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Roleplay Number - 62

Roleplay Name - Murder Murder yes indeed!

Word Count - 3010

- Made Ghoulish -

- Scooter Boi - D.N.A -


The Ghoul win/Loss record - 009/002/000

Eric 1313 win/loess record - 009/005/000 /

Wednesday 13 win/loss record 007/000/000

Regan Davis win/loss record - 002/001/000

Murderpie win/loss record - 003/000/000

Titles -Undisputed Tag Team Champions (The Ghoul and Eric 1313),Mid-Atlantic Junior Heavyweight Championship(Eric 1313) Womans Champion (Regan Davis)

Forword -


Scene one -

Cameras go a apartment home, the home is of course that of 3 members of Murderpie, black surounds the inner rooms, and beer cans are lined along the kitcen top, all open all empty. Cameras show the kitchen area, the TV can be heared to be playing.

Woman on TV - No you can't do that to heather!

Man on TV - It is important for the survival of the british nation that this happens. Its Survival.

Woman on TV - She is still a child.....

Man on TV - It doesn't matter we have to survive and make a ftuture.

Cameras now go onto the living room and show the TV, it is of couse 28 days later, that Regan, The Ghoul and Eric 1313 are watching - a Zombie Film set in England - The TV shows a woman and a Teenage girl being Man Hnadled by soldiers, stripping the woman to her bra wanting her to put on a sexy red dress.

Woman on TV - Look we are happy to dress up so you can get some fucking pussy but it is polite to let us dress alone!

The soldiers walk out the room, the woman runs over to her bag and pulls out some tablets.

Regan - Man this bit kicks ass!

Woman on TV - Heather take these.

The woman shuves some tablets down her neck.

Heather on TV - Serina are you trying to kill me?

Woman on TV - No sweetie i'm making you not care.,

Regan - I never got that, althought if it did happen to some-one else I would pray that they got some tablets to make them high.

The Ghoul - It can't hurt that much!

Regan Smacks The Ghoul around the face, Eric laughs and she smacks him round the face. Both run thie side of thier face.

Regan - I tell you what how would you feel if a chopped your cocks off with a hatchett? Huh that would be painful right? Well let me explain somthing to you, yes it does hurt alot and you wanna get high. But I had it worse then most people I mean mine was like a Dutch Porno video... without the cylicone. I was 13 and i had four Guys wanting to fuck me at the same time.

The Ghoul remains silent.

Eric 1313 - I dont think he ment to say that, I think he ment the whole first time thing.....

Regan - It still hurts DAMN IT!

Regab watches the TV some more. After a short while Eric 1313 picks up his car keys and walks out the house.

The Ghoul - It hurts that much?

Regan - Yeah!

The Ghoul - Really?

Regan - Yeah!

The Ghoul - I thought most girl broke thier self in? They never moaned when i did em!

Regan - Do you really think thier gonna sit thier and cry thier eyes out with a guy on the end? Ya know what you wanna know what it feels like? How about I go buy a dildo and then shuve it in your ass hole? Thats what it damn feels like!

The Ghoul thinks and then gives a face the looks in pain! Cameras fade.

Scene Two -

Cameras go to MWA parking lot, a black van pulls up. Eric 1313 steps out and some stuff out of the back he walks through the backstage area but is stoped my Tammy. She seems to be pretty Flirtatiouc tawards him, in a funny telling way.

Tammy - Hey Eric you got a moment?

Eric - Sure Tammy.

Tammy pulls Eric into a room, camersd go up to the door and listen in.

Tammy - Look I need your help.

Eric 1313 - Hey thats cool what ever.

Tammy - Ya see I got this problem, and i'm pretty ebarassed.

Eric 1313 - Ok...

Tammy - And I thought with you like being all drag queenie, you may understand my girlie feelings..

Eric 1313 - Are you.. are you calling me a Homosexual? Cause I dont wanna hear it, why don't you take your fucking problem and shuve it up your ass!

Eric storms out. Cameras go to the ring.

King - I wanna know what Tammy problem is?

Styles - Maybe her breasts are dteriating.......?

Murderpie by FDQ blares around the arena, fans every were get to thier feet and wait for a Murderpie member to stand at the top of the ramp. The lights dim as Welcome to the jungle by Guns N Roses blares around the arena, fans look confused as a Axl Rose looks alike walks down the ramp. He enters the ring and takes a mic.

Axl Rose looks alike - Hey Ghoulscouts, can you guess who it is yet, thats right your truely Eric 1313. Now you ask why is he dressed like Axl Rose, he a fucking idio right. Well my meathod is I have to face a idiot on Thursday and I thought I would blend in. Now I know that Axl Rose is great musician but thiers only Axl and Fed Durst that can call off a show a minuit before he goes on stage. I'm sorry but that did it for me, that pissed me off. I was part of that Crowed Damn it, I went half way across thre world for Fuck all! Any way Thursday I gotta face 'Too Hot' Jeff Rodgers. Now like I did Jeff is gonna come to Prime time for no reason at all. He's gonna lose and leave empty handed cause I am and still will be the MWA Mid-Atlantic Junior champ on Friday morning in the words of Kurt Angle its true its damnm true. Now I am just Curious but I wanna know why Jeff Rodgers calls him self 'Too Hot' I know I gotta reason to call my self Eric with 1313 on the end. Its cause I like The Munsters and they love on 1313 mockingbird lane. Thatswere my name comes from, but thier is ntohing hot about Jeff Rodgers. If he was part of Murderpie I could understant cause out pies are baked in hell and believe you me its rather hot down thier. Infact you have to wear silver body suits to reflect the heat, its crazie it is. Any way I suppose Jeff is gonna get his hairy lilly ass down here and sit down and say, Eric dude your in my way of gold. And I am bad when it comes to gold cause I fuck ym own sister and I enjoy it. Ya know I hear that alot not in this fed cause I have never really had to defend this title here. But like in other feds Murderpie was huge, and every one hated us that worked in the fed and its kinda getting like that here, when people hate you but the fans love you, you know you doing great cause your annoying people like were annoying Viper. Back to my point loads of people say your in my way and 90 percent of time they lose and get thier ass turned from one colour to another colour. And then a few weeks down the line its goes back to the normal colour and then a few weeks later they get another title shot and it happens all over again. Ya wanna know another reason why I came dressed as Axl Rose? In the 80's every one who was anyone liked Axl Rose, and then when his stupidity came out people started to ahte him, even his band members I mean slash couldn't cope, even some of his fans turned on him. But the thing is Axl has alot of good Talent like Jeff Rodgers but he nearlly blew his big chanse by being a ass hole, not that remindes me alot of Jeff Rodgers cause if he comes out and says that he can get this title then he is truely a idiot!

Fans cheer

Eric 1313 - Ya know this wig itches liek hell, Man how doe cher cope? What you can't expect me to believe its her hair when you can buy so many wigs with exatcly the same hair style!

Fans cheer

Eric 1313 - MURDER MURDER, YES INDEED, K.I.L.L.I.N.G, MURDER MURDER YES INDEED, K.I.L.L.I.N.G!....... Oh sorry Ghoulscouts I have this problem were I can like pick words up that people are gonna say, like this joey Styles on thrusday the 20th, aa its on my match and its cause I just kicked some Ass, wow! This Rocks. I have another gift if I kick the table I can speak to spirits! Although not the spirits you would think. Any way it looks like even the future says that thier will not be a ew champion on Thursday aint that mazing!

Eric takes off his wig and rips his Axl Vlothes to show his black Bondage Pants and fishnet vest. He looks up to the ramp as some Roady type people strugle to bring some Music boxers, and Guitars and Drums down to the ring, The fans scream.

Eric 1313 - Now you didn't think that I would leave you here tonight without saying good bye did ya? Why the rest of Murderpie Ghouls have not come out and said hey how can I say bye? Jyst cause some people are lazey and have no social life doesn't mean I am the same.

One all the stuff is in place, The other 3 members of Murderpie make thier way to the ring via the crowed, Eric takes his Bass Guitar which is leaning aginst the turn buckle he plays a few chords and then tunes it in. Regan does the same as The Ghoul does a sound check on his drum kit.

Wednesday 13 - Good Evening Dover, how are the Ghoulscouts of Dover doing, I hope you say that your all rotting in hell Mother Fuckers! Now I brought my good old friend the Rocking Chicken along today, now if you don't rock hard enough then he's gonna be in one bad ass mood, so do me a favour and put him in a rocking mood Ghouls! I also brought along my good old friend the Murderpie gun, if you rock hard enough I may shoot you! Its depends if your lucky, now lets start this thing Ghoulscouts get your Devil Horns in the Fucking hair and jump for me. I know its aays no Jumping on the walls but rules are made to be broke.

A army of hands go in the air, and the fans jump.

Wednesday 13 - Paranormal chicken geek, Drugged-up superstar fiend, Genderbending galactic freak, Sci-fi lobotomy. Exorcism, circumcision, Horrifying gruesome scene, Bloodsuckers, a motherfucking, Brain dead neurotic fiend.

Sick, get sick on this, You motherfuckers make me Wanna slit my wrist, Sick, so sick of this, I wanna slit my wrist

A basketcase, stitched-up face, Be all you can be, Chiller, killer, monster thriller
Trigger-happy zombie.
Radiation, masturbation, Infect the other human beings, Supersonic, chronic vomit
Barbed wire cock ring.

Sick, get sick on this, You motherfuckers make me Wanna slit my wrist, Sick, so sick of this, I wanna slit my wrist

(Lead: Regan)

Murder, murder, yes indeed
K. I. L. L. I. N. G.
Murder, murder, yes indeed
K. I. L. L. I. N. G.

Sick, get sick on this, You motherfuckers make me Wanna slit my wrist, Sick, so sick of this, I wanna slit my wrist.

Fans cheer.

Wednesday 13 - That was called Slit My Wrists, along time ago I was told to do somthing, and I didn't do it and some times I wished I had, the person that told me to do was the devil on my rigth shoulder and the devil on my left shoulder. This song is called 'The Devil made me do it'

Mom and Dad, I'm not sorry, For putting bullets in your body, One day I hope you'll understand
That I did it for the man, yeah!
Well he came up to me, He said kill you mom and dad, He said it's time to be a man
And fill 'em full of lead and now,

the devil made me do it and I'll do it again, the devil made me do it and I'll do it again, the devil made me do it and I'll do it again,the devil made me do it and I'll do it again!

Mom and Dad you're beautiful, With bullet holes in you skull, And red looks good on you two
Goodbye, good riddance, I hate you.
It was a really simple plan, Go in and kill mom and dad, There's just one lesson to be learned
You fuck with me, you'll sleep with worms.

the devil made me do it and I'll do it again,the devil made me do it and I'll do it again,the devil made me do it and I'll do it again,the devil made me do it and I'll do it again.

Mom and Dad, I'm not sorry, For dismembering your bodies, In fact it was a dream come true, To have the honor to kill you.
I hope you're both doing fine, With your god up in the sky, Well me, I'm doing well, In the luxories of hell.

the devil made me do it and I'll do it again, the devil made me do it and I'll do it again.the devil made me do it and I'll do it again!

Fans cheer.

Wednesday 13 - We are Murderpie and this is the time when we go backstage and you go home!

They walk backstage, Cameras fade to Commercial break. After the Break cameras go to Tammy who is nervously waiting for somthing or some-one. Murderpie walk past Eric stops as evryone else crrys on walking.

Tammy - Hey er great performance out thier.

Eric - Thanx.

Tammy - Ya know I didn't mean it to sound the wait, its just you seem to be a listner and well I need listning too.

Eric 1313 - alright but you better hurry cause were going out 2nite were gonna have a laughs tonight!

Tammy - Its liek this, I havn't doen .... it for a while and...

Eric 1313 - It?

Tammy - It?

Eric 1313 - Oh it right ok.

Tammy - Well I need it like pretty soon...

Eric 1313 - Ohh roight I get ya, your a deprived bitch right?

Tammy - Yeah, I mean your single right?

Eric - Yeah. were is this........ Waho me and you? You and me? Looks ok your a pretty girl and everything and normaly I would love too....

Tammy - Great!

Eric 1313 - But I dont' want too. Ya see I like my woman to not melt half way through, I wan't a woman that will drown with me if were on a sinking boat, and well you'll probably float me to safety!

Tammy - I see.

Eric 1313 - But i'm sure if you visit Jeff Rodgers he can help you out, I mean if he can screw his sister yes somthing as ugly as that I'm sure he can screw you! Sorry.

Eric walks off. Cameras fade.


A few Hours later cameras show eric visiting a house with a boguet of flowers, he knocks on the door and waits for a answer, thier is noa answer. seeing that the Tv is on and the dog is barking wildly, he opens the door to see a woman of about 50 sitting in a chair, crying, looking at a note.

Eric 1313 - Hey Mom, you ok?

The woman wipes some snot from her nose.

Erics Mom - I'm Fine eric Honestly.

Eric - Er no your not, whats wrong?

She hands him a note, he reads it though and then screws it up and throws it on the floor.

Erics Mom - I'm actualy glad he left me cause......

Erics - Mom why is your arm bruised!

Erics mom - Oh I fell down the stairs that all.

Eric - Mom I heared that one the time before and the time before that!

Erics mom - Clumsy ol me!

Eric looks at his mom and then at the letter.

Eric - So do you know this woman that he ran off with?

Erics mom - It was his secretary....... a young girl only about 20.

Eric again looks away.

Eric - Mom why do you always pick the wrong guy? Ya know why dad was ill you were so strong I was rebeeling you even got through that, you should have a damn good bloke for wht you'v put up with!

Erics Mom - Yeah well ya see Eric, don't take this the wrong way but most guys are shit scared of comitment. Its just the way it is.

Eric looks to the floor.

Eric - Were not all like it mom.

Erics mom sighs.

Erics Mom - Well I'm glad he's gonne I can now get a dog, dogs are alot more faithful. I am also glad he's gonne I mean no more trips to the hospital every now and then and.......

Eric - what...?

Erics Mom - I ... I... I....

Eric - Its kinda strange that you've become very clumsy while you were with him? Mom are you hiding somthing.

Erics mom stares at eric.

Eric - I'm gonna kick his hairy Ass! Weres he at?

Erics Mom - Eric!

Eric - Weres he at?

Cameras fade.