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TITLE: Remember To Breathe (4/22)
AUTHOR: Elizabeth (
PAIRING: Viggo Mortensen/Orlando Bloom
SUMMARY: A Valentine's Day surprise (Viggo's POV)
FEEDBACK: It's the gin in my martini, the clams on my linguine
WARNINGS: *Mild* bondage; Sap, but it *is* a Valentine's fic
DISCLAIMER: Lies, lies, all of it lies!!!
ARCHIVE: My archive "Random Insanity":  All others please ask, but I'll surely say yes
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Sorry it's been longer than usual between posts.  I was busy setting up my archive and starting my little series "Finding Orli".  Ironically, this chapter starts off almost in the same vein as those fics, but that's just a weird little coincidence.  And the stuffed pig in the story is based on what *I* received on Valentine's Day 2001.  This story is for my little sister, who baked me cookies yesterday

*No pigs, stuffed or otherwise, were harmed during the writing of this fic*

Using the key that Atti lent me, I open the door to Orli's flat and smile at the cluttered mess that makes my own house look spotless.  There's a sandwich that's seen better days lying half-eaten on the counter in the kitchen, and the couch is littered with magazines whose pages are crinkled from being read repeatedly.  I stifle a curse as I trip over a stray couch cushion on the floor and make my way to his bedroom.

As expected, Orli is fast asleep with his head buried in a pillow.  It's only seven in the morning, and he's not exactly an early riser.  When he shifts a bit so that I can see his face, it makes the red-eye flight from Los Angeles more than worth it to see him so peaceful.  I quietly put down my bags and take off my shoes, getting under the covers with him.  Taking my clothes off isn't really an option, since it's damned cold outside and Orli's heating system could be a lot better.  With all the patience I can muster, I stay still and quiet until he wakes up.

The alarm startles me with its ridiculously loud ring, and Orli automatically pushes a button to turn it off.  "Fuckin' hell," he mutters, turning around so he can go back to sleep.  That's when his eyes meet mine and he shrieks in surprise.  "What the fuck?!" he cries.

"Hello to you, too," I laugh.

"Vig?  Are you really here?  Am I really awake?"  He puts a hand on my cheek, as if he thinks I'm some strange apparition.

"Yes, I'm really here, Orli.  Happy Valentine's Day, love."

"You flew all the way from L.A. just to spend the day with me?"  The affection in his voice is unmistakable.  "You're absolutely amazing, do you know that?"

"I try."  I lean in to kiss him, but he stops me.  "Orli?"

"Morning breath," he explains, quickly hopping out of bed and going into the bathroom.  "So," he says around his toothbrush, "how'd you get in?"

"Atti lent me his key.  He knew I was coming, and I stopped by early this morning so he good give me his spare."

"The bastard knew?  How long have you been planning this?"

"About two weeks.  To tell you the truth, I used to think this was a crappy excuse for a holiday, but last year was so sweet and I just didn't want to be apart from you today."

"Every time I think I know just how wonderful you are, you do something like this and I fall in love all over again."  Orli's smiling widely as he walks back into the bedroom.  "I don't know how the hell I got so lucky."

"We're both lucky," I tell him.  "Incredibly lucky."

"Yeah."  Orli sits down on the bed and leans into me, his palms on my chest as he kisses me deeply.  He tastes like spearmint and I suck on his tongue, liking the flavor.  When we pull away, we're both breathing heavily.  "Want some breakfast?  I have some really good blueberry muffins."

"You've got to be kidding," I groan.

"Good nutrition is important.  Besides, there's plenty of time for kissing later."

"And other things as well?"

"Definitely other things as well," Orli says with a wicked glint in his eyes.  "We have all day."

"Two days, actually.  I figured it didn't make sense for me to come here for just twenty-four hours."

Orli throws his arms around me.  "You're the best."

"I know," I joke.  "But then again, I have to be to deserve you."


Last year, Valentine's Day had been spent on-set, and while it was fun, it wasn't until almost nine at night that Orli and I had time to ourselves.  This year, it's just the two of us, all day long.

Orli insists on dragging me shopping, which is always an experience with him.  He gets so much joy out of it that I always find myself having a great time, even though I usually hate shopping.  "Tell me again why we're doing this?" I ask him, pretending to be annoyed.

"Because the gift I bought you is currently on your doorstep in L.A., and I won't have you coming away from the day empty-handed."

"Love, once I get you back home, I know I won't be empty-handed," I say in a low voice.

He blushes.  "You have a one-track mind, you know."  This coming from Orli, who has the most oversexed brain on the planet?

"So what do you have in mind as a gift?" I ask.

"I don't know.  If you see something you like, just grab it.  I want you to get you the perfect gift."  The perfect gift.  That was what he called my gift to him -- a crystal sculpture of a heart that I had painted with pinks and reds before putting our initials and the date at the bottom.

"I'm not sure what the perfect gift is."

"Well, you're not exactly a candy and flowers kind of guy, so I'll have to get creative."  A minute later, he pulls me into a toy store.  "This is it!" he exclaims as he sees something on top of the display case.

"You're buying me a *toy*?"

"No, this is cool, trust me.  I saw it on an advert the other day."  Orli picks up a stuffed pig holding a red satin pillow that says 'love'.  "Squeeze it," he tells me.

With an exaggerated roll of my eyes that makes Orli laugh, I squeeze the toy and am rewarded with the sound of kissing coming from the pig.  Okay, that's pretty cute.  "I thought I was supposed to pick out the gift," I say with a grin.

"Come on, you know you love it.  So I'll buy it for you, and you can keep it next to your bed at night when you get back to L.A."

"Henry is never going to let me live this down, you know.  And how is a kissing pig supposed to remind me of you?"

"Hey, this thing is cuddly, affectionate, and adorable.  Remind you of anyone?"


"Cunt," he laughs.  A young mother glares at him for his choice of words, shepherding her daughter away.

"Can't I take you anywhere without you embarrassing yourself?" I ask rhetorically.  "Now let's buy the pig so we can get out of here."

"That phrase sounds very strange when taken out of context."

"When's the last time our conversations *haven't* sounded strange, out of context or otherwise?"

"Good point," he says as he goes to the cashier.  "But I always say normalcy is highly overrated."


"You know what's great about Valentine's Day, Vig?"

"Mmm?"  We're sitting in his small kitchen, wolfing down the tin of chocolate-chip cookies that Orli's mom sent him.

"I can use all the gooey terms of endearment I want and not sound like a complete sap."

"Please don't."

"Maybe I should call you Lovebug," he says thoughtfully around a mouthful of cookie.  "Or Honey Pie.  I could call you Sugar, and shake my arse every time I say it."

"You are completely insane."

"Viggykins," he proclaims as his eyes light up.  "I like that!  What do you think of Viggykins?"

"I think it makes me want to throw up.  And two can play at this game, Orli-Bear."


"Sure.  Of course, if you don't like that, I could switch to Sweetness."

"Just stick with what you usually call me, okay?"

"My bitch?"

Orli gives out a little growl and leaps onto my chair, straddling my lap.  "I am *not* your bitch," he informs me, pinning me under his body.  I'm strong enough to push him away, but where would be the fun in that?

"Really?  Whose bitch are you?"

"Nobody's.  If anything, you're *my* bitch, old man."

"I fly six thousand miles just to get called your bitch?" I ask with mock-offense.

He grins and begins to unbutton my shirt.  "Yeah, and don't pretend you don't like it."  Rocking his hips against me for a moment, he slides the shirt off of my body and then bounds out of the kitchen.  "Come and get me, Viggo!"  Such a fucking tease.

When I get to his room, he grabs me and shoves me onto the bed.  "Orli, what the fuck's gotten into you?" I laugh.

"I need to prove that I am definitely not your bitch," he explains, managing to keep me pressed against the mattress.  While Orli is slender, he's also deceptively strong, and lying on my back doesn't give me enough leverage to change our positions.  "So," he says, nipping my neck, "that's exactly what I'm going to do."

"How are you planning to prove this?" I ask, thrusting my hips up.

"You'll see."  The devious look on his face is making me worry just a bit.  "Don't move."  As if I'd even want to.  I tend to take the more dominant role in our lovemaking for whatever reason, but when Orli decides to take complete control, it's always incredible.

I watch as he grabs a scarf off of the messy floor and chuckle as I realize what he's planning to do with it.  However, I suddenly remember something.  "Orli, didn't your *mother* give you that scarf?"

"Yeah."  He pauses and puts it back on the floor with a sheepish grin.  "I somehow doubt mum intended it to be used for sex."  Going over to his closet, he finds two of those colorful bandanas he used to wear on-set to protect his Legolas wig.  With a predatory grin on his face, he straddles me and slips a bandana around each of my wrists, knotting them tightly to the headboard.  He then takes off my pants and socks, leaving me in only my boxers.

"There's no give," I say somewhat admiringly as I test the bonds.  "You've got good knot-tying skills."

"Viggo, I'm about to have hardcore deviant sex with you, and you're talking about knot-tying skills?"

"Hardcore deviant sex?"  I'm fighting back laughter.  "Is that what this is?"

"Yes.  Now let me just put the finishing touch on."  Orli reaches into the nightstand drawer and pulls out the pink hair ribbon I sent my prissy elf as a gag gift for Christmas.  "Thank God you have long hair, Vig," he teases.  Before I can protest, my hair is pulled up into a loose bun, with the pink ribbon wrapped tightly around it.  "This is definitely a Kodak moment."

"What?  You've got, like, seven hundred embarrassing pictures of me, so it's only fair," he reasons, finding his camera and taking a picture.  My hair is mercifully untied and the ribbon placed back in the drawer.  "Lij will piss his pants when he sees that."

"You're evil," I tell him.

"I know."  To emphasize this point, Orli starts doing a slow striptease to the music in his head, the fluid movements driving me crazy as he pulls the sweater over his head and unbuttons his jeans.  "Want more?"  I nod dumbly.  He drags the zipper down and lazily removes his pants, doing the same with his underwear.  Finally, he pulls off his socks and stands before me completely naked and absolutely gorgeous.

"Orli, please come over here," I beg.  He walks the few steps to the bed and straddles me, his naked erection brushing against my cotton-covered one.  Taking pity on me, he yanks off my boxers, and I stifle a groan as my cock springs free.

"You really are so fucking beautiful," he murmurs, taking my cock in his hand and smearing around the fluid leaking from the tip.  I inhale sharply as the tip of his tongue skates around the head, taunting me with the barest touch.  Orli pushes my legs farther apart and kisses down the underside of my cock before nuzzling and licking my balls.

I cry out loudly when his tongue circles my opening, lapping at the skin.  Relaxing my muscles so that he can enter easily, I'm rewarded by the feeling of an eager tongue inside of me.  While this is something I do to Orli on a fairly regular basis, he's never done it to me, and I'm very surprised he's doing it now.  Then again, it *is* Valentine's Day, and nothing says 'I love you' like sticking your tongue up your lover's ass.

For someone who's never done this before, Orli is doing an incredible job.  Of course, he's always been a fast learner in everything he does, so maybe it shouldn't shock me that he instinctively knows exactly how to slide his tongue in and out of me.  His tongue slips out of my body and I whimper my discontent, but he just chuckles and kisses the tip of my cock.

"Patience, patience," he admonishes in a low voice.  Like I'm any good at exercising patience around Orli, especially in this kind of situation.  He reaches into the drawer of his nightstand again and pulls out a familiar tube.  My cock twitches in anticipation of what's coming next (pun intended); it's been a month, and as wonderful as our phone sex sessions are, they can't begin to compare to having a flesh-and-blood Orli by my side.  Or on top of me.  Or underneath me.

Two slick fingers enter me, causing me to gasp and push my hips down.  Orli laughs and adds a third finger.  "You should see yourself, Vig.  Naked, tied-up, hard, and screwing yourself on my fingers . . . you have no idea how sexy you look."

"You look sexy yourself," I manage to say.  He angles his fingers and hits my prostate, forcing a moan from my mouth.  "I'm ready," I say, needing him to be inside me now, if not sooner.

"Ready for what?"  He can be such a bastard.

"Orlando, please."

"Please what?"  Orli pulls his fingers out of me and slathers lube onto his erection.

"Please make love to me," I beg.  Fuck pride, I need Orli to fuck *me*.

"Yes," he breathes, leaning over me as he pushes into my body.  We both gasp as he slides in with one easy movement, filling me completely.  It never ceases to amaze me how wonderful this always feels, how it never dulls in intensity no matter what the pace or situation.  I don't think there will ever be a time when our sex life, or our life in general, will feel routine.  And that thought makes me insanely giddy.  "What?" he asks quizzically when he notices my grin.

"Just love you," I say as he begins to move.  "You're a miracle."  Okay, so maybe that sounded a bit corny, but it was genuine.  And Orli doesn't seem to think it's corny if the way his face is lighting up is any indication.  He kisses me thoroughly as he keeps the slow pace, and I ache to wrap my arms around his body.  My frustration is magnified when Orli breaks the kiss and takes my cock in his hand, stroking with incredibly light touches.

Tonight isn't about racing towards climax or pounding into each others' bodies, it's just about being together in the most intimate way possible.  There's no rush and no urgency; we have each other and we're not letting go.  Having his love and support has truly changed who I am and how I see life, and I can't even imagine what my life would be like without him in it.  I don't want to imagine that.

While his pace has gotten faster, there's still no frantic thrusting.  Instead, he moves with long, sensuous strokes that push at my prostate.  His hand is still moving on my erection, but slowly, knowing that I've been extremely hard for a while, and it won't take much to finally bring me over the edge.  Brown eyes are staring intently at me, and there's love written all over that impossibly gorgeous face.

"Do you feel it?" Orli asks in a breathy voice.  "Do you feel how perfect we are together?"

"Yes," I gasp.

"I love you," he says shakily.

"Love you," I tell him as I feel my control begin to slip.  Orli can see that I'm close to coming and smiles warmly.

"Let go," he murmurs, his hand still working me.  I do let go, coming on his hand with a shout and hearing him moan just from seeing my climax.  "Viggo," he says in an unsteady voice, his pace still slow and steady despite the trembling of his body.  A few moments later, I feel his warmth coating my insides as he cries out sharply.

He slides out of my body and lies on his back, grabbing a tissue so he can clean off his hand, which is still sticky from my orgasm.  Looking completely relaxed, his eyes flutter closed and he sighs.  "Orli?"


"I need you to untie me."

"Oh, right.  Sorry 'bout that."  He frees my wrists and I wince as my shoulder pops when I bring it back down.  "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I assure him, kissing him before crawling under the blankets.

"I love you.  The fact that you just flew out here for two days because of this holiday, it's truly one of the most incredible things anyone's ever done for me, Viggo."  He joins me under the warmth of the covers and I take him into an embrace.

"Well, I missed you, and I didn't want either of us to be alone today."

"And I'm sure you missed the sex, too," he teases.  I laugh as he kisses my neck.  "So did I finally prove to you that I'm not your bitch?"

"We're back to that again?"


"Fine, you're not my bitch, Orlando.  I don't think anyone could ever really control you, anyway."

"Damned straight," he says proudly.  "If anyone ever tries, I'll shoot elf arrows up their arses."

"Now there's a pleasant image," I chuckle.  "Thank God all you did to me was tie me to the bed."

"You didn't mind that, did you?" he asks with a grin.

"It was something new for us, and I loved it.  It's been a while since I've done that kind of thing."

"And before, when I put my mouth . . . down there?  Was *that* good?"  Orli is blushing, and I'm struck yet again by how shy he can actually be, all of his confidence and sexual intensity notwithstanding.

"Better than good, love; it was wonderful.  Just going on instinct?"

"No, Atti taught me what to do."  At my widened eyes, he laughs.  "Not like that," he assures me.  "He just talked to me about the mechanics."

"You had me worried there for a second," I say, although that's not really true.  Neither of us would ever consider being unfaithful.

"Like I'd ever have sex with Atti," he snorts.  "I love the man, but there are limits to what I can tolerate.  Besides, the thought of dirty talk with a German accent doesn't do much for me."

"You like it when I talk to you in Danish and Spanish."

"Yeah, but that's because it's *you*.  Seriously, you could talk to me in Klingon and I'd be aroused."

"Klingon?" I ask with bemusement.

"You know what I mean.  But the number one reason I'll never sleep with Atti -- or anyone else for that matter -- is because he's not you."

"Orli, I know you'd never cheat," I laugh.  "And neither would I."

"Good.  I can't stand to even think of losing you, Viggykins."

I groan.  "Don't tell me you're actually going to call me that.  If you do, I might have to leave tomorrow morning."

"Don't even try it, old man.  You're staying here through tomorrow, and when you go back to the States, you have got a new friend to take with you."

He hops out of bed and grabs the stuffed pig from a shopping bag.  "Yes, this is my substitute boyfriend," I say with a grin.  "A stuffed pig."

"A stuffed pig who kisses," he corrects me.  The toy makes a kissing sound as he squeezes it, and he presses the furry snout to my cheek.

"You're completely crazy."

"I thought you liked it," he pouts.

"Oh, I love it," I assure him.  "Besides, it helped me think up my own nickname for you."

"Really?" he asks eagerly, placing the pig on the nighstand.

"Yes.  Instead of Orli, I'm now calling you my Love Pig."

Orli laughs gleefully and kisses me.  "Love Pig," he declares with pride as he wraps his long limbs around my body.  "I'm your little Love Pig."

"And you always will be, Orlando."

He looks up at me and gives me a dazzling smile.  "Yes, I always will be."

Remember to Breathe Part 5

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