Silent Wisdom

Silent Wisdom ... Sa Belet Ersetim Ki'Am Parsusa ...


From childhood's hour I have not been
As others were; I have not seen
As others saw; I could not bring
My passions from a common spring.
From the same source I have not taken
My sorrow; I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone;
And all I loved, I loved alone.

-Edgar Allen Poe

welcome to my world

Listen to my original music


stuff I drew

I'm an Atheist


The Patriot Act and Star Wars?


other sites to go to

wish list

My vampirefreaks

my xanga

Demented Playhouse (old schoo shiznit)

Senior prom pictures

Who am I?


[July 3]

Added my Soundclick page. Please go and listen to my original music. :) Tell me what you think.

[June 13]

Added a page in which I compare the Patriot Act to Star Wars.

[June 7]

Added a page about Atheism and my convictions on the subject.

[May 24]

Senior prom pictures are up. Fun stuff. Also, took down the link for my band, due to the fact it slowly fell apart member by member.

[April 16]

Added pictures from the Iron Maiden vs. Judas Priest tribute show. Thanks to Becky.

[April 1]

Fixed up the picture page, added some stuff. Also added my myspace link.

[March 29]

Added Elizabeth Bathory to the Vampire page. Delightful.

[March 21]

Changed my quote mabob at the top. I also feel the desire to note my new love of the band Nightwish.

[Jan. 8]

Added some random pictures. woop. Also put the link to my Vampirefreaks up.

[Dec. 20]

Just added some more king diamond pictures that Chrissy took.

[Dec. 19]

I'm adding some pictures from the Kind Diamond Tribute my friend Becky was so kind as to take.

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