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TITLE: Remember To Breathe (20/22)
AUTHOR: Elizabeth (
PAIRING: Viggo Mortensen/Orlando Bloom
SUMMARY: Beware of horny elves and rangers (Orli's POV)
FEEDBACK: It's the highlights in my hairdo, the extra arms on Vishnu
WARNINGS: Roleplaying, general insanity
DISCLAIMER: This is solely a product of my twisted imagination
ARCHIVE: BTF, LBES, Lothlorien; anyone else please ask, but i'll surely say yes
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Sorry it's been longer than usual between chapters!!!  I've been asked by numerous people for another roleplaying fic (you know who you are), so here you go.  For those who don't know, aniron means "I desire" and meleth-nin means "my love"

"The shot of Elijah with the tear running down his face after Gandalf's fall, that was so moving," I say with a shake of his head.  "It was just beautiful, man."

"Orli, I asked you what your *one* favorite moment in the movie was and you've named about twenty," Dom tells me with exasperation.

"Oh, and then on Weathertop when Viggo has this total 'don't fuck with me' look on his face -- and that was his first day of filming!"


"That scene with the Watcher outside of Moria was great, too.  I mean, I remember Sean and Viggo just hacking at the water with their swords and it looked *ridiculous* but CGI did such a great job."

"Okay, that's enough," Dom laughs.  "Seriously Orli, please stop talking."

We're standing at the afterparty, cradling flutes of champagne while we discuss the movie.  Which was amazing.  Incredible.  Mind-blowing.  Almost as good as sex with Viggo.  I've never seen a movie like that before in my life, and it makes me so proud that I was a part of it.  Honestly, when Dom asked me to name my favorite moment, how did he think I'd be able to pick just one?

"Maybe you should ask him what his *least* favorite moment was," Billy suggests with an impish grin.

Dom groans.  "Don't encourage him, Bill."

"No, that's easy," I say with a dismissive wave of my hand.  "The scene where Viggo kisses Liv.  I could have done without that scene."

"What a shock," Billy laughs.  "My favorite part of the movie was any scene with Pippin.  The movie was only good when I was around.

"Your ego knows no bounds," Dom tells him.  "My favorite part was Bilbo's party.  Especially when Billy shrieked like a little girl."

"It couldn't be helped!  I was terrified of that rocket thing!"

"Excuses, excuses.  Hey Vig, what was your favorite part of the movie?" Dom asks, and I look up to see Viggo walking over to us.

"Oh, I don't know.  I guess any time the camera was on Legolas."  He grins at me and I blush a little.

"Which was a lot," Billy says.  "They must really be counting on the teenage girl vote."

"Are you insinuating that I'm just a pretty face?" I ask, feigning offense.

"Not at all.  You have a pretty arse, too."

"Lowly halfling insulting the Prince of Mirkwood.  You shall pay for your insolence," I growl.

"Okay love, maybe it's time to leave," Viggo laughs.

"Sounds good to me.  We'll leave the miserable hobbits here to get drunk and make fools out of themselves."

"Hey, we're perfectly capable of making fools out of ourselves when we're sober," Dom says indignantly.

We say our goodnights to Dom and Billy before making our way through the crowd.  When we're almost at the door, we hear a squeal and the Viggo finds himself in the embrace of one Miss Liv Tyler.  "Oh my *God*!" she cries.  "I didn't get a chance to say it before, but I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks," he chuckles, giving her a warm smile.

"But you," she says to me accusingly, "you stole my fiancee.  My daddy is going to be super-pissed."

"What the Aerosmith guy?" I ask, more than a little confused.

Viggo starts cracking up.  "I think she's referring to Elrond, Orlando.  You know, the whole Aragorn-Arwen thing?"

"Oh . . . right."  My cheeks flush crimson.  "Well sorry Princess, but he's mine now."

"That's okay," she tells me, wrapping me in a hug.  "I have the hots for Haldir anyway."


The moment the door closes behind us in the hotel room, I shove Viggo up against the wall and kiss him.  One hand tangles in his hair while the other gropes for the light-switch so we can see our way to the bed.  His hands grab my arse and he grinds against me shamelessly while his tongue explores my mouth.

"Orli," he gasps when I pull away.

"No, no," I remind him.  "Legolas."

He grins.  "Roleplaying again, love?"

"You agreed to it, Aragorn."  I've slipped into my Legolas voice.  "Now, I believe we have some unfinished business to attend to."

"And what would that be?"

"You made a fool out of me today at Elrond's Council," I admonish.  "Telling me to sit down in front of all of those people."

"At least I spoke in Elvish," Viggo says defensively in that weird Aragorn accent.

"That matters not.  The fact remains that you think you can control me.  Need I remind you that I'm thousands of years older than you?"

"Legolas, I apologize."

"No Aragorn, I think you need to be taught a lesson."

Viggo grins.  "And what lesson would that be?"

"That just because you're heir to the throne of Gondor doesn't give you the right to tell me what to do.  So tonight, *I'm* in charge."

A noticeable shiver runs through his body.  "As you wish.  I care not."

"That's Boromir's line," I laugh.

"Do you really care?"  His eyes are dancing with amusement.  "After all, I'm agreeing to do whatever you want tonight."  Hmm.  He has a point.  "So," he husks, his hands gripping my arse tightly, "bend me to your will."  Jesus Christ, it should be illegal to sound that sexy.

"Sometimes I think you could make me come just from talking, Viggo," I gasp.

"Viggo?  Who is Viggo, Legolas?"  He pulls back wearing an expression of wounded affection.  "Have you been unfaithful to me?"

"You need not worry," I say as I deftly undo the buttons of his shirt.  "Viggo is but a mad artist with mediocre lovemaking skills -- ow!"  I wince as Viggo twists the skin on my forearm.  "Besides, it's not as if you don't have your own outside dalliances.  I know all about you and Frodo and Merry and the carrot."

Before Viggo can respond, I kiss him ferociously and push his unbuttoned shirt off of his shoulders.  Meanwhile, we both work at kicking off our shoes and socks as we stumble towards the bed, our mouths still firmly pressed together.  I break the kiss with a gasp when he starts unbuttoning my shirt, his fingers dancing over my nipples.

"I didn't know elves wore ruffled garments," Viggo chuckles, poking fun at my shirt for the millionth time.  "And I'm surprised that you're not wearing tights tonight."  He unbuttons and unzips my pants, pushing them down over my hips.

"They're *leggings* Aragorn, not tights; we've been over this."  I pull away to hop around gracelessly as I attempt to remove my pants.  FInally I'm naked, and I grin at the lustful look on Viggo's face.  It's nice to know how badly he wants me.  "Now turn around and take off your pants," I order.

"Why do I have to turn around?"

"So I can see your arse," I explain patiently as I go over to pull back the blankets and sit on the bed.  "It's been a while since we've been together, and I need to make sure it's still in prime condition."

"My ass is in perfect condition," he sputters indignantly.

"I'll be the judge of that, son of Arathorn.  Now, disrobe for me."

He shakes his head but turns around obediently and takes off his pants and boxers, bending at the wait to give me the optimal view of his beloved arse.  "Does my ass meet with your approval, o Prince of Mirkwood?"

"It certainly does."

"Shall I join you on the bed now?"  He turns and looks at me, one hand lazily stroking his erection.

"Yes.  And don't touch yourself, Aragorn.  Only I am allowed to touch you tonight."

"Very well."  Viggo does as I've asked, lying down on the mattress and dropping his arms to his sides.  "If you want me, come and claim me," he challenges.

"Oh, I intend to.  But don't worry, I'm not planning on doing anything . . . unnatural."  I give him a wicked smile and straddle his body, both of us moaning when our erections brush against one another.  When my mouth meets his for a kiss, his lips yield immediately and he allows my tongue to plunder his mouth.  I rock against him a bit and he sighs happily into the kiss.

As wonderful as it can be to lose myself in simply kissing Viggo, I need more.  He makes a noise of protest when I pull away, but I silence him by sliding down to his chest and taking a nipple into my mouth, swirling my tongue around the furled flesh while my fingers play with his other nipple.

"Legolas," he sighs.  I grin, happy that he's able to keep up the pretense of character even now.  "Aniron."  My teeth pull at his nipple and his hand brushes through my hair.

"No hands," I reprove gently.  "Just lie still and feel."  Viggo lets out a sound of dismay and I smile a bit.  We both love to touch one another, so ordering him to keep his hands off of my body is close to torturing him.  "It'll be worth it," I promise.

To prove that, I begin moving further down his body until I grasp the heat and hardness of his erection in my hand.  Viggo groans and closes his eyes tightly, a shiver running through his body.  Moisture is already leaking from the tip of his cock and I don't waste time in flicking my tongue out to capture the fluid.  In the twenty-four hours or so since Viggo and I have reunited, I haven't had the chance to have him in my mouth and I'm all but dying to do so now.  Bracing my hands on his hips, I slowly take just the tip into my mouth and suck gently.

"Mmm," I murmur when I pull away.  "Manflesh."  Viggo chuckles, but a moment later it turns into a gasp when I run my tongue along the sensitive vein on the underside of his cock before lapping up the new drops of precum that have gathered at the head.  God, how I missed tasting him like this.  I close my eyes as I take his erection into my mouth and let it slip into my throat, going purely on feeling and instinct instead of relying on sight.  When my nose brushes against the springy curls of his pubic hair, I feel proud that I still have the ability to deep-throat my generously endowed boyfriend.

The feeling of his hard flesh between my lips is intoxicating to me, and I move up and down his cock while I suck it.  My rhythm is one of pulling back entirely, my tongue skating around the head and teasing the slit, before taking him all the way in once more.  Meanwhile, one of my hands wanders from his hip down to cup his balls, my thumbnail delicately dragging along ultra-sensitive flesh.

When my fingers move lower, circling the entrance to his body before pressing in just the tiniest bit, Viggo cries out and bucks his hips.  I continue to suck him in earnest, loving how he responds to me, how his cock twitches in my mouth and he moans when I lick the sensitive head.  Out of the corner of my eye, I can see his hands curled into fists and gripping the sheets, and I know how frustrated he is that he can't touch me.

Finally I decide to give him his release.  Taking him deep down my throat yet again, I suck as hard as I can while my hand gently cradles and strokes his balls.  He comes hard in my mouth with a ragged groan and a violent thrust of his hips.  I eagerly swallow what he gives me and reacquaint myself with his unique flavor.  Only when I'm sure that the last aftershocks of orgasm have passed do I pull off of his cock.

"Now Aragorn," I say gently, "it is time for you to learn who's truly in charge."  I pause.  "Um, where's the lube?"

Viggo laughs loudly and points at the shopping bags lying next to the dresser.  "Over there, Prince Leggy."  I stick my tongue out at him and quickly fetch the necessary tube before quickly coating my fingers and cock with the gel.

"Don't laught at me, *Strider*.  Perhaps Boromir is right and you truly are a mere ranger."

"But you love me all the same."  His eyes and voice are Viggo's, not Aragorn's, if only for a few seconds.

I flush and leave character for a moment as well.  "Yes, I do."

"I love you too, meleth-nin."  He smiles at me and spreads his legs in invitation.  "I must pay for my transgression -- teach me a lesson, Legolas.  Make me yours."

"You are still giving me orders," I observe as I slide two fingers into his body.  "You cannot *tell* me to make you mine; instead you must plead for it, Aragorn."  He bites back a moan when my fingers brush over his prostate and I smirk in satisfaction.  "Do you want more?" I ask innocently.


"Then you know what you have to do, Estel."  I curl my fingers and am rewarded with a delicious gasp.  This game is so much fun.

"Please, Legolas," Viggo breathes.  "I beg of you, just take me now."

Hell, how am I supposed to resist *that*?  Hooking his legs around my waist, I enter him with one smooth push and we both groan when my hips come up flush against his.  When Viggo moves to put his hands on my body, I pin them to the mattress with my own and grin at his grunt of frustration.

"I'm in charge," I remind him.

"Could you at least move?" he pleads.

"Fair enough."  With measured and even strokes I begin to thrust in and out, reveling in each gasp and moan he lets fall from his mouth.  I bite my lip so I can remain silent, wanting to hear him come undone but not wanting to lose my own control just yet.  My movements are slow and deliberate, and I know that they're driving Viggo crazy; I can tell by the way he's pushing his hips up at me that he wants more.

"Legolas."  His eyes plead with me for a faster pace.

"What is it, meleth-nin?"  I change my angle slightly so that I hit the money spot.  Yeah, *there's* the groan I wanted to hear from him.  "What do you need from me?"

"Please . . . more," he gasps as I torture him with another slow thrust.

"Will you remember to treat me with respect?"


"Will you remember that I am a prince and deserve to be treated accordingly?"


"Will you admit that you should shower more often?"

"Yes -- what?!"

We both start laughing and I'm unable to resist kissing that enticing grin he's giving me.  Viggo moans into my mouth when my tongue slips past his lips and tangles with his own.  I begin to move faster, giving us both what we want, and the kiss quickly turns torrid as my tongue mimics the actions of my cock, plunging in and out with a desperate fervor.

"Oh God," he pants when the kiss ends.

"Viggo . . ."  I nip at his neck as I continue to drive into him, his legs wrapped tightly around my waist while his hands break free of my grasp and move to grip my shoulders.  His skin is warm and faintly salty with sweat when I lick at his collarbone, and I smile when his fingers squeeze my shoulders in encouragement.  One of my hands travels down to wrap around his cock and start stroking it.

I'm brought back to his mouth for a searing kiss and I know I can't last much longer.  Viggo's too hot and tight around me, his mouth is too insistent beneath mine, his muffled moans are too seductive.  I break the kiss and throw my head back, gasping for breath as I feel my climax closing in on me.

"God . . . I just . . . Viggo!" I yell as I come hard and fast with one last plunge into him.  He follows moments later as my hand continues to work his cock, and I let out one last moan as I feel his come spilling over my hand.  We both fall back limply on the bed and lie there for a very long time, neither of us able to do anything except simply breathe.

After what seems like hours, I finally conjure up the strength to lift my head and look at him.  "Well," I laugh, "that was quite the adventure."

"Mmm."  Viggo takes my right hand and licks the stickiness off of it, and I swallow hard.  Bloody hell, is there ever a moment when he's *not* the most damnably arousing man in the world?  "It was wonderful.  However, Gimli was right."


"Never trust an elf.

"What are you talking about?"

"You called me 'Viggo' a few minutes ago.  Tell me honestly Legolas, does someone else hold your heart?"

"Oh man," I mutter.  "I should have known better than to roleplay with a Method actor."

"I think *you're* the one who needs to be taught a lesson, little Prince."

His words send a pleasant tremor through my body.  "Really?"


Suddenly I find myself flipped over on my stomach and I yelp in surprise.  "What the--"

"You will moan *my* name this time, Legolas."

Holy hell -- dominant Viggo is sexy enough, but when dominant Viggo roleplays, well, I might as well just come right now.  He coaxes me up onto my hands and knees and then begins to kiss the skin of my lower back, his tongue delicately tracing the long strip of scar tissue.  When his breath wafts against the entrance to my body, I gasp in anticipation and close my eyes, wanting to lose myself in the sensations I know are coming.

Viggo doesn't disappoint, and I wail softly at the feeling of his talented tongue pushing into me, its slippery heat feeling oh-so-unbelievably good inside of my body.  My hips rock back against him of their own volition and I can feel him chuckle, the vibrations traveling through his tongue and wracking my body with little electric shocks of pleasure.  The kind of talent he possesses in bed should really come with a warning label.

When his mouth pulls away I whine piteously and he chuckles again, but then I feel slick fingers entering me and I sigh in contentedness.  He stretches me gently but insistently, crooking his fingers in the manner he knows will make me see stars.  After a minute the fingers leave me and something much hotter and heavier presses up against my opening.

"Legolas?"  I can only manage a whimper in response.  "Are you frightened?"

"Not nearly enough," I half-laugh, half-gasp.  "But I will moan *your* name this time."  Christ, I'll moan whatever he wants if he'd just stop teasing and fuck me already.

"Good.  I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn.  You owe me your ass."

"That I do.  Oh, and Aragorn?"  I turn my head so I can look at Viggo's laughing blue eyes.  "Ride hard, don't look back."

His lips curl into a wicked grin.  "My thoughts exactly."

Gripping my hips tightly, he enters me with a devastating thrust and we both cry out.  My fingers claw at the pillows as Viggo sets a deliciously reckless rhythm, angling his hips perfectly so he can strike my prostate with every powerful thrust.  This is hard and fast and utterly perfect.  The feeling of hot skin meeting hot skin, the feeling of smooth sheets under rough thrusts, the feeling of burning ecstasy that spreads through my body -- it all has a sinful beauty about it.

I nearly scream in pleasure when Viggo reaches around to stroke my cock in time with his thrusts.  My hips rock back so I can impale myself on him, then forward so he can bring me off with his hand.  The heat of his breath tickles my skin as he pants against my neck, tilting his head slightly so he can trace the shell of my ear with his tongue.

"Moan for me, my little elf."

"Aragorn!" I wail.

"More," he growls, punctuating his demand with a particularly hard thrust.

"Aragorn!" I cry again, even louder this time.  This is just too much fun.  "Strider!  Elessar!  Estel!"

"Be quiet, Master Elf!" John bellows from the other side of the wall.

"No!" I yell back at him.

Viggo laughs loudly and continues pounding into me, the desperation of his thrusts signaling that he's close to coming.  My own orgasm is beginning to take over me, and with one more skillful jerk of his hand on my cock, I'm lost.  I scream my release, not knowing or caring if I call out Viggo's name or Aragorn's.  After two more thrusts I feel Viggo explode deep within my body and I shudder at the warmth that coats my insides.

I collapse onto the mattress and Viggo follows suit, his weight a comforting presence on my back.  He kisses my shoulder once and then moves off of me, lying on his back and looking up at the ceiling while he tries to regain his composure.  "Wow," he finally says, chuckling a bit.

"Yeah."  I turn over on my back, groaning a bit at the wet patch on the sheets.  Viggo considerately hands me some tissues and I dab at the area before giving up and settling for lying on his side of the bed.  It's much better like this anyway, seeing as now I can wrap myself around his body.  "Maybe we should send the dwarf a note apologizing for how loud we were."

"How loud *we* were?"  He looks at me with amusement.  "*You* were the one wailing like a banshee."

"Once again, I will remind you that if you weren't so good at what you do, this wouldn't be an issue.

"So you're saying I should curtail my passion in bed?" he asks with a smirk.

"No!  That's not what I meant at all," I say hastily.  "I'm just saying that you can't really blame me for making all that noise."

"Perhaps."  Viggo smiles and kisses me with incredible tenderness.  "I love you so much."

"I love you too, Vig.  These last twenty-four hours have been unbelievable."

"They certainly have.  So can I ask you a question?"

"Of course."

"Can we roleplay again after the premiere of 'The Two Towers'?"

"You bet your arse we can."

"Good."  He kisses me again.  "I adore you, elf boy."

"And I cherish you, filthy human."

Remember to Breathe Part 21

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