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TITLE: Pretty Good Year (7/22)
AUTHOR: Elizabeth (
PAIRING: Viggo Mortensen/Orlando Bloom
SUMMARY: Relationship journals, pt. 3 (Alternating POV)
FEEDBACK: Without it I'd have had no fun since July of 1981
DISCLAIMER: This story is solely a product of my twisted imagination
ARCHIVE: Help yourself, just drop me a line so I can brag to my friends
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Once again, I'm not sure of exact filming dates and itineraries, so if I'm a bit off, please forgive me.  And a shout-out goes to my friend Jemila, who's been cheering me on from the start and finally is getting her richly deserved cameo
DATE WRITTEN: September 4th, 2003


I have a splitting headache and I'm exhausted.  It's really after midnight on the 15th, but I'm still on California time, so I dated this entry the 14th of April.  I'm sitting in the guest room of Sam's flat (formerly *my* flat), and I must admit that it's a bit odd to be back in England for the first time in a year, even if I've only been from Heathrow to the flat tonight.  I thought I'd spend the rest of my life in this country, but I guess it goes to show that you never know what twists and turns your life will take.

While I admit that I do miss living in London, it can't compare to Los Angeles for one very simple reason -- you're with me in L.A.  Yes, it's the start of one of our grand separations, and the homesickness and longing for my lover are already kicking in, right on schedule.  I suppose I should probably take some medicine for my headache and get some sleep before I collapse of fatigue and get a tongue-lashing from Sam (trust me, those are *bad*).  So I'll sign off here before I start losing all signs of coherency.  I miss you, my faraway, faraway Viggo.


It's a beautiful spring day here in sunny California.  The birds are singing their heads off, the flowers are beautiful, and everything seems to be wonderfully idyllic.  Except for the fact that you're not here.

Oh, Orli . . . I miss you so much already.  I think that first night is always the hardest, you know?  Waking up the next morning, turning over instinctively to grasp for you, only to suddenly remember that you're several thousand miles away.  I'm really not trying to make you feel guilty, because that wouldn't accomplish anything positive; and besides, it's not like I haven't left to go film movies myself.  It's just so difficult, and I wish you were here.  I wish I could hold you.

At least I have a number of things planned to keep me busy while you're away.  I'm going to Cuba for a week in May, which should be fascinating, and then I go back to Denmark for the first time in a long while -- and I'm taking Henry along with me.  Not to mention a two-week stop in New Zealand for the last of the reshoots, where we'll get to have some time together.  Then it's back to Denmark and then to L.A. until you finish up with 'Troy' in Mexico and get yourself back home.

So it's really not so bad at all.  And you're only a phone call away.  Which means that my phone bill will clear out my bank account.  I miss you, I love you, I adore you.


Guess who liked my work as Legolas?  Brad Pitt!  Brad bloody Pitt!  I couldn't believe it!  He walked into this meeting the entire cast had, immediately recognized me, shook my hand, and told me that he loved the 'Rings' movies and thought I did a terrific job as Legolas!  And everyone else seems fantastic; the director is professional but has a sense of humor about the whole thing, and I think I'll have a really good time making this film.

Of course, the best part of the meeting was that Sean was there.  Even though I won't have a single scene with him, we will be in Malta and Mexico together, so we'll be able to hang out and relax while reminiscing about New Zealand and gossiping about our friends like a couple of old biddies.  It should be a blast!  I just wish you were there with us.  I miss you, my wonderful, wonderful Viggo.


I had dinner with some of our friends tonight, specifically the Astin family, Lij, and Dom.  Everyone sends their love, and Allie sends you a big, big hug (I think she might have a little crush on you).  Of course, Sean and Christine's baby girl was there, and I couldn't help but think about the fact that we've decided to have a child.

It's something I'm truly thrilled about, Orli.  We obviously don't know exactly when it'll happen, or exactly how, but sooner rather than later, we will have a child to call our own.  I remember the first time I held Henry in my arms and he looked up at me with wonder in his blue eyes.  There was this connection that we made right then and there that I can't describe, and I couldn't be happier when I think about the fact that I have the chance to make that connection with another child.

I have no doubt that you are going to be a remarkable father.  You have an incredible amount of love to give, and you're so dedicated to the happiness of those you care about.  Our child will be incredibly lucky to have you as a parent, just as I'm incredibly lucky to have you as a partner.


Sometimes, you learn lessons the hard way.  Like the lesson that you should never drink rum with your older sister.  See, I was telling her all about the part in 'Pirates' where Jack and Elizabeth are marooned and drink rum, and Jack gets totally monged.  For some reason, Sam thought it'd be a good idea to drink some rum ourselves, and I agreed, not remembering how loose-lipped I tend to get when inebriated.

To make a long story short, we consumed quite a bit of rum at the flat, and the talk turned to my sex life.  Yes, this might be the point where you start thinking about looking for a new boyfriend.  I did indeed tell Sam things that brothers should not tell their sisters, such as that my boyfriend can suck a hose dry and has a very large cock.  She also now knows about the incident in the loo at that club in Wellington, as well as the handjob at the 'Two Towers' premiere, and the Aragorn/Legolas roleplaying.

I was obviously really hoping that she would have forgotten all of these ribald bits of information by this morning, but no such luck.  She served me bangers for breakfast, apologizing for the fact that they weren't as big as the sausages I'm used to swallowing.  I have a feeling that I won't live this down for the next fifty years, although she probably won't tease me very much for my idiocy.  One thing has become abundantly clear, though -- I should never drink rum again.  I'm such a bloody fool.  I miss you, my (hopefully) forgiving, forgiving Viggo.


Maude has a stalker.  His name is Pokey.

Our cat is now stalking our dog, and it's pretty damned cute.  That first scuffle between the two of them has long since been forgotten, and now Pokey follows Maude *everywhere*, even when Maude goes out into the backyard.  Luckily, Maude doesn't seem to mind, and plays with Pokey all day long.  They've become quite a team, and they still sleep next to each other at night.

Not much else is going on here.  Henry is staying at Exene's for the rest of the week, then next week, Ex and I are taking him out for his birthday.  Is it really possible that he's going to be fifteen?  It seems like just yesterday that he was mastering the fine art of riding a tricycle.  Ah, how time flies.


Phone sex is good.  Phone sex is great.  Phone sex helps me to masturbate.  I miss you, my carnal, carnal Viggo.


Henry *really* appreciated your birthday gift.  I know he's already tracked you down on your cell phone to tell you that himself, but I thought I'd mention it again anyway.  Exene and I did our usual birthday ritual with him, taking him to Disneyland; I have a feeling he'll still be going there for his birthday even when he's sixty.

Of course, we got more fun than usual out of riding Pirates of the Caribbean.  Exene was teasing me by asking if you were playing one of the wenches who gets auctioned off as a bride.  I have to admit that when I got home, I snuck off to the computer and went straight for the Disney website to check out the trailer for the movie.  Is that sad?  I guess it's to be expected, though.  Your fan club consists of millions of young girls and one very horny 44-year-old man.


Oh God, it is *beautiful* here!  Malta is spectacular!  They couldn't have picked a better spot to make this film in.  It's like how New Zealand was perfect for Middle Earth -- this is perfect for the ancient world we're trying to recapture for 'Troy'.  I have a giant hotel room since I seem to be a big star (although I have no idea how that happened), and I'm right down the hall from both Sean and Brad.  That's right -- Brad.  I'm on a first-name basis with him now; how awesome is that?

This really is the coolest career in the world.  I get to go to the most exotic and glamorous places, hang out with big stars who turn out to be the most down-to-earth people, and play characters like Legolas and Paris and Will Turner.  It still amazes me how lucky I've been to have this career.  I really try not to take it for granted, especially since I know how hard you had to work for years just to get decent parts.  I'm so thrilled that people are finally taking notice of how absolutely brilliant you are.  I miss you, my talented, talented Viggo.


I finally finished putting together the Middle Earth Photo Album you gave me for Christmas.  It's page after page of pictures from our experiences both on-set and off, and even though I'm not one for any kind of structure, I've managed to arrange them by chronological order so that the album can tell some kind of a story.

Not surprisingly, you're the most popular subject of my photos.  I remember it was my fifth day on the set when I brought my camera, after asking Pete's permission to do so.  You asked me, "What's the deal with the camera, Viggo?"  I told you that I was hoping to take a few pictures, since this seemed like such a unique place.  A few pictures.  Try hundreds and hundreds of pictures.

You've probably heard me say this a thousand times, but you are so unbelievably beautiful.  In every single photograph I placed in the album, you look absolutely stunning.  And no, I don't think that I'm biased at all.


Okay, so yesterday I go out on a boat and some tabloid hack takes a picture of me without my shirt.  The photo is apparently now all over the web!  I got a phone call this morning from Atti congratulating me on having "upped my beefcake quotient."  My publicist must be thrilled that girls worldwide are squealing over my nipples.  Is this why I went to drama school?  I miss you, my comforting, comforting Viggo.


Tonight, I finally met Henry's girlfriend, the elusive Jemila.  She's a lovely girl, and I can understand why Henry is crazy about her.  He brought her over to study after school (although they might have been kissing in his room; I can't prove it), and she stayed for dinner.  We ended up talking about Arab-American relations, which she knows a lot about; her parents are originally from Egypt and Iran.  What's really adorable is that she's slender and just over five feet tall, while Henry is almost my height, so they make a really cute little couple.  Although I still can't believe my son has a girlfriend.

He's also learning to drive, which makes me feel just a little bit . . . well, old.  He's already begging me for a car -- a Ford Focus, to be exact.  I told him that he won't be getting his own car until he turns seventeen at the earliest, and that's depending on if he continues to get good grades.  Yes, I can be a hard-liner.  It makes me feel kind of like my own dad, which is a depressing thought.  Not that I don't love my dad, but you swear you'll never become your parents, and then you grow up and realize it's inevitable.  Well, at least I didn't name my son Viggo III.


I was absolutely *exhausted* after a day of very physical filming, so it was such a terrific surprise to get back to my trailer, flip on my mobile phone, check my messages, and hear you checking in to make sure that everything was alright and saying that you love me and miss me.  I love and miss you, too.  I'm sure that everyone was wondering why I was grinning when I emerged from my trailer, since I had been cranky upon entering it.  Oh well, they probably thought I wanked or something.

I must confess that I brought my 'Fellowship' soundtrack with me so that on nights like this when I'm really lonely, I can put on my headphones, crawl into bed, and simply be transported to another time and place.  But I don't think of Legolas and Aragorn when I hear the music from the movie, I think of the two of us, and all of the rest of our friends who made that movie happen.  And suddenly I don't feel so lonely anymore.  I miss you, my (a la Gollum) precious, precious Viggo.


Out cat is quite the little troublemaker.

Let me explain: last week, I was painting when Pokey innocently traipsed into the room and perched on the stool next to me for a while.  Then he started to get restless and decided to make the jump from the stool to the table, but underestimated how far he needed to jump and missed his target.  He managed to sink his claws into some papers hanging onto the edge of the table and pull them down as he fell to the ground (he was uninjured), and the papers came falling off of the table, as well as what was on top of them -- two open cans of paint.

As if that's not bad enough, he did something that I know will really upset you.  He destroyed the sparkly blue vibrator.  Apparently, kitty claws and silicone do not mix well at all.  I just left it on the bed for two minutes, and Pokey thought he had a new toy.  And the timing couldn't be worse, since you're away and that vibrator has helped me through a few lonely nights and phone sex sessions.  I guess I'll have to find a way to get a new one.  We can't exacty walk into a sex shop or order it off the web with the kind of recognition we garner now, so another plan is needed.

Bad kitty.  Very bad kitty.  Of course, this hadn't stopped me from petting him constantly.


Time for the returm of the Orlando Bloom Top 10 Lists

The Top 10 Things I'm Going To Do When I See You Again
10- Hug you
9- Jump on you
8- Kiss you
7- Kiss you
6- Kiss you
5- Tear off our clothes
4- Throw you down on the bed
3- Kiss every part of you
2- Ravish you
1- Cuddle with you

I miss you, my sinful, sinful Viggo


I'm on a flight from Venezuela to Cuba right now to spend a week in and around Havana, mostly for a show of my work.  I'm going to try not to play politics at all, althought I wonder if they know about my anti-war sentiments.  If any pictures of me in Cuba show up in magazines, be prepared for the fact that I've let myself grow a beard again.  I'll have to trim it for the reshoots, but right now I'm sporting full frontal facial hair.

It's only a month until I'll be seeing you in New Zealand, and I can't wait!  I'm like a kid who's counting the days until Christmas.  It will be so terrific to be back there one last time, but also strangely sad to put on that costume for the final run as Aragorn.  Of course I know that the bonds of love and friendship I forged with people won't end when the trilogy leaves theaters, but there's a part of me that wishes that this role would go on forever.  I love being Aragorn, and I love having his *real* beloved elf, Legolas, by my side.


You know what I want to do?  Maybe next year or the year after, but definitely before we have a child?  Take a trip together, just the two of us.  I don't care where we'd go, but I've realized something from being all around the world filming these movies: there are so many spectacular places, from big cities to wide open spaces, and I want to be able to experience as many as I can.

I know that we've both had the opportunity to travel around the world, but we haven't gone many places *together*.  For example, you're going to Denmark next month with Henry, and I'd love to see that country.  Or we could do a trip through England, or one of those road trips through the States that I know you've done, or go somewhere totally random like Fiji or Portugal.  We could even just go back to New Zealand, where it all began for you and me, and explore every nook and cranny of those islands.

Anyway, perhaps I'm talking out of my arse, but this is something I really want to do.  I'm giving a lot of thought to cutting down on my projects, not to mention the fact that coming out in eight months might limit the offers I get.  I want us to have more time to spend together as a couple, as a family, and I want to be able to do things like this.  So that's my reasoning.  I'm off to bed now.  I miss you, my globetrotting, globetrotting Viggo.


Well, I'm back in California and I think Pokey and Maude are relieved I'm home.  As usual, they've managed to charm their way into people's hearts -- Exene is now thoroughly in love with both of them after doing a week of petsitting for us.  Apparently, they both slept on her bed to keep her company, and Maude didn't steal a single piece of food.  Not even the fact that Pokey mistook Exene's favorite guitar for a scratching post could dislodge him from my ex-wife's affections.

Oh, and speaking of Exene, I think she may be the solution to our vibrator problem.  I explained about Pokey and the blue vibrator, and after she stopped laughing her ass off at me, she agreed to be our 'cover' (so to speak) and buy us a new vibrator.  After all, she's the one who buys us lube, since we really can't do that for ourselves either.  I guess I don't have a typical relationship with my ex-wife, but who gives a fuck?  If I had typical relationships, I probably wouldn't be with my wonderful elf boy, and that would be terrible.


Is there any way you can get the hobbits to stop teasing me?  Can you threaten them with blackmail or your sword?  They're teasing me about 'Pirates' again.  They say I look poncy in the trailer.  I maintain that I simply have fine features, but they're being real tossers about it.  Was there something in the book I missed about all hobbits being extremely nasty buggers once you get to know them?  Grrr.  So sick of being a pretty boy.  I miss you, my rugged, rugged Viggo.


It's my first night in Denmark, and I'm extremely jet-lagged.  I'm sure you know that feeling.  The hotel room curtains are a very interesting shade of purple, and I would wager anything that they were purchased in the seventies.  The flight was absolutely torturous, especially since Henry fell asleep, which isn't so bad in and of itself, but he apparently kicks in his sleep, which is something I learned when he managed to deliver a swift and very painful kick to my shin, just under my knee.  And he was wearing heavy boots at the time.

I have my own hotel room, which is good because it enables phone sex.  And God, do I love phone sex.  You have such a beautiful seductive voice, and I love hearing it talk dirty to me.  Not to mention that active imagination of yours.  And your one-track mind.  While phone sex can't compare to having you by my side and writhing under me, it's still an amazing substitute.  I think I'll call you tomorrow so we can have a little fun.


I was watching CNN International in my hotel room this morning as I was getting dressed, and there was a story that caught my eye.  Apparently, the United States Supreme Court is going to hear a case about a law in Texas that makes the act of homosexual sex between consulting adults illegal.  In other words, if you and I went to Texas tomorrow and did our thing in a hotel room, the coppers could burst in and drag us down to jail for engaging in 'sodomy'.

What the fuck is wrong with people?  Honestly, have you or I ever harmed a single person by being bisexual?  Have we 'negatively influenced' those around us?  Have we somehow sent out gay voodoo vibes?  Has having a bisexual father warped Henry beyond repair?  Has Atti ever harmed anyone by being open about his sexuality?  Has Ian?  I somehow doubt it.

I wish these narrow-minded people would wake up and realize that they are the problem, not us.  I miss you, my beautiful, beautiful Viggo.


It is very nice to be back in Denmark.  Over the last week, I've seen countless family members, some of whom haven't seen Henry since he was about five.  My aunt made such a fuss over him that she literally pinched his cheek, which is exactly the same treatment my brothers and I were put through as kids.  My aunt is a strange woman.  The people running the art show are wonderful, although it's still that balance of people who come to the show for the art and those who come because I'm a celebrity.

Speaking of celebrities, you've become quite a big one, love.  Henry and I have been checking into one of those internet cafes every few days to look at our email, and I have to admit that I surfed the net for sites about you.  I was a bit overwhelmed by the outpouring of adulation you've received from your fans.  I might even be a bit jealous.  And yes, Henry caught me checking out your fan sites.  And no, he's not letting me live it down.


Seven more days!  I'm practically bursting at the seams, itching to get on that plane to New Zealand for the final reshoots.  One last time for the wig, one last time for the blue contacts, one last time for the ear glue, one last time for the leggings (they are *not* tights, you filthy human).  And of course, the best part about it is that I'll get to see everyone, from Pete to the hobbits to Ian to Henry to you.

Honestly, after two months of being separated from you, I've had enough.  Ten days together sounds perfect.  Bring it on.  I miss you, my incredible, incredible Viggo.


Denmark to New Zealand is an extremely long flight, so you can imagine how sleepy I am.  But before I fall asleep, I want to write how much I can't wait to see you when you get to Wellington in three days.  I'm counting the hours until I can have you in my arms again.

Pretty Good Year Part 8

More Viggorli

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