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King Tigers - we LOVE EM

The REAL GrossDachshund Division


T34/76 Best Tank of WW2


Welcome to the REAL Gross Dachshund Division.

The REAL Grossdachshund clan are a World War 2 gaming team, dedicated to fighting DICKtators everywhere - oh - and throwing ourselves on hand grenades. We splintered from the hated UberDickCheeseFuhrer of The GrossDachshund Division aka Doctor Jeep in November 2002 due to his megalomaniacal tendencies and his inability to communicate without inserting a rather large knife into your back at the same time. RGD stands for true gaming values, where all clan members are equal and a democratic system of fairness to all reigns. RGD stands for the initial values of Grossdachshund - Gaming, Spamming and having a laugh online - values which, sadly, the original (and still the worst) Grossdachshund clan now fail at miserably. Our team of highly trained operatives can be found playing SSF, SS2, MOHAA and any other WW2 -based game you can imagine - 24/7!

You can find our members out there playing Sudden Strike, Sudden Strike 2, Blitzkrieg, Medal of Honour, Wolfenstein, and (more probably) looking at dubious websites appertaining to Donkey Porn ;)



RGD - The UK's SPAMMIEST WW2 Gaming Clan Present....


Sudden Strike Forever Multiplayer Strategy Guide

Are you SHITE at SSF? Do you keep getting TRASHED when you play online? Are you a NOOBS who needs all the Goddam Help he can Get? Look no further my son - RGD's SSF Multiplayer Survival Guide is all you need....

Sudden Strike Forever Maps Archive

For all the SSF Multiplayer maps you will ever need - reviewed and rated by the RGD experts!

Railwayman's Good Beer Guide 2003

There really is NOTHING like a delicious cool beer to drink as you annihilate your opponents - Our resident expert RGD Railwayman pints (sic) you in the right direction for your vittles....



Posted by Sick Puppy


2nd June 2003

The new material continues to be spewed forth from the RGD HQ Bunker! Check out our latest page from the indominatable Octogenarian RGD Railwayman! His Good Beer Guide is now available for your viewing pleasure. Rail has over 300 years of experience in the subject and is our resident expert on all things alcoholic - unlike RGD Major Clanger who just is alcoholic :)

On a sadder note RGD Failed to beat BEST clan in the league last night - Unlucky lads - and well played BEST.

29th May 2003

Another page added today - check out the RGD Sudden Strike Forever Maps Page for some of the finest multiplayer maps currently available. Download em to avoid that crappy map download wait in-game and try them out against some piggies. More coming soon!

Look out in the near future for the RGD HALL OF HORRORS - disgusting pictures of the stinking RGD clan in all their not very gloriousness!

27th May 2003

Just a quickie - our first feature page is up and running - take a look at our Sudden Strike Forever Strategy Guide - a must for all NOOBS and those of you out there who REALLY SUCK AT SSF! Have a look at the tippety-topermost tips from RGD's finest SSF players - it could change your game and make you a winner - or we could just be spouting BOLLOCKS - you decide...

24th May 2003

Whoah - a MASSIVE 12 HITS so far and we aint even been up a week yet!!! The last few days have seen RGD players practising like F**K on the Clan League Map to hone their skills for this Sunday's match against DD Clan (our favourite Bra Size too!). Aside from this BLITZKRIEG is at last released in the UK! It's a marvellous 3D RTS which is obviously derived from Sudden Strike Forever and Sudden Strike 2 - although thankfully the gameplay is geared more towards Forever. At 1027 X 768 Resolution it looks BLOODY GORGEOUS - even better at 1600 X 1200 - the tanks are finely detailed and the scenery and battlefield are stunning. Your Shermans leave tank tracks on the ground as they charge into battle and you can even see the smoke billowing from the cannon barrels as they fire. First impressions of gameplay are good - the single player game is excellent with an impressive array of units to be upgraded in bonus missions and experience being gained as your units advance through the scenarios. Just as in Sudden Strike 2 certain units like the JagdPanther and Ferdinand are insanely hard to kill with anything other than a shot to the rear bouncing off their armour. We like a bit of realism though - bear in mind General Omar Bradley's words: "If your up against a Tiger send 10 Shermans to beat it - and expect 9 of them to never come back..."

Haven't had much chance to try out the Multiplayer side of the game yet but if it's as good as SSF we'll be MORE THAN HAPPY! Look out for definitive reviews, tips and downloads for all RGD's favourite games COMING SOON!

On a slightly more downbeat note PAINMASTER has been crying into his TENNANTS this week as Celtic crashed out of the UEFA Cup Final beaten 3-2 by FC Porto. Our resident CULTURE VULTURE and all-round NICE-GUY was gutted bless im - If you come across him in game DON'T MENTION THE PORTUGUESE!!!! Your likely to get a virtual Fat Lip.



19th May 2003

RGD Website now online - Many areas under construction due to pilfering of pages from GD and subsequent Decontamination procedures. Keep your eyes peeled for the updated features of our site - COMING SOON!



These dudes are the most ornery, low down, highly skilled Spammers you will ever meet - APPROACH WITH CAUTION!

Name                                  Position                              Speciality

RGD Major Clanger                   Recruitment                              Drinking Vodka

RGD VonEselSchwanz              SS2 Manager                             Pain's Mama

RGD Sick Puppy                         Tactical Officer                          Sheep

RGD RAILWAYMAN                   Propaganda                               Beer

RGD Toe                                     Morale Officer                           Star Trek

RGD Mr Cheese                         "69"                                            SSF Wizard

RGD Painmaster                       Culture Secretary                     Esel's Mama

RGD Haggisman                        Doggy Style                               Conversation

RGD Haunted Mind                   Foreign Relations                      SSF Genius



At the time of writing a FURIOUS DEBATE is being raged at RGD HQ - The High Command has deemed it necessary to change the name of the clan (as we feel ANY ASSOCIATION with the spuriously unattractive GD Clan is HIGHLY INAPPROPRIATE). The twisted mind of a certain VonEselSchwanz is mulling over possibilities as you read this - OMG! Odds on the new name will be WITTY, with more that a little PIZZAZZ, and also HIGHLY OFFENSIVE! Cool.



As of Sunday 18th May RGD have gloriously won 4 out of 12 League games - most notably a STUNNING victory over the PUNY GD CLAN Muahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! You can find us practising FURIOUSLY on the League Map most nights (Even though there is F**K All Chance of us getting in to the top half of the table!) Point Your Browser at WWW.UKSTRIKE.CO.UK/ for details of the SSF Clan League (And P**S Yourself Laughing because GD haven't won a game yet!).

BEER AND FIGHTING - The only two things worth bothering with!


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