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TITLE: Some Kind of Heaven (11/22)
AUTHOR: Elizabeth (
PAIRING: Viggo Mortensen/Orlando Bloom
SUMMARY: Rendezvous in New Zealand (Viggo's POV)
FEEDBACK: It's a giddy little thrill at a reasonable price
DISCLAIMER: This story is solely a product of my twisted imagination
ARCHIVE: BTF, LBES, Lothlorien, my site; all others please ask, but I'll surely say yes
AUTHOR'S NOTES: This chapter was partially inspired by Orli's quote in the 'Premiere' article about Viggo: [during reshoots] "I flew over just to visit Viggo."
DATE WRITTEN: July 13th, 2003

"That was *really* cool," Henry tells me with a grin as I dismount Brego after a long afternoon of riding across Middle Earth.  Pete's decided to film Aragorn's journey to Helm's Deep after waking up on the shores of the river, so that meant my day consisted of being made suitably dirty and pretending to be exhausted as I rode a horse in front of a camera.

"Cool, huh?" I ask with a grin of my own as we walk back to my trailer.  "So you think your dad's cool?"

"I didn't say *that*.  Aragorn is cool -- you're just kind of weird."

"Thank you so much, son," I say dryly.  "Do you want your allowance this month or not?"

"Jeez, I'm just kidding," he laughs, bumping my body affectionately with his shoulder.  "And besides, you're the good kind of weird.  You have to be doing something right to have Orli, anyway."

"Oh?  And why is that?"

"Cuz he's totally cool.  And he chose *you* out of all the thousands of offers he probably gets."

"What's that even supposed to mean?" I ask.

Henry shrugs.  "I don't know.  Just that Orli rocks and you guys somehow work together."

"Okay then."  I decide to let the conversation end there, not wanting to know what other strange things my son is thinking of saying.  But did he have to mention Orli in the first place?  Because I really miss him, and it's very odd to be in full Aragorn regalia and not have my beloved Prince of Mirkwood around.

"Viggo, Henry!"  I turn around to see Pete jogging to catch up with us.  "Listen, we're going to have a little get-together at my house tonight.  Will the two of you drop by?  Everyone will be there."

"Sounds great," I tell him.

"Perfect.  Come by around six or so."  He smiles.  "Oh, and Viggo?"


"Take a shower."


"Is it too much to ask for you to put away that infernal camera for one night?" Andy teases as I snap a picture of him.  A bunch of us have gathered at Pete and Fran's house to eat dinner, and are now lounging around the living room with dessert.  Ian is also here, as are Liv, Lij, and Sean.  But there's no Orli.

"Keep dreaming," Henry tells him.  "He never puts it away.  But consider yourself lucky -- there's an entire library of embarrassing pictures from my childhood."

"You call them embarrassing, I call them adorable," I shrug.  "Same difference."

"Not really, Dad.  I mean, God only knows why you needed to take *four* pictures of my face covered in spaghetti sauce."

"Hey, those pictures will come in very handy when you start bringing girlfriends around," I inform my son.

"You wouldn't," he says, his eyes widening in mock horror.

"No, I wouldn't," I agree.  "But just keep in mind that I have those pictures the next time you make fun of me."

"That's fine," Henry says cheerfully.  "I have plenty of blackmail material on you, too."

"Care to share it?" Liv asks with a grin.

"I'm waiting until just the right moment."

"Henry Blake, need I remind you that I'm fully empowered to cut you off from all video games?" I warn him.

"Yeah, like that threat holds any water," my son scoffs.  "Anyway, if you did that, I'd just go over to Exene's and play video games there."

"Ah, PlayStation, PlayStation," Lij sighs.  "Wherefore art thou PlayStation?"

"What?" Sean asks, and we all look quizzically at our demented Ringbearer.

"Um, I was just talking out my ass.  Sorry," Lij says, blushing.

"It's perfectly alright, Elijah," Fran chuckles.  "We've learned not to pay attention to anything you say."

Before Lij can let out his customary yelp of indignance, the doorbell rings.  "Expecting company?" Ian asks Pete with an arched eyebrow.

"As a matter of fact, yes," Pete says as he stands up and walks to the door.  "Coming!" he calls as the doorbell rings again.  "Impatient idiot."

We're all turned towards the doorway with curiosity, and my heart skips a beat when Pete opens the door.  Standing there is . . . Orli?  Before I can evaluate whether or not it's a good idea, I'm laughing like a little kid and running to the door, enveloping my boyfriend in a crushing embrace.  He laughs too, and hugs me back.

"What are you doing here?" I exclaim, pulling back to get a good look at him.  I brush a curious hand over the beard he's sporting for his newest role.

"I'm here to see you," he says with a roll of his eyes and an infectious grin.

"But you said you had to film.  I don't understand."

"I lied," he laughs.  "I wanted to surprise you, and it looks like it worked."

"It sure did."

"Now where's my kiss?"

I laugh and give him a kiss, promptly hearing the click of my camera.  Orli chuckles against my lips, and we pull back and turn around to meet the faces of our grinning friends.  Andy holds my camera with a look of smug satisfaction on his face.  "Thank you all for keeping this quiet," Orli tells them.

"You guys all knew?" I demand.

"Well, Orli called me about two weeks ago and said he wanted to surprise you," Pete explains.  "Then he called Henry, and I called everyone else so that you'd be the only one shocked when he arrived."

"And it was worth it," Sean says.  "You were absolutely adorable just now, Viggo."

"Um, thanks."  I blush and drop my arm so I can put it around Orli's waist.

"And I captured that kiss for posterity," Andy tells us with a wink.  "I had to get you back somehow for taking all those pictures of us over the past few years."

"Fair enough," I say.

"Enough mushy stuff," Henry decrees.  "Orli, get your bony elf ass over here and give me a hug."


"I still can't believe you're here," I murmur, letting my hand wander through Orli's hair.

"Believe it," he laughs, shifting even closer to me on the sofa.  We're still at Pete's house, although the party is starting to break up.  Ian, Andy, and Sean have already left, and Liv looks like she's about ready to call it a night.  "I missed you, Vig."

"Missed you, too."  I kiss his forehead.

"So," Henry says as he sits down next to me on my other side.  "Do you guys want me to stay somewhere else tonight? You know, give you a little 'alone time'?"  He actually winks as he says this.

"Uh . . . well . . ."  I can feel myself blushing all the way to my ears.

"Would you mind?" Orli asks, looking similarly flustered.

"Of course not," my son says with a smile.  "Hey, Liv?"


"Can I stay with you tonight so I can give Dad and Orli some space?"

Liv laughs musically.  "That's a sweet thought, but I only have one bed."

"That's no problem," Henry tells her with a wicked grin.

"I don't think so, Henry," she says, still laughing a little.  "My fiance wouldn't like that very much."

"I wouldn't do anything," he says, affecting a frighteningly innocent expression.  "Scouts' honor."

"You were never a scout," I remind him.

"Okay, well maybe I'd sneak a kiss," he amends.

Liv is cracking up at this point.  "Sorry Henry, but I don't think I'll be giving you a kiss anytime soon.  No offense."

"What, I'm not good enough for you?  Does Liv Tyler only kiss one Mortensen?"  Now we're all laughing.

"The only reason I kissed your dad is because Pete told me to," she explains.  "If I really tried anything, Orli would kick my butt."

"Exactly," Orli says.

"Fine," Henry grumbles.  "Lij, I'm staying in your hotel room tonight," he announces.

"Cool.  We'll play video games all night long," Lij says with a grin.

"You sure you don't mind?" Henry asks, grinning as well.  Those two are pure mischief when they hang out together.

"Of course not.  After all, I know how loud your dad and Orli can get."

"Elijah!" I yell.

"Way too much information," Henry says, making a gagging sound.

"Well, it's really Orli who's the loud one," Lij clarifies helpfully.

"Elijah!"  This time, it's Orli who yells at him.

"Should I just leave now and take Henry with me?" our hobbit friend asks, looking slightly terrified and very embarrassed.

"That would be nice," I say, avoiding any kind of eye contact with my son.

"Bye, Dad," Henry laughs, giving me a hug and doing the same for Orli.  "Don't break the bed."

I slump against the couch in mortification as Henry and Lij leave.  "Okay, kill me now," I implore.

"It could be worse," Fran laughs.  "He could know about the roleplaying."


"Did you miss me?" Orli asks with an impish grin as he watches me brush my teeth.

"Very much," I say after rinsing out my mouth.  "You have no idea how happy I am that you're here."

"For three whole days," he tells me, wrapping me in a hug.

"Feels so good to hold you again," I murmur against his neck.

"Mmm, you too.  Hey, what do you think about the beard?  Like it?"

"You always look perfect," I say, pulling back a bit to run my fingers over the unfamiliar fuzziness.

"Really?  I don't remind you of Gimli?"

"Not at all," I laugh.  "As long as you don't start braiding it and chasing people with axes."

"I'll keep that in mind."  Orli's grin softens, and he leans in for a long, slow kiss.  No, that's not good enough.  Need, want, now.  I carelessly thrust my tongue into his mouth and slide my hands down to grip his ass as I grind against him.  "Oh, God," he gasps, pulling his mouth from mine and rolling his hips against me.

"I'm flattered, but that's not entirely accurate," I tell him, licking a trail down his neck.

"You know what I mean," he laughs, bringing my mouth back up to his for a searing kiss.  We break contact only to slide his sweater off; since I had been getting ready for bed, I'm only wearing my boxers, which seems to make Orli very happy.  My hands fumble with the fly on his jeans, and I curse my clumsy fingers.  "Calm down," he chuckles.  He pulls away briefly to get undressed, and my mouth goes dry as I look at him naked.  Gorgeous.  Absolutely gorgeous.

A wicked glint enters his eyes, and I shiver in anticipation.  I know that look.  I like that look.  He pushes me back against the wall of the bathroom, and before I can protest about moving this into the bedroom, Orli drops to his knees and pushes my boxers down to my ankles.  I let out a soft moan as he looks up at me and licks his lips.  Devious little minx.  Wait, let me revise that: devious little *bearded* minx.

"Do you want this?" Ah, my Orli.  A tease to the very last.

"Yes," I choke out.

"Good.  So do I."  With that, he bestows an almost-chaste kiss on the head of my cock before sliding it into his mouth.  I groan at the familiar feeling of Orli's mouth, and then ball my hands into fists as he relaxes his throat to take me all the way in; strong hands curl around my hips, and it's clear that he's in charge here.  It's always so tempting to let go and start thrusting whenever he sucks me, but I decide to let him set the pace tonight.

His eyes never leave mine as he begins a maddeningly slow rhythm of moving his mouth up and down my erection, sucking as he goes so he can envelop me in deliciously wet warmth.  Teeth graze delicately along my length, causing me to shudder and involuntarily buck forward a little.  Orli chuckles around me and pulls back, planting sucking kisses on my cock so he can tease me some more.  It's not as if I really mind, especially not when he draws a fine line up the underside of my cock with his tongue.

When he takes me back into his mouth, deep-throating me with one quick movement and swallowing around my cock, my fingers bury themselves in his hair of their own accord.  I moan, feeling myself start to tremble under his oral assault (of which I am a willing victim, of course).  This only spurs Orli to suck harder, his eyes never leaving mine as he bobs up and down on my cock while his fingers drift down and skim gently over my thighs.  The contrast between teasing touches and intense suction is more than I can take, and I reach my climax with a yell, my seed spilling into his eager mouth.

I slump against the wall and sigh as my body calms down again.  "That was nice," I say with a shaky laugh.

"Only nice?" Orli asks, standing up.  There's a broad grin on his face as he wraps his arms around me.  "I fly all the way from Australia and that's the best compliment you can give me?"

"Okay, I'll amend that statement," I chuckle, allowing him to remove my boxers, drag me into the bedroom, and push me onto the mattress.  "That was an extraordinarily brilliant blow job."

"Ah, well you were a very good teacher," he teases.  His body stretches over mine, and I smile at the feeling of his hard cock pressing against my stomach.  "And consider this my way of paying you for schooling me in the ways of oral sex."

"There was very little that I had to teach.  You're a natural."

"I know," he says smugly.

"Well, it's good to know that you're modest."

"Very modest," he tells me, giving me a kiss on the nose and grinning.  "So, do you have lube?"

I laugh.  "One-track mind, Orlando.  And no, I don't have any lube.  I wasn't quite expecting my horny boyfriend to show up."

"No worries.  I've got it covered."  He bounds off of me and grabs his travel bag, unzipping it and conducting a search for the necessary equipment.  "How I love this little tube," he says happily, quickly slicking up his fingers and cock.

"I know the feeling.  Now get over here," I order with a smile.

Orli's grin turns wicked and he rejoins me on the bed.  "Yes sir, Master Chief."

"We are *not* doing that, love."

"Very well," he sighs, pushing my legs apart and sliding a finger into me.  "Straight vanilla sex it is, then."

"Straight?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

He blushes.  "Well, not *straight*," he amends.  "I just meant--"

"Orli?  Enough talk."

"Enough talk," he agrees with a nod.  He leans down and kisses me while adding another finger, scissoring them in and out.  When he crooks them just right and brushes over my prostate, I groan into his mouth and reach up to pull him even closer.  "More?" he asks breathlessly when he breaks the kiss.

"I want you," I gasp, feeling the fingers slip out of me.  His slick cock nudges insistently at my opening, and my legs are placed on Orli's shoulders.  He enters me with one smooth push, filling me completely and causing me to moan my satisfaction.  It's been almost a month since we've been together, and it feels unbelievably good to be joined with him like this again; the sensation of having him inside of me is one that I will never get tired of.

"Still want more?" he asks huskily.  When I nod, he grins and slides his hands under my ass, beginning a slow and steady rhythm that's designed to drive me crazy.  I thrust my hips back at him, and he smiles wolfishly.  "Not enough?"

"More please," I implore, not caring how shameless I might sound.  Orli just chuckles and makes his next thrust much sharper, hitting my prostate and sending a jolt of pleasure through my body.  I let out a cry and dig my fingers into the sheets; his eyes get impossibly darker as the pace speeds up.  He lifts my ass up just enough so he has the perfect angle, hitting that wonderful spot inside me with every thrust as he drives into me relentlessly.

"This is something else you taught me how to do," he groans as he continues to make love to me.  "Well, at least how to do to *men*."  I have no idea how he's able to talk in complete sentences at this point, since I'm moaning almost constantly, arching my back and struggling to keep my eyes open.  Orli has a look of possessiveness on his face, as if he's trying to claim me as his own; if I could speak, I'd tell him that's not necessary.  I already belong to him.

When one of Orli's hands moves from my ass to my erection, giving it a swift stroke, I nearly scream.  He's using every trick in the book -- maybe I *was* a really good teacher.  Orli shrugs his shoulders and gives me a look; understanding his silent request, I let my legs fall off of his shoulders and onto the mattress.  He intensifies his rhythm, his hand working furiously on my cock while he fucks me with abandon.  We're both close, and it only takes a few more thrusts and strokes before I come hard on his hand and my stomach.

Orli leans down to kiss me deeply, swallowing my moans, then pulls back a bit and sucks his now-sticky fingers into his mouth while giving a final thrust into my body.  He cries my name as he comes inside of me, and I smile at the look of ecstasy on his face.  I love to see him like this.

Completely spent, he collapses bonelessly on top of me and I wrap my arms around him, my fingers tracing invisible patterns on his back.  Orli presses a kiss to my chest before summoning the energy to roll off of my body, and I stifle a disappointed whine when his cock slips out of me.  His sated body immediately curls around mine and I hold him close to me, feeling grateful to have him here.

"That was wonderful," I murmur.  "If I'm really that good of a teacher, maybe I should charge for seminars."

"Not if it means that you'd have sex with your students.  You try that and I'll castrate you, old man," he threatens with a wide smile.

"Possessive much?" I ask, quirking an eyebrow.

"Yeah, well I have to ensure that I have your luscious, studly body all to myself."

"I don't think that's a problem, elf boy," I assure him.

"Good."  Orli leans up and kisses me gently.  "Because I can never get enough of you."

"What, does this mean you want to have another go tonight?" I query with a smile.

"Of course.  Just give me a few minutes."

"Sounds good," I tell him.  "But I get to be on top this time."

Some Kind of Heaven Part 12

More Viggorli

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