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My Page to Kevin

What I love about you!

Kevin, I made this page to show you my appreciation for letting me close to your heart. I had a good time making the pictures. A little Malibu and Pineapple juice, a little buzz, and a computer are dangerous things. Enjoy and hope this brings a smile to your face.

Gemini & Leo Both appreciate extravagance, dazzle, and glitter; the Air of one feeds the Fire of the other. Leo's idea of love is grandiose, and Gemini will be fascinated by the attentiveness of his partner. His (or her) curiosity is never satisfied, and the Leo is full of surprises. A helpful hint to the Gemini: be careful of the Leo's pride; don't arouse his or her ire. Helpful hints to the Leo: rein in your possessiveness, because the Gemini wants to be as free as Air. If these prerogatives are respected, love will be colorful and joyful. Some quotes I have lived by.

My Favorite Web Sites

This is us if we lived in the 60's
This is us in Early France
I always thought you would be a pretty woman!
Did you know I was a bullfighter?
Kevin Claus
Us on a roller coaster! LMAO
Look at our bods!!!
Us and pyramids...I'm a cute redhead!
You boxing!
FUNNY ONE! i look like a porn star!
Write me some poetry!
Fighter pilot Kevin
The awesome Kevin
Us in Russia! (CUTE redhead!)
