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TITLE: Pretty Good Year (8/22)
AUTHOR: Elizabeth (
PAIRING: Viggo Mortensen/Orlando Bloom
SUMMARY: Reunited for reshoots (Orli's POV)
FEEDBACK: WIthout it I'd have had no fun since July of 1981
WARNINGS: Smut + Sap = Smap
DISCLAIMER: This story is solely a product of my twisted imagination
ARCHIVE: Help yourself, just drop me a line so I can brag to my friends
DATE WRITTEN: September 6th, 2003

"Okay, you're all checked in, Mr. Bloom," the unnaturally cheery hotel clerk tells me.  "Here's your key, and I hope you enjoy your stay."

"Thank you so much," I say to her.

"You look very jet-lagged," she says sympathetically in a strong Kiwi accent.

"Well, I just flew in from Europe," I explain as I take my key.  "So I'm going to get some sleep before I do anything else."

I make my way up to the tenth floor and reach my room, pulling out the key.  Once I open the door to my room and lug my suitcase inside, I kick off my shoes and yawn.  It's only noon, but I'm completely exhausted from the time zone changes.  Pete was considerate enough to reserve interconnecting hotel rooms for Viggo and myself (Henry has his own room), and I open the door on my side, grinning when I see that my boyfriend has remembered to leave the connecting door to his room unlocked.

Not surprisingly, his room is an absolute mess even though he's only been there for three days, and I close the curtains before making a beeline for the bed.  I collapse on the mattress, burrowing under the sheets and inhaling deeply, smelling soap and shampoo and skin, smelling Viggo.  He'll be back in a few hours when he's finished doing his thing as the King of Men, and for now I'm content to wrap myself up in blankets and snooze while I wait for him.


I open my eyes and gradually come awake to the sound of loud laughter outside of the room.  A smile comes to my face as I immediately recognize the laughter as belonging to Henry and Dom; the 'workday' must be over and everyone is back from the set.  The room is much darker than it was when I fell asleep, and a quick glance at my watch reveals it to be a little bit after seven.

A moment later, the door clicks open and Viggo sneaks into the darkened room, making sure to hang the 'Do Not Disturb' sign.  I sit up and turn on the lamp next to the bed so he doesn't break his neck tripping over all the crap littering the floor, and he looks over at me, startled and beautiful.  "Hey," he says, a slow grin crossing his face.  "I didn't know if you'd be awake or not."

"I just woke up," I admit.  "But I've been napping since noon, so hopefully I shrugged off my jet lag."

"That's good."  He removes his coat, shoes, and socks, then joins me on the bed.  "How was your flight, love?"

"It was fine; nothing special.  How was your day?"

"A lot of fun, actually."  His hand skims over my cheek.  "I'm so glad you're here.  I've missed you so much, Orli."

I reach up and pull his head down, kissing him fiercely in response.  He makes a little muffled noise of surprise, but then responds enthusiastically, his tongue making its way into my mouth and tangling with my own.  This is one of those I-haven't-seen-you-in-forever-and-I'm-going-to-leave-you-breathless kisses that Viggo specializes in.  My hands immediately go to the fly of his trousers and pull the zipper down, wanting both of us to be naked as quickly as possible.  Call me impatient all you want, but it *has* been two months since we've been together.

Viggo certainly doesn't seem to mind my eagerness; his hands pull at my clothes, and we regretfully break the kiss so that we can undress each other.  "When did you get so built?" he marvels after taking off my shirt.

A slight flush of embarrassment comes to my cheeks.  "Um, they wanted Paris to be a real stud," I explain.  "So I hit the gym when I was in London, and voila -- abs of steel."

"You hit the gym without me?" he asks, feigning hurt.  "I could have spotted you if we had gone together."

I laugh as I wriggle out of my jeans and boxers, my hardening cock springing free of its cotton confinement.  "We'll have to do that some other time.  Now, are you going to shag me or not?"

"You're always so impatient," Viggo chuckles.

"What, and you're not?" I ask, my hands making quick work of the rest of his clothes.  "I need this, and I know that you do, too."  I wrap my hand around his erection, reveling in the groan he lets out.  "I know how much you need to be inside of me, Viggo," I whisper, flicking my tongue out to drag along his ear.

"Christ," he mutters.  "Lube, now."  He pulls away and stumbles out of bed, searching through his bag of toiletries until he finds the tube we need.

I stroke my erection as I watch him coat his fingers with the lube, wondering what position would be best.  On my back, so that we can look into each other's eyes as we're making love?  On my stomach, so that he can just grab my hips and ram into me?  Both have their obvious appeal.  Then, of course, there are a few other positions we could always use.

Viggo rejoins me on the bed, his lips capturing mine for another kiss while a finger circles the entrance to my body before sinking in.  I moan and push my hips down, pleading for more. He chuckles into the kiss, teasing me with another finger that enters me slowly, eventually scissoring the two fingers apart to stretch me for what's next.  Our cocks brush against one another for a delicious moment, and I can feel a shudder pass through his body; it's good to know that I'm not the only one who loses his composure once in a while.

When his fingers twist and curl inside of me, finding my prostate, I'm forced to break the kiss and cry out.  "God, Viggo!" I exclaim.

"You ready?" he asks, his voice even raspier than usual.

"Yes," I manage to say, feeling my power of speech beginning to slip away.

His fingers slip out of me and he reaches for the lube again, slicking it over his dripping cock.  He sits up straight against the headboard and pulls me close to him; understanding what he wants, I straddle his legs and slowly slide down onto his cock, both of us groaning at the initial penetration.  My hands grip his shoulders tightly as I continue to impale myself on the hard flesh until he's fully buried inside of me.

It feels indescribably good to be joined with him like this again.  Viggo's skin is so warm against mine, his hand is slightly rough as is glides down my back to settle on my arse and playfully squeeze it.  I need to start moving, though; we both need to move.

I start rocking on top of him, rotating my hips in small circles while moving up and down.  He seems to like that a lot as he moans softly and leans forward to kiss me, coaxing some whimpers out of me.  His hips thrust up in synchronization with my movements, and I throw my head back when his cock strikes my prostate.  Viggo takes that opportunity to start nibbling on my neck, one hand tightly gripping my hip while the other begins to roam over my chest, brushing over my nipples.

"You feel so wonderful," he gasps, his tongue snaking out to run along the length of my collarbone.

"Oh . . . so do you . . ."  My breath is coming in short gasps as we speed up the rhythm of our lovemaking; it'd be wonderful to have a long, lazy shag, but we need each other too desperately after our last separation.

One of his hands is still caressing my chest, and I let out a soft cry when he pinches a sensitized nipple.  I devour his mouth in another kiss, then nearly bite his tongue in surprise when that same hand moves down to close around my cock.  All the while, I continue to ride him, doing everything from rocking to gyrating to thrashing on top of him.  Viggo's hips piston up, driving his cock even further into me and brushing over my sweet spot over and over, and that combined with his hand on my own cock is enough to finally drive me over the edge.

My attempt to wail his name as I come on his hand is swallowed by the kiss, and Viggo continues to thrust into me as he drives towards his own peak.  Wanting to help him along, I lift up his sticky hand and suck his fingers into my mouth, tasting myself; he groans loudly at the sight, thrusting once more and climaxing inside of me.  I smile and hug him tightly as his spent cock slips out of me.

"That was quite a wonderful shag," I tell him with a grin.

"I'm glad it met with your approval," he laughs, leaning down to kiss me again, his tongue dipping briefly into my mouth.  "You have no idea how thrilled I am to see you again."

"Yes, I do; I'm just as thrilled as you are."  I plant a kiss on his cheek to emphasize my point.

"I can't get over how beautiful you look," Viggo murmurs, making me blush.  "I love your hair like this."  His fingers comb through my curls, which are now longer than they've ever been.  "It's a very seductive look for you, love."

"Thank you.  And did you notice the new tan?"

He chuckles.  "I did notice the tan.  Doing some more sunbathing, have we?"

"I've barely had the time.  It really just happens from the process of being outdoors.  It's so beautiful there, Viggo; you have to see it someday."

"Maybe I will."  He draws me close for another kiss.  "And then, of course, there is the issue of the very sculpted chest that you're suddenly sporting.  I think that once Pete hears about your transformation, he'll want Legolas in a loincloth and nothing else for these reshoots," he teases.

"Wanker," I shoot back, even though I'm grinning so hard that my cheeks hurt.  "God, I missed you, Vig."

"Mmm, missed you more."

"Not possible."

"Yes, it is," he laughs.

"Wanna bet?" I challenge.  "I missed you so much that I saved all your messages on my mobile phone so that I could listen to your voice whenever I couldn't call you because of time differences."

"I missed you so much that I rented 'Wilde' three times," he confesses.

"I missed you so much that I listened to the 'Recent Forgeries' CD six times during the flight to Wellington."

"I missed you so much that I brought the Love Pig to Denmark, despite the fact that Henry found out and will never let me live it down," Viggo tells me.

"Okay, you might win," I say, and we both laugh.  "So what's the plan for this evening?"

"Nothing, really.  I think everyone figured you'd want to take it easy, but if you're up to doing something--"

"Nothing sounds perfect," I tell him.  "I'm probably still a bit jet-lagged, and I should turn in relatively early if I'm going to give PJ a full day's work as the elf tomorrow.  If you want to go out, you should feel free to, though."

"Are you kidding?  After spending two months apart from you, I'm not leaving your side until I'm dragged away with a crowbar."

"Good.  I like the sound of having you all to myself tonight."

He gives me one of those smiles that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.  "So does that mean I get *you* all to myself tonight?"

I return his smile.  "Of course it does."

Viggo presses his lips to my temple, his grin widening.  "Then this will be a wonderful night."

Pretty Good Year Part 9

More Viggorli

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