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TITLE: Heart and Shoulder (15/22)
AUTHOR: Elizabeth (
PAIRING: Viggo Mortensen/Orlando Bloom
SUMMARY: Baby talk (Viggo's POV)
FEEDBACK: To (badly) paraphrase Boromir, "Bring on the feedback!  This writer is thirsty!"
WARNINGS: None, unless you count minor sap
DISCLAIMER: If I knew any of these people, I'd be the happiest girl in the world.  But I don't.  So that means this is all pure fiction, and I don't make any claims that these stories are true, nor do I make any money off of them.  This is all just to satisfy my demented imagination.
ARCHIVE: Anywhere you wish, just let me know where it's going
AUTHOR'S NOTES: This chapter is dedicated to my amazing oldest sister and her wonderful husband, who just found out she's pregnant with their first child, making me a first-time aunt!  Also, a permanent thank you to my darling Lostiawen for her support, beta skills, and insanity
DATE WRITTEN: June 27th, 2004

"It turns out that Catherine cheated on Austin with Seth–"

"You're kidding!" Orli exclaims.  "But I thought Seth and Austin were best friends!"

"Not anymore," Henry laughs.  "You should have seen them fighting at the party last night.  It was wild, man.  And then Catherine tried to get in the middle, which made things worse."

"Wait a second," Orli says, holding up a hand to stop Henry.  "Wasn't Seth devastated over the fact that Meara had just broken up with him?  Now all of a sudden he's snogging Catherine?"

"I know!  Meara was pretty upset, too, because she thought she might get back together with Seth."

"Wow, what a soap opera."  Orli shakes his head with wonder, and I have to smile at the fact that he's this involved in what's going on with Henry's friends.  If one of them called the house and Orli picked up, he could probably carry on a ten minute conversation with them.

"Anyway, that's why Jemila and I left early," he explains.  "It was too much high drama for us."

"Well, since you got a good night's sleep, maybe you can start researching colleges like you promised that you would," I suggest.

"Dad," he whines.  "It's a Saturday in June!"

"And you were the one who said that you wanted to start touring colleges this fall, so it might be a good idea to get off your butt and take some initiative in the process.  It's called responsibility, Henry."

"Oh, you are so lame," he snorts.

"Don't knock your Dad," Orli says with a grin.  "He just wants you out of the house as quickly as possible so we can keep having hot monkey sex."

"Eww!" Henry squeals.  "Okay, I'll research the colleges!"  He glares daggers at Orli and clears his breakfast dishes before fleeing to the sanctity of his room.

"Worked like a charm," Orli laughs.

"Hot monkey sex?" I ask with amusement, raising an eyebrow at my boyfriend.

"Isn't that what we have?"

I roll my eyes.  "You're a few bananas shy of a bunch, elf boy."

"And you're one to talk about such things," he giggles before growing serious.  "Actually, I'm kind of glad we're alone.  There's something I think we need to talk about."

"What would that be?"  The casual tone of the morning has just vanished, and I now find myself a little nervous about what Orli might bring into conversation.  Everything seems to be fine with us, but then again, I've learned that happiness in life is never a guarantee.

"Our plans to have a kid."

"You still want to do that, right?"  My whole body tenses up.  Please, please don't tell me that Orli has changed his mind about that.

"What?  Of course I do!" he laughs, sounding shocked that I could even ask that question.  "This is something we've planned on for a long time, Viggo.  I'm not going to dick it up now."

"Okay, good," I sigh with relief.  "I just got nervous for a minute."

He flashes me a brilliant grin.  "Listen, we've been talking about having a child for almost two years.  It's become one of the central goals in my life, next to making you happy, making my family happy, and keeping my career breathing.  And I know that it's just as important to you."

"So . . . then what do we need to discuss" I query, my brow furrowing with confusion.

"Well, I sort of think that we should move beyond the discussion stage with our plans, don't you?"  He shifts in his chair, betraying a bit of nervousness.  "I mean, I think we're at the point in our lives and our relationship where we're definitely ready for this.  Yeah, it's a huge step, but we've dealt with a lot before and there's no reason why we can't take this on.  Besides, adoption can take a bloody long time for everything to fall into place, and while we're simply talking about this, we could be starting the really extensive process of getting a child."

It's amazing that Orli can talk that long without taking a breath.  I stare at him, blinking a few times before finally finding my voice to respond.  "You're ready now?  You think we're ready?"

"Why wouldn't we be?"  There's a touch of indignance in his voice.  "We always knew that the one thing we had to wait for before adopting was coming out, and we've done that."

"That's true," I concede.

"And if you're thinking about how busy my career is with 'Elizabethtown' and the sequel to 'Pirates', don't worry about it.  By the time we're finally cleared to adopt and we're matched with a child, I'm sure that the filming for those will be over."

"Orli, believe me, I'm not trying to argue with you.  This is just all very sudden."

"I know.  I just . . ."  He trails off and sighs.

"What is it, love?"

"I want to be a father, Viggo!" Orli cries.  "And I don't want to wait a minute longer than I have to!"

I can't stop a smile from spreading over my face.  "Then we won't wait."

"Yeah?"  His face lights up.

"Absolutely," I tell him.  "We'll start looking at adoption agencies and find out what we need to do to get cleared."

"Oh, Vig!"  I suddenly have a lapful of joyous Orli, who's covering my face in kisses.  "Really?  And you think it'll go smoothly?"

"Well, I guess we'll have to see.  Researching the agencies is the key."

"But what if they won't let us adopt because we're, you know, uh . . ."


He sighs.  "Yeah.  I know that policy has been getting more liberal, but I still worry that people will be arseholes about it."

"They could be," I admit.  "But for better or for worse, that's where our celebrity status might help."

"Good point."

"Don't worry about all of that now, Orli," I say, running a comforting hand over his back.  "We just need to start at square one.  And you know that we'll have all of our friends and family to help us with this."

"God, that will be so wonderful," he sighs.  "I just hope that the adoption agency doesn't run a background check on the hobbits, or we're done for."

I snort.  "I wouldn't worry too much about it.  Besides, we have people like Liv and John to make our extended family seem more normal."

"They're normal?  Since when?" Orli asks with a grin.

"Hmm, I see what you're saying," I chuckle.  "Oh, and speaking of Liv, I just had a thought."

"What's that?"

"Well, assuming that we were able to adopt a child who's a toddler or infant, he or she would be roughly the same age as Liv's child," I muse, thinking about our newly pregnant friend.  "It would be terrific if our child and hers would end up being close."

"Imagine if our kid married hers!" he laughed.  "That would be even better!"

"Okay, that would just be bizarre."

"Yeah, but Tolkien purists would love it if Aragorn's kid and Arwen's kid got married in real life."

"Can we just adopt our child first before we start planning a wedding?" I tease.

"Of course.  But . . . I mean, it's all so exciting!  Just thinking that we'll have a child and we'll get to go through every experience with them," he gushes, his brown eyes shining with enthusiasm.  "Dirty nappies, teaching them to walk, reading them stories, tucking them into bed–"

"Explaining that Daddy's studio isn't for kiddy finger-painting," I add.  "Henry loved to annoy me when he was about four by sneaking into my studio and getting into the blue paint.  Only blue, though; no other colors.  I never understood that."

Orli laughs.  "It's because he's as mad as his old man."

"Probably."  I smile and shift my position so Orli isn't crushing me into the chair quite as much.  "So, elf boy – ready for parenthood?"

"Fuck, yeah!"

I can't help myself from cracking up.  "Please don't give that answer to the adoption agency."

"Uh, I won't," he mumbles, a blush creeping up on his cheeks.  "You know how I get when I'm excited."

"Yeah, you use a lot of curse words," I laugh.

"But yes, I am very ready to be a father."

"You'll be an exceptional parent, Orlando."

"You're just saying that so you'll get free hot monkey sex later," he says, blushing again.

"No, I'm not," I tell him firmly.  "Everybody knows that you are going to make a terrific father."

"And if I have any difficulty, you'll be there to steer me in the right direction.  Thank God that one of us has been through this before."

"Well, I don't think you'll need much help.  Being a parent is pretty much all instinct.  And I can't imagine a more loving or devoted person than you, so you shouldn't have any problems," I assure him.

"Vig . . . thank you."

"Anytime, baby."  I brush my lips against his cheek, then let my mouth travel over to his for a long, lingering kiss.  He welcomes it, flickering his tongue out to flirt with mine as we engage in a nice snogging session (as he'd say).

"That was perfect," Orli breathes when we draw apart.

"Perfect, huh?  I like the sound of that."

"Don't let your ego get too big," he laughs.  After another kiss, this one briefer, he turns the megawatt grin on again.  "So, shall we get started on our project?"

I return the smile with every ounce of the happiness and excitement that I'm feeling.  "Definitely.  The time has come."

Heart and Shoulder Part 16

More Viggorli

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