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Researching Indiana Paranormal

Researching Indiana Paranormal is a non profit organization involved in the research and the investigation of the paranormal. We will conduct these investigations free of charge for persons that feel they may have paranormal activity taking place in their home, building or on their property. 

We promise to be professional and confidential in every case we investigate. We bring various types of evidence collecting equipment into your home or business to capture what phenomena may exist. Any evidence we may obtain will be held in the strictest of confidence. Usually, we prefer to conduct our investigations at night. After we go over the evidence we have collected, we will return and share that evidence with you. We will then assist you in deciding what your next step may be. You are welcome to copies of any evidence we are able to capture. 

When we investigate a place for paranormal activity, we do not go in thinking we have a ghost to prove exists, instead, we attempt to prove one does not exist. Rather, we try to find explainable causes for the phenomena that is being experienced.  Finally, when we have evidence that cannot be explained, In the words of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ... "Eliminate the impossible and whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." 

The American Ghost Society is a national network of ghost hunters and researchers who conduct investigations into the paranormal in a non-metaphysical manner. One of our main goals is to seek out allegedly haunted locations and to assist those who are experiencing problems with the paranormal. The group members then look for authentic evidence of the paranormal and try to determine if the location is haunted. We are seeking genuine evidence and are careful about the presentation of this evidence... insuring that it is legitimate, researched and analyzed before being presented to the general public.

 The credibility of the group is maintained above all else as we do not work with psychics or conduct investigations using metaphysical methods.  We are not "Ghost Busters", but when a case does prove to be genuine, assistance through other channels may be provided at the location owner's request.

In addition, we do not claim to be experts in the paranormal, as no experts exist when it comes to the supernatural, no matter what anyone may claim or who may claim to be one. We are instead working to present an image of competent researchers who are collecting the most authentic evidence possible. Investigations conducted under the auspices of the American Ghost Society are always held to the standards of the group and are conducted with integrity, honesty and with discretion.



In the event you would like to contact us about paranormal activity you are experiencing, please e-mail us at giving a complete description of what you are experiencing. Also, provide us with a phone number and a  R.I.P. member will contact you. After the initial contact, we will decide if this may be an authentic situation where you could benefit from our help and we will call you back to arrange a time and date to conduct our investigation.  Furthermore, if you are interested in joining our group or conducting investigations with us, please e-mail us.