make them selfs look good
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO: i know what your saying on that one
SkitZo x KinG: but what was that shit about ur g/f that u said, i dont even no ur g/f
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO
: i know
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO: that ws directed to you
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO: Wasent
SkitZo x KinG: oh ok
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO
: that was for jeremy and mike
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO: jermey spent a night down here talkin nothing but shit about mike saying stoopid stuff
SkitZo x KinG: even if thats true, i never heard jeremy talk shit about anyone
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO
: and people who know her know that she is the sweetest thing and never starts shit and is nice to every one
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO: ask your bro he knows her
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO: i know
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO: But
SkitZo x KinG: oh, i no about her tho, i met her at hatchet rizing, but i highly doubt she remembers me
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO
: it comes from every one else that Mike and jeremy do.ME and my gf where sitting in a restarunt eating and mike got ahold of a nextel and 2 wayed my phone saying my gf ws a fat bitch and every one there could here it,I was imbarresed and so was she she was about to break down and cry
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO: Jeremy told her to her face it was mike and jeremy said to mike not to do it leave jess out of it she dident do any thing
SkitZo x KinG: if thats true, then that aint cool
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO
: Thats my only beef with them untill they apploigize to jess
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO: i dont want any one else involled with our beef
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO: iv chilled with you a couple times your cool shit
SkitZo x KinG: i was tryin to jump into your beef with them, i was just sayin shit for myself
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO
: yea i understand that,But like i said man People make up shit about other people to make them selevs look better
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO: not saying you
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO: but jeremy
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO: i got on tape of me picking him up and throwing him across my room when we got into a fight at my apt
SkitZo x KinG: lol
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO
: He knows how i get when i blwo up
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO: but jimmy man
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO: I am sorry for saying that shit i do not know you that good to be saying any of it
SkitZo x KinG: word, same here
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO
: its internet shit its stooped
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO: i wanna be able to chill with you and every one else at shows,I have and would love to have the good times at shows
SkitZo x KinG: yea
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO
: but we both know this shit ahppins
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO: happins
SkitZo x KinG: i gut respect for u, we were able to resolve this peacefully and without anyone backin down
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO
: yes we where
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO: and you gained 100% of trust for you
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO: for talkin and resolving this
SkitZo x KinG: well i was gunan cyber fight u lol ::punch::
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO
: aight im gettin on the board and saying that we worled it out and how this was pintless
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO: pointless
SkitZo x KinG: word
SkitZo x KinG
: tell me that wouldnt have been a good fight tho lol
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO
: it would have
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO: we both are short and boney
SkitZo x KinG: lol yea
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO
: we would have never stoped
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO: haha just kept on going and going
SkitZo x KinG: till peopel broke it up
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO
: yea
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO: ok im off to bed i just got back from bills keg stands killed me
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO: peesh foo
SkitZo x KinG: peace
SeCrEt X JuGgAlO signed off at 2:10:04 AM