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TITLE: Heart and Shoulder (6/22) (The 100th Installment in "The Viggorli Chronicles"!)
AUTHOR: Elizabeth (sef7881@a...)
PAIRING: Viggo Mortensen/Orlando Bloom
SUMMARY: Parting is the smuttiest sorrow (Orli's POV)
FEEDBACK: To paraphrase Aragorn and Eowyn: "What do you fear, my lady?" "No feedback. To stay behind a laptop, until use and old age accept no feedback. And all chance of feedback has gone beyond recall and desire."
WARNINGS: Sap, minor angst
DISCLAIMER: I made this all up in my crazy little head. It's
ARCHIVE: I'd be honored, just let me know where it's going
SPECIAL NOTE: It was a year ago today that the first chapter
of "Fumbling Towards Ecstasy" was posted. Between 94 chapters and 6 interludes, this is the 100th installment in "The Viggorli
Chronicles". To ALL of you who have read this entire saga, THANK YOU beyond words for the support you have given me over the last year. It means more to me than I could ever say.
DATE WRITTEN: March 3rd, 2004

"So what time are you leaving tomorrow?" Henry asks as he stands in the doorway to his bedroom, ready to turn in for the night.

"My plane leaves at nine, so I'm being picked up from the house at six-thirty," I tell him. "Way before you wake up on a Saturday morning."

"Damn, so I guess this is goodbye?"

"Well, for the next three weeks at least. I'll be back on the twenty-seventh."

"And we'll speak on the phone," he adds.


"Will you get me cool stuff from Morocco?"

"I'll get you whatever you want. Just take good care of your dad for me, okay?"

"You know that I will," he says solemnly.

I hug him impulsively. "Love you, kid."

"Even though I'm taller than you?"

"You are *not* taller than me. We're exactly the same height."

"Yeah, whatever," Henry laughs. "Listen, call me if you need to talk, okay? I know you and Dad are under a lot of stress right now, and I'm here if you want somebody else to vent your frustration to."

"Thanks," I say softly. "I'll call you no matter what."

"Have a safe flight, okay? I love you."

"I love you, too."

We hug again, and then I watch with a smile as Henry closes the door to his room. As much as I love what I do for a living, I truly wish that I didn't have to say farewells to my family every few months when I go off for a long shoot. Now that I'm going to film Kingdom of Heaven, I'll be away from Viggo, Henry, and our mini-menagerie for more than three months, something that I'm not exactly looking forward to despite the amazing opportunities that the film itself is providing me with.

Just then, I feel something small and furry curl around my ankle, and I look down to see Pokey gazing at me with wide eyes. He lets out a small meow, pleading shamelessly for attention. I laugh and reach down to scoop him up. "Okay, I'll stop brooding and pet you." He purrs with satisfaction in response. "How about we go to bed, Pokey?" I ask him, not really expecting an answer. Placing the black ball of fur gently on the floor, I head towards the bedroom with my cat hot on my heels.

I know that Viggo's waiting for me in our room, and I practically skip down the hallway with anticipation. Our last night together before a separation is always special, and I'm hoping that tonight won't be any different. When I get on that plane tomorrow morning, I want to remember what it feels like to have Viggo's lips on my skin, his hands caressing me as we claim each other.

As I open the door to our bedroom, I stop short and my jaw drops.  There are small white candles on what seems like every available surface in the room, giving the room a soft, golden glow and filling it with the unmistakable smell of vanilla. He knows that I love vanilla! I mentally slap myself. Of course he knows that I love vanilla. After four years together, you kind of pick up on these things.

However, my incredibly sweet and romantic boyfriend is nowhere to be found. I duck into our bathroom, but he's not there. Then I turn around and spy a note on one of the pillows of our bed. What is he planning? I pick up the note and read it, a smile coming to my face immediately. "Orli," it says, "take off your clothes, lie down, and wait."

This is just like him: get me all worked up and then make me wait.  He can be so infuriating sometimes! But I know that it'll be worth it in the end, so I break speed records in getting naked and hop on the bed, tossing the note into the rubbish bin and arrange myself sultrily on the pillows as I wait for my prince (er, King) to arrive.

Finally, I hear the familiar footsteps approaching the room and my body starts to vibrate with anticipation. Viggo opens the door and walks in, raising his eyebrows as he sees me laid out before him. "Is this for me?" he asks with a sly smile.

"Of course it is. After all, this entire set-up seems to be for *me*," I remind him, gesturing to the candles around the room. "I
think that this is the least I could give you in return."

The door is shut and Viggo's on the bed with me in a matter of two seconds. "You don't need to give me anything in return," he tells me. "Tonight is for you, Orlando."

A lump of emotion forms in my throat. I don't want to leave this amazing man tomorrow morning. "Viggo . . ."

"No more words right now. Just feel."

He leans forward and kisses my neck, covering my naked body with his fully clothed one. The sinful sensation of worn denim and cotton sliding over my skin making me shudder, I immediately start working on the buttons of his shirt, determined to get him naked with me as soon as possible. His shirt quickly falls in a pool next to the bed and he briefly pulls away so he can wrestle his jeans and boxers off.

My eyes roam over his body, the slope of his neck leading my gaze to his broad shoulders and sculpted chest, to the muscular legs and the adorable feet that he hates to restrain with shoes. (Yes, I think his feet are adorable. This is what happens when you're hopelessly in love.) And of course, I can't ignore the hard cock that's rising proudly from between his thighs.

"Beautiful," I say softly, my eyes looking up to meet his again.

"You're one to talk," Viggo murmurs, a blush creeping up his cheeks. His hands caress my chest while he starts nibbling at my
jaw. "You take my breath away every time I see you."

Unable to think of the perfect response to his lovely sentiment (which still makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, no matter how many times he says it to me), I decide instead to make my feelings known another way. I slide my hands down to grip his perfectly muscled arse, causing him to gasp as his tongue and teeth slide along the skin of my jawline. Giving that delectable bum a squeeze, I wrap one of my legs around him and slowly grind against the hard body that's lying above me.

"Oh, God . . . ." Viggo's eyes flutter closed briefly, as he's obviously taken aback by my tactic.

"I need you, Viggo. I need you inside of me."

He groans and kisses me, his tongue pushing into my mouth. Taking this as a sign that I'm going to get what I want, I happily respond to the kiss. When his hard cock rubs against mine, he moans and starts kissing me even more fiercely, until I'm literally whimpering with delight as he ravages my mouth. Goddamn this man is good!

But suddenly he pulls away. "Sorry, sorry," he pants.

"What are you talking about?" I certainly don't need an apology from him. I'm enjoying myself!

"I wanted this to be slow and sweet," Viggo tries to explain. "Instead, I'm trying to suck your tonsils out."

"Oh, stop it," I admonish.

"This night is important, Orli. You're going away tomorrow, and the memory of tonight is going to last with us for a long while. I just want it to be–"


Viggo chuckles with embarrassment. "Yes. I want it to be perfect."

I smile and pull him down for a kiss. "You're here with me, we're both naked, and there's lube in the nightstand. It's damned perfect already. As far as anything else, don't worry your pretty little head about it."

"My pretty little head?" he laughs.

"Yeah, don't worry about it. It's always perfect in one way or another. Now shag me before I go wank in the loo."

He grins. "That would be a terrible waste."

"Exactly. So get going already."

"Demanding strumpet," he mutters teasingly.

"And you love me for it."

"More than anything," Viggo says with a soft smile, giving me a quick kiss before reaching for the lube and coating his fingers.

When the first finger breaches me, I moan almost on cue and spread my legs wider. It always feels unspeakably good to have him inside me in any way. Then he crooks his finger just so, and my toes curl and my eyes struggle to stay open as a bolt of pleasure shoots through me. A strangled moan echoes off the walls of the room, and I realize belatedly that the sound came from my own lips.

"Fuck . . . oh, God," I groan. So much for eloquence.

"That good, huh?" A bemused expression graces Viggo's face, but I'm too needy to pout.

"I just need more!" One finger really isn't enough, despite how nice and thick Viggo's fingers are.

Being the good boyfriend that he is, Viggo pushes another finger into me, then another. I twist and turn in ecstasy as he skillfully
pumps in and out of me with his fingers, pushing my hips down to invite him in even further. The feeling of his strong hand wrapping around my cock nearly makes me jump out of my skin with surprise.  Now one hand is working magic as it moves up and down on my hard flesh while the other has three fingers driving me mad with pleasure. It doesn't get much better than this.

"Are you ready for more?" he purrs. I hope that was a rhetorical question. Since I'm too far gone to answer him, even by moaning, I just nod.

There's a sudden emptiness inside of me as his fingers retreat. I force myself to stay still and silent as I watch him retrieve the
lube again, this time slathering the gel over his rock-hard cock.  Anticipation flows through me with the knowledge that soon Viggo will be buried deep inside of me, giving me a hell of a memory to take with me when I get on that plane tomorrow.

The lube is placed back in its drawer, and I decide that it's time to assume a position. But before I can roll over onto my hands and knees, there's a firm hand on my hip, stopping me from moving. I look up at Viggo questioningly. "What is it?" I ask.

"Not like that," he says gently. "I want to see your eyes. I want to be able to kiss you." He pauses. "Is that okay?"

"It's more than okay," I assure him.

My legs wrap around his waist, drawing him in as close as possible.  The slick head of his cock nudges against my entrance, and I gasp with desire. With both of his arms braced on the mattress, Viggo slowly pushes into me, and it's as if I can feel every individual centimeter of his cock as it enters my body.

When he's finally buried in me, he leans down and gives me a long, loving kiss. My hands come up to tangle in his hair as our tongues slide around one another and his teeth barely graze my lips. As his mouth moves over to cover my neck with kisses, he starts to slowly move in and out of me with a perfectly languid pace. We don't need to be frenzied right now. I may be leaving tomorrow, but I'm not going anywhere tonight.

I let out tiny whimpers and moans with each of Viggo's delicious thrusts, while he simply gasps and keeps kissing my over-sensitized skin. His body is hot on top of mine, his two days worth of stubble scratching delightfully against my skin as the kisses trail down to my chest where he lavishes his tongue over my nipples. I urge him further inside of me by gently digging my heel into his back, wanting him as deep in me as possible. He chuckles and thrusts a bit harder, making us both groan.

The next thrust shifts Viggo's angle and hits my prostate. I gasp loudly, my fingers digging into his hips as stars explode behind my eyes. "Yes!" I cry out. "Viggo . . . more!"

He repeats his motion, driving into me slowly but passionately and striking the perfect spot within me. Over and over he hits that spot, until I feel like I'm nothing more than a mass of quivering Orli jell-o. Make that moaning, writhing, quivering Orli jell-o.  My limbs have forgotten how to work, but that's okay. As long as Viggo keeps thrusting like this, things like moving my own body don't really matter so much to me.

It's pure bliss when his mouth covers mine again, kissing me with all the tenderness and love that I could ever ask for. I can't
believe that this incredible man is all mine, that I get to receive kisses like this for the rest of my life. Regaining the use of my
arms, I wrap them tightly around his body and rock against him, pressing my throbbing erection against his hard stomach.

Immediately recognizing my need to be touched, Viggo reaches down to take my cock in his fist, slowly stroking it in time with his thrusts. Gasping for breath, I pull my mouth from his and moan loudly. It's too much. Especially when every time he drives into me, he hits the exact spot that I need him to. And now that his hand is expertly wanking me on top of that . . . well, I just know that my control is crumbling quickly.

My body tenses and shudders with the next thrust, and then a finger ever-so-gently sweeps over the head of my cock. Totally undone, I cry out something incoherent as my release spills over Viggo's hand. What feels like two seconds later (God only knows exactly how long it really is in my post-orgasmic haze), I hear my name being groaned followed by the sensation of heat spilling into me.  Shuddering again, my arms tighten around Viggo, pulling him close as he flops down on top of me.

I bury my nose in Viggo's hair and kiss his head, feeling both glowing and exhausted. "Vig?"


"It was perfect."

He looks at me with a dazzling smile. "It was?"

"Of course it was. It's never anything less than that with you."

"Orli . . . you're the sweetest thing alive," he murmurs.

"Thank you."

"But I need to move before we're permanently stuck together."

"Oh. Good point."

I reluctantly release my hold on him so he can pull out of me and go to get some wet-naps. Once we're all cleaned up, Viggo walks around the room and blows out the candles until there's no light left except for the moonlight shining in through the window. Rejoining e in bed, he takes me into a warm embrace and allows me to kiss him. Life just doesn't get better than this. Well, maybe it could if I didn't have to fly thousands of miles away in a matter of hours. But I know that I can't complain when I'm the one who decided to make this movie, the one that could make me seen as a "serious actor" and not as a teen idol.

"What are you thinking about?" Viggo's voice, gravelly with fatigue, cuts through my musings.

"Life," I sigh.

"Existential stuff?"

"Not quite," I laugh. "More like how much I'm going to miss you when I'm away."

"Ah, I see. Quantitative reasoning."


He laughs. "Never mind."

"No fair. You can't bring up shit like that when I'm knackered and freshly shagged."

"I'm sorry, love," he chuckles, although he doesn't sound very sorry at all.

"Whatever. Just forget about existential quantitative reasoning for the moment and hold me, okay?"

"I am holding you," he points out.

"Um . . . yeah." Brilliant, Orlando. Score one for your intellect. "Then just keep holding me, alright?"

"I will," Viggo promises. "I'll hold you all night long."

And that's exactly what he does.

Heart and Shoulder Part 7

More Viggorli

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