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TITLE: Remember To Breathe (16/22)
AUTHOR: Elizabeth (
PAIRING: Viggo Mortensen/Orlando Bloom
SUMMARY: Reunited again and it feels *so* good (Orli's POV)
FEEDBACK: It's that little extra spice that makes existence *extra* nice
WARNINGS: Smut + Sap = Smap
DISCLAIMER: This story is solely a product of my twisted imagination
ARCHIVE: BTF; anywhere else help yourself, just drop me a line so I can brag to my friends
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Time to get back to the happy, smutty Viggorli we love so much.  Thanks to my sweetie and beta extraordinaire Liz

I'm so happy.  Of course, who wouldn't be when you've got Viggo Mortensen's tongue in your mouth?  And his hands on your arse.  And his crotch pressed against yours.  You know what makes me even happier?  The fact that he still loves me.  That makes me happiest of all.

Yes, I am one happy Orli, wriggling like crazy while I straddle my boyfriend as he sits on . . . wait.  We're still on Sean's bed.  Maybe we should take this somewhere else, perhaps to a place where Viggo can ravish me without worrying about embarrassing stains.  But damn, I really don't want to stop kissing him.  After all, I never thought I'd have this luxury again and I'm loathe to give it up now, even for a second.

And now he's taking off my shirt without breaking the kiss and I mentally applaud my decision to wear a button-down shirt tonight.  Wait, why is he not kissing me anymore?  Oh, that's why.  He's choosing to nibble my shoulder instead.  That's *very* nice.  I have such a considerate boyfriend.  Said boyfriend is now currently maneuvering me so I'm lying on the mattress.  Sean's mattress.  Yeah, we should really leave before this goes too far.


"Hmm?"  He slides his mouth over to suck at my collarbone.

"Viggo, stop."

Those beloved blue eyes look up at me fearfully.  "What's the matter?  Don't tell me you're having second thoughts."

"No!  It's just that . . . well, I doubt if Sean really wants us to reunite on his bed."

He grins.  "Probably not."

"There are no second thoughts," I tell him firmly.  "I just want to have you ravish me in a more suitable place."

Viggo actually squeaks at my words.  "Ravish?" he asks.  "I can deal with ravishing."  Suddenly he's taking my arm and pulling me off of the bed.  "My room or yours?"

"Whichever is closer.  I'm in Room 724."

"I'm in 708 -- just four rooms down."

"Then we'll go to your room," I say.

Viggo grabs my shirt and we run to the door, open it, and are greeted with the sight of Bean and Lij grinning madly.  "Can we help you?" Bean asks.

"Um . . ."  Viggo blushes.  Wow, Viggo squeaking and blushing in the same night -- that's pretty impressive.

"Why is Viggo holding your shirt?" Lij giggles with a glint in his eye that says he knows *exactly* why Viggo is holding my shirt.  Stupid hobbit.

"Well . . ."  Okay, now *I'm* blushing.  "We kind of, um, talked things over and . . . started doing stuff . . . so Viggo's holding my shirt."

"Really?"  Bean is wearing a look of smug satisfaction.  "So does this mean that you're back together?"

"Yes," Viggo says, wrapping an arm securely around my waist.

"It's about bloody time."

"Sean, we'd love to stay and talk but Orli asked me to ravish him, and I want him to be naked and under me as soon as possible."

"That falls under the category of things I never need to know," Beanie laughs.  "But please tell me you're prepared for this little rendez-vous.  Do you have all the necessary supplies?"  Shit.  Supplies.  Why didn't I pack lube?  Oh yeah, because I wasn't exactly expecting this to happen.

"You could always check with Ian," Lij suggests.  "His boyfriend is here so I'm sure he's well-stocked."  That's actually a good idea.  Score one for Lij.

"That works," I say.  "Do you know what room he's in?"

"At the very end of the hall," Lij informs me.

"Okay."  I turn to Viggo.  "I'll meet you in your room after going on the quest for lube."

"Sounds good."

We take off in opposite directions, trying to ignore the irritating laughter of Bean and Lij.  Well, they can laugh all they want -- *I'm* the one who's going to be having sex with Viggo tonight.  I knock nervously on Ian's door, wondering just how awkward it's going to be to ask him for lube.  Especially since I just realized that I'm still shirtless.

Ian answers the door and looks me up and down before smiling.  "I'm flattered, Orlando, but I already have a boyfriend."

"Do you have lube?" I blurt out.

His eyes twinkle with amusement.  "And why exactly would you need lubricant?"

"Er . . ."  Yeah, this is definitely awkward.  "It's just that . . . Viggo and I are back together--"

"Really?  That's wonderful!  Well dear boy, you have to tell me all about it."

"Couldn't that discussion wait until tomorrow?" I ask hopefully.

"Come now, you wouldn't want to disappoint an old man like that."

From inside the room I hear Nick yell, "you're not old!"

"Anyway," I stammer.  "I'll give you all the details tomorrow, but *please* tell me you have some lube I can borrow."

"Of course," he laughs.  I wait impatiently as he gets the lube and hands it to me.  "Now go back to Viggo and put this stuff to good use."

"Yeah, we will," I manage to say.  "Bye, Ian."

As I run down the hall, I hear Ian's voice calling after me.  "By the way, that's a very fetching love bite you're sporting."

Shit, I should have stopped Viggo from sucking on my collarbone.  Nothing I can do about it now, though.  Okay, room 708.  I knock twice and Viggo opens the door, flashing me a devastating grin.  "Thought you'd never get here."

"Ian was insufferable," I explain.

"Don't really care," he growls as he pulls me into the room.  I toss the tube of lubricant onto the bed and press myself up against Viggo's body.  He kisses me possessively, his tongue immediately beginning to explore my mouth while I weave my fingers through his hair.  God, I missed this.

When Viggo pulls away, I mewl pathetically.  But all thoughts of protesting are annihilated as I realize that he's taking off his shirt.  Nice.  I lunge at him, wrapping my arms around him again, and we both groan as our naked chests come into contact.  Soon we're feverishly working to get naked, and we somehow manage to get rid of shoes, socks, and pants without having to separate.

We fall onto the bed and quickly scramble to pull the blanket back.  I find myself lying on my back while Viggo quickly divests me of my boxers.  When he finally gets rid of his own underwear, I'm unable to avoid licking my lips at the tantalizing sight of his cock jutting proudly from his body.  Please don't tell me that he wants foreplay, because I seriously need that cock in me *now*.

Viggo finds the lube and coats his fingers while I spread my legs as wide as is humanly possible.  Need.  Want.  Now.  The feeling of the first slick finger entering me makes me whimper, and when two more fingers slip in I moan.  Then the talented fingers brush against my prostate and I cry out.  It's good, but it's not enough.

I push my hips down and Viggo immediately understands the silent plea.  He quickly prepares himself and then leans down to kiss me as his erection nudges insistently at my opening.  We moan our relief into each other's mouths at the initial push into my body, reveling in the feeling of togetherness.  His mouth is hot on mine as we kiss and my hands roam over his back in a desperate attempt to touch as much of him as I can.

He immediately begins to move with hard and deep thrusts, breaking the kiss to groan loudly.  When I hook my legs around his waist, changing the angle slightly, his cock hits my prostate and I wail.  His eyes are feral as he drives into me relentlessly, each thrust now ripping moans and cries from our mouths.  Wanting more, I push my hips up to try and get him even deeper inside of me.

Viggo wraps a hand around my erection and I let out a yell.  I'm not going to last much longer, but I'm consoled with the knowledge that Viggo is close as well; his thrusts have become almost desperate in their intensity.  He kisses me again and my tongue battles his for dominance as I clutch his shoulders tightly.

Moments later I feel Viggo's body start to shake, and he pulls his mouth from mine to let out a guttural moan as he comes inside of me.  I'm still working on finding my own climax, so I whimper in frustration when he slides out of my body.  What the fuck does he think he's doing?  Leaving me high and dry while he . . . oh, God.  Viggo's incredibly skilled mouth is taking me all the way into his throat, and it's more than I can handle.

I come with an unabashed scream as Viggo sucks me into oblivion, waiting until the aftershocks have passed before he pulls away from my cock.  He lies down next to me and turns my head towards his so we can kiss.  The urgency melts away and a feeling of blissful calm comes over me.  My taste is on his tongue, but underneath that there's a flavor I can never quite name and belongs solely to Viggo.

"Wow," I murmur when the kiss ends.

"Yeah," Viggo chuckles.

"That was . . ."

"Life-affirming?  Earth-shattering?  Cosmos-altering?  A religious experience?"

I smack his chest.  "I'm trying to be serious, old man."

"I know."  He pauses.  "I didn't hurt you, did I?  It was pretty hard to control myself."

"No, you didn't hurt me," I assure him.

His fingers skim over my cheeks and he smiles.  "You're so beautiful."

"And you are one sexy bitch."

Viggo laughs loudly.  "What am I going to do with you?" he asks with a grin.

"I'm sure you'll think of something . . . creative.  But for now, I'd like to just cuddle."  I may be unbelievably twee, but Viggo certainly doesn't seem to mind.

"Fine with me," he says as he pulls the blankets up around us.  I put my head on his chest and sigh happily when he drops a kiss on the top of my head.  "You have hair," Viggo remarks, and I can hear the bemusement in his voice.

"Do you like it?"  I look up at him and smile.

"Of course I do.  Orli, you look gorgeous no matter what."

"So do you."  I move up so my face is next to his.  "Absolutely gorgeous.  And all mine."

"All yours," he agrees as I brush my lips against his cheek.  "Nothing will ever change that, Orli.  The last seven months . . ."  Viggo sighs.  "I've had rough periods in my life before, but not having you by my side was unbearable.  The fact that you're willing to give me another chance--"

"This isn't about chances, Vig.  It's about the fact that we love each other more than words can say.  We can't change the stupid things we did in the past, so let's just look forward to the future, okay?"

"Okay."  He smiles and pulls me even closer to him.  "You're staying with me tonight, right?"

"You bet your fine arse I am.  Do you know how much I missed falling asleep in your arms?"

Viggo wraps his arms around my body and I snuggle into the embrace.  "I missed this, too.  You said that you're coming to L.A. a lot in the next few months, so you'll have plenty of chances to fall asleep in my arms."

"Sounds good to me."

"Henry will be *thrilled* to see you again."

"Really?  He doesn't hate me for breaking up with his dad?" I ask nervously.

"Are you kidding?  Henry's always been your biggest fan, even after the break-up.  He was lobbying me to call you for months."

"Yeah, he lobbied me, too.  Gave me a call in July and told me to get my head out of my arse," I laugh.

Viggo chuckles.  "Well, he'll be happy that we came to our senses."

"As will all of our friends.  Bean, Ian, and Lij already know."

"So does whoever's next door," Viggo adds.  "You were pretty loud a few minutes ago.  I had almost forgot what a screamer you can be during sex."

"I can't help that!  If you weren't so bloody talented this wouldn't be an issue, so it's really all your fault."

"Thanks for the compliment.  And believe me, I *love* it when you moan and scream."

"Yeah?  Then I'll moan and scream for you some more in the morning," I tell him with a wink.  "But now I need some sleep."

"Yeah, me too," he admits.  "Between the flight and everything that happened tonight, I'm completely wiped out.  Let me just get the lights and we'll go to sleep."

I can't resist grinning as I watch Viggo walk across the room to turn off the light.  He's so beautiful, especially when he's naked.  Once he's back under the covers with me, I settle into his arms and kiss his neck.

"I love you so much, Orli."

"I love you, too.  I can't even begin to tell you how much you mean to me."

"You don't have to tell me," he murmurs.  "Just having you here in my arms is enough for me."

"Still . . . you're my world, Vig.  My center of gravity."

"And you're my soul."  I yawn loudly and he laughs.  "Get some sleep, love."

"Okay," I mumble drowsily.  "Good night."

"Good night, Orli."

I burrow further into the embrace and smile, feeling happy for the first time since May.  We still have fears to conquer and insecurities to deal with, but I know we'll survive whatever life throws at us because our love is stronger than any obstacle we could face.  As I lie here in Viggo's arms and relearn his breathing patterns while I drift off to sleep, I know that everything's okay.  I'm home again.

Remember to Breathe Part 17

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