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TITLE: Remember To Breathe (17/22)
AUTHOR: Elizabeth (
PAIRING: Viggo Mortensen/Orlando Bloom
SUMMARY: Rise and shine (Viggo's POV)
FEEDBACK: It's that little extra spice that makes existence *extra* nice
WARNINGS: Smut + Sap = Smap
DISCLAIMER: This is solely a product of my twisted imagination
ARCHIVE: BTF; anywhere else help yourself, just drop me a line so I can brag to my friends

The first thing that my mind registers upon waking up is that there's someone curled around me.  For a second I panic, but then I remember everything that happened last night and I realize that it's Orli who's hugging me tightly while staying fast asleep.  His head is on my shoulder, and there's a thin stream of drool on my skin next to where his mouth is hanging open.

As gently as possible, I push him to his back without waking him and quickly go to the bathroom.  When I return to the bedroom, I climb under the covers again and find myself unable to do anything except watch him sleep.  I'm mesmerized by everything I see -- the slope of his cheekbones, the elegant fingers, the two tattoos on his skin, the cock that lies gently against his thigh.  These are all things I've seen many times, but they're more beautiful to me now than ever before.

I'm still amazed by the fact that we're together again.  After all the pain of the last seven months, after all the stubbornness and stupidity, we're still able to forgive each other and move on.  Orli was right when he said that we should look to the future instead of dwelling on the past; I don't see a need to rehash the mistakes that we made before and can't be changed now.  Instead, I'd rather work on making this relationship as strong as possible so that it never falls apart again.

After a while, Orli's eyes slowly open and he looks up at me.  "Vig?"

"Good morning," I murmur.  "How'd you sleep?"

"Wonderfully.  I was half-afraid that I was going to wake up and find this was all some kind of dream."

"No, this is definitely real."

"Were you watching me sleep just now?" he asks as he rubs his eyes.

"Yeah," I admit.  "I couldn't help myself."

"Mmm."  Orli leans over and lowers his mouth to mine for a gentle kiss.  "I can't help myself either," he says with a smile.  "You're too delicious for your own good."

He makes his point by kissing me again, his tongue sliding across my lips before I open my mouth to let him in.  His tongue strokes the roof of my mouth before curling around my own tongue, and I make a little noise of contentedness when one of his hands roams over my chest and begins to tease my nipples.  When the kiss ends, Orli slides his hand further down my body as he looks at me with a mixture of tenderness and lust.

"I want to make love to you, Vig.  Last night was incredible but now I want it to be sweet and slow, and I want you to feel me on every inch of your body.  Does that sound good to you?"

"That sounds very good," I stammer.

Orli grins and kisses me again while his hand wraps around my hardening cock and teases the head with a fingertip.  His mouth begins a slow descent down my neck, gently nipping at the skin as he goes; when he reaches my collarbone he sucks at the skin, paying me back for the love bite I gave him last night.  It's lucky that the shirt I packed for tonight will hide the mark he's giving me.

Lips glide down the length of my arm, and Orli sucks gently at my elbow before reaching my hand and placing a kiss in the center of my palm.  I swallow hard when he takes my thumb into his mouth and swirls his tongue around it; temptation, thy name is Orlando.  Each finger is sucked into the warmth of his mouth before he moves to my other arm and repeats the entire process.

"Orli, come on . . ."

"We're doing this at my pace," he teases, although I can hear the husk in his voice.  "The first time you made love to me you did the same thing.  You kissed every part of me before finally giving me what I wanted.  It's payback time, old man."

When he's finished with my arms and hands he attacks my chest, his teeth tugging lightly at the hair I have there before his tongue soothes the hurt.  He licks and sucks at my nipples until I'm moaning, and then dips his head to tease my belly-button with his tongue.  Just when I think he's going to move lower, he suddenly slides back up and kisses me deeply.  My fingers curl in his hair and I whimper without shame, trying to convey that I've had enough foreplay.

"Almost done," Orli tells me with a quick wink.  He sits back on the mattress and runs his tongue up the length of my leg, from my ankle to my thigh, and then does the same for my other leg.  "How badly do you want this, Viggo?" he asks when he finally settles his mouth between my legs, simply blowing warm air over my cock, balls, and ass.

"Please," I whisper.  "You've teased me enough."

"Okay."  My cock twitches at the thought of what's next.  "But on one condition."

"Anything," I groan.

"Tonight after we see the movie, we're doing the roleplaying thing again.  The elf and the ranger deserve some serious action."

"Fine."  Actually it's a pretty appealing idea, especially when I remember just how much fun we had the last time we did it.  "But *please* do something now," I beg.

Orli chuckles and leans down.  I bite my lip at the sight of his head disappearing between my thighs, and then my toes automatically curl at the feeling of his breath against my opening.  At the first touch of his tongue to my sensitive hole, I stifle a moan and will my muscles to relax so he can delve into me.  The slick heat of his tongue dances around the opening to my body before beginning to dart in and out with lightning-quick movements.

I cry out in protest when his tongue leaves me, but then realize that he's reaching for the lube and coating his fingers.  Then I'm being stretched carefully, very carefully, and I have to smile.  "I'm not going to break," I tell him, almost amazed that I can speak in complete sentences at this point.

He tries to laugh but it comes out a bit strangled, and I know that he's definitely as aroused as I am; his erection is pressed flat against his stomach and leaking moisture.  After quickly preparing himself, Orli enters me in one fluid movement and I gasp at the feeling of being claimed by his body.  By his soul.  And if that sounds sappy I don't care, because he truly is claiming me as his, even if he's doing it with the utmost gentleness.

Whereas last night we were frenzied and loud, this morning we're slow and almost silent, the only noises being the sounds of our bodies when they meet and the occasional moan or sigh.  Orli's hands are entwined with mine as he thrusts into me, and he leans down for a kiss before lapping at the skin on my neck.  My hips push back at him in an attempt to get him deeper inside of me.

We rock together for a long while, our bodies moving in a blissful rhythm; we're still perfectly in tune with each other's needs and desires.  One of his hands moves down to my cock and begins to slowly stroke me in time with his movements, driving me closer to the edge.  I thrust up at him, simultaneously pumping my erection into his hand and impaling my body on his cock.

"Come for me, Viggo," Orli urges.  His thumb does some wonderful trick on the head of my cock while he continues to push into me, and I'm lost.  My orgasm hits me hard and he drowns out my cry of release by kissing me thoroughly.  Moments later, he throws his head back as I feel him reach his own climax.  "Viggo!" he gasps loudly.  He collapses onto me and we lie there for a while, a bit sweaty and sticky but fully satisfied.

"Maybe we should take a shower," I suggest after a few minutes.

"Probably," he mumbles.  "What time is it anyway?"

I glance at the clock.  "Almost seven.  I guess we woke up kind of early."

"Good."  Orli sighs and rolls off of my body and out of bed, stretching his limbs.  "That means we have the whole day to spend together.  What do you want to do this morning?"

"Well, at some point I think we should buy Ian a replacement tube of lube," I suggest.  "And then get some for ourselves.  But before we do anything else, I really want to get clean."

"The filthy human wants to get clean," he laughs as he walks to the bathroom.  "Will wonders never cease?"

"Hey, my personal hygiene is perfectly fine," I inform him.  "It's not my fault that prissy elves like yourself have such impossibly high standards."

Orli gets the water to a suitable temperature and we step under the warm spray.  Both of us grab the complimentary soaps and begin to run our hands all over each other on the pretense of 'getting clean'.  After all, it's only logical that his sudsy fingers are paying special attention to my nipples, right?

"Stand still," I instruct gently as I kiss the corner of his mouth.  "It's my turn to have some fun."

"Shit, Viggo don't . . . we're trying to get clean," he protests.

"You can get clean again after I suck your cock."  My words make him moan, and I take this as my cue to start.  I decide not to kiss and lick his entire body, since I don't want the hot water to run out, but instead to focus on areas that I know will make him aroused in a short amount of time.

I immediately seek out the love bite I gave him last night, and he gasps as I gently drag my teeth over the sensitive flesh.  Moving down slightly, I lick first one nipple and then the other before sucking at the dusky peaks.  Orli's fingers embed themselves in my hair and I smile against his skin as he tries to push my head down.  He's so impatient sometimes.

When I fall to my knees he sighs in relief, but then he whimpers his frustration when I begin to run my tongue around that tattoo on his belly that I love so much.  "Viggo," he whines, and I chuckle at his neediness.  "It's not funny, you cunt!  You're not being -- ah!"  He yelps as I wrap my lips around the head of his cock and suck gently.

I pull back and look up at him.  "You were saying?"

"Just keep doing that," Orli gasps.  "Or anything else that feels good."

I laugh and lick his erection from base to tip before taking the hard column of flesh into my mouth again.  Precum leaks from the head and trickles onto my tongue as I take him deeper.  My throat relaxes enough so that his entire length is being sucked and swallowed, and I don't resist when his hands fall to my head and he begins to fuck my mouth.

"Fuck . . . shit, yeah . . . Viggo . . . so good . . ."  Orli is almost chanting at this point, some of his words rendered unintelligible by the sound of the running water and the weird acoustics of the tiled bathroom.  Deciding to push him over the edge, I place a finger at his entrance and gently push it into his body.  "Holy fuck!" he yells as he comes in my mouth.  I swallow all he can give me and then let his spent cock slip gently from my lips.

"Good?" I ask when I stand up again.

"Fucking amazing," he breathes before he kisses me passionately, undoubtedly tasting himself as he sucks on my tongue.

"Come on, let's finish showering before the water turns cold," I suggest.

"Hey, a cold shower might be exactly what I need around you."

"Am I that irresistible?" I joke.


We finally get ourselves scrubbed and shampooed, and we dry ourselves off before getting into the fluffy robes that the hotel has provided.  While I comb my hair in front of the bathroom mirror, Orli comes up behind me and slips his arms around my waist.  "Hey," he says softly.

"Hey yourself."  I put the comb down next to the sink and turn around so I can give him a proper hug.  "Having a good morning?"

"Definitely," he mumbles into my neck.  "And you?"

"It's going pretty well," I laugh.  "You know what would make it even better?"

"What's that?"

"Room service."

He pulls back and grins.  "Can I order--"

"Blueberry pancakes with freshly squeezed orange juice," I finish for him, remembering his favorite breakfast.  "Of course you can order that, love.  You can order whatever you want."

"You're the best," he tells me as he drags me out of the bathroom.

"I bet you say that to every guy who offers you blueberry pancakes."

Orli laughs and picks up the menu while dialing the phone.  "I'm assuming you want an omelette with tomatoes, green peppers, and onions?"

"Exactly," I say with a smile.

"Hi, is this room service?" he says into the phone.  "I'd like to order breakfast for two people.  Okay, I'd like one omelette with tomatoes, green peppers, and onions, two orange juices, one order of blueberry pancakes, two croissants, and one order of fresh fruit.  Yeah, room 708.  Thirty minutes?  Okay, thanks."

"Orlando, we can't possibly eat all of that food," I remark after he hangs up.

"Sure we can.  After all," he purrs as he wraps himself around me again, "we worked up quite an appetite."

Remember to Breathe Part 18

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