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TITLE: Fumbling Towards Ecstasy (14/22)
AUTHOR: Elizabeth (
PAIRING: Viggo Mortensen/Orlando Bloom
SUMMARY: Viggo, Orli, the hobbits, and a dance club (Viggo's POV)
FEEDBACK: It's the gin in my martini, the clams on my linguine
WARNINGS: Sex in a public place.  Coarse language
DISCLAIMER: Lies, lies, all of it lies!!!
ARCHIVE: Anywhere, just drop me a line so I can brag to my friends
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Hey, the rest of the cast is back!  Did ya miss them?  Peanut, I love you; enjoy being in my fanfic.  Thanks to Liz for the sock idea

Note to self: never let Orli pick out my clothes again.

I feel self-conscious enough being the only person here over thirty-five, but the purple leather pants and black shirt with lace cuffs make me feel like a strange combination of Prince and Liberace.  I'm convinced that he's doing this to humiliate me, but he's promised me many and varied sexual favors if I go along with his diabolical butchering of good taste.  How he even located purple leather pants I don't know, but I do know that they feel pretty damned tight as he 'accidentally' brushes his thigh against mine every ten nanoseconds.

Lij is doing some kind of frenetic movement that I don't think qualifies as dancing, but he's having fun.  Billy is trying to pick up local girls, probably using his 'wanna see what's under my kilt?' line, even though he's not wearing a kilt tonight.  Dom has now joined Lij on the dance floor, while Sean and Orli are talking about some band I've never heard of.  Orli leans against me and puts his head on my shoulder.  I wrap an arm around his waist and smile.  I was nervous about going here tonight, but it's actually been fun so far; we have an agreement that there won't be any real displays of affection here, but I'm seriously reconsidering that rule as he looks at me, his eyes shining from the weird neon lighting.

"Wanna dance?" I murmur.

A look of glee crosses his face and he leaps up, pulling me onto the dance floor.  The song is unfamiliar, and I haven't been to a club since before Henry was born, but it's like riding a bicycle.  Move your hips, and the rest will follow.  In the throng of dancing bodies, no one pays us any particular attention, so I pull Orli closer to me and smile.

"Thought we were keeping a low profile," he says.

"Oh, we are.  But no one's looking at us."

"Hmm."  He grabs my hips and melds our bodies together.  "I told you going out was a good idea."

 "Hey, I'm having a great time."  I grind against him a bit, relishing the gasp he emits.  "I still take issue with the Machiavellian sexual torture you put me through, but I'm glad we're here.  I haven't been to a place like this since the eighties."  At his smirk, I glare at him.  "Don't even think about making a smartass remark."

"Wouldn't dream of it," he says, affecting an innocent face.  Yeah, right.

The song changes to something slower, and we take our leave of the dance floor, grabbing ourselves new beers and sitting back down at the booth.  Billy is sitting with Sean now, apparently having been unsuccessful in picking up a local girl.  "Have fun?" Sean asks.

"Viggo's got some smooth moves," Orli says as he deposits himself on my lap, wrapping his body around mine possessively.  The corner we're in is dimly lit, and frankly, no one knows who the hell we are.  "He does this thing where he grabs my arse –"

"Stop!" Billy cries.  "Too much information!"

"– and then grinds his hips."  Orli smirks at Billy.

"I think I should go call Chris before my heterosexuality abandons me," Sean declares, leaving the table with a smile.

"Yeah, I have to go to the bathroom," Orli says, kissing my cheek before gliding across the floor to reach the men's room.

"So, it's true love, huh?" Billy asks as he takes a swig of his beer.

"I think so."

"Good.  But if you ever hurt him, I'll strangle you with your own intestines."  He smiles at me.  "Don't worry, though.  I've already threatened Orli with a similar dire punishment."  It occurs to me that the hobbits are very freaky people indeed.

A few minutes later, Lij and Dom join us in the booth, flushed and out of breath.  "Have fun?" I ask.

"Oh, yeah!  There was this really cute kiwi girl named Anne who I think really dug me," Lij enthuses.  "She has brown hair and a great smile."

"Where's your date, Viggo?" Dom asks.

"Actually, he's been in the bathroom for about ten minutes.  I should probably check on him."

"He's probably adjusting his makeup," Billy laughs.  "Vain little prissy elf."

 I grin and walk to the men's room.  There's only two stalls in this little place, and one of them is locked.  "Orli?"  I knock on the door.  "Are you okay?"  No answer.  "Okay, Orlando, what's the matter?"

The door opens, and Orli grabs me, pulling me into the stall and locking the door.  "Hey, Vig."

"Orli, what the hell?"

Instead of a verbal answer, Orli kisses me and spins me around so I'm facing the wall of the tiny stall.  He reaches around and unbuttons my pants with a casual flick of his thumb.  "You've got to be kidding me," I mutter.

Again, no words, just Orli managing to pull off the skintight leather pants, coupled with the sound of his own zipper being pulled down.  Apparently, Orli's decided to go commando just like me, as I feel his erection brush up against my ass.  Jesus.  Sex in a public place is another thing I haven't done in years.  At least this time it's not in a municipal park.

"You want this, don't you?"  It's not really a question, just a statement.  Of course I want this.  The erection currently pressing against the freezing wall is proof.  He pulls away for a minute and reaches down to grab a tiny tube out of his sock.

"You planned this?"  My tone of voice is somewhere between shock and admiration.  Shaking my head with a laugh, I lean forward against the wall, praying that no one comes in, especially a hobbit.  Whatever worries I have are forgotten as Orli eases two lubed fingers into me, scissoring them at an angle that brushes over my prostate.

I rock my hips back at him, screwing myself onto his fingers.  He gets the message and replaces his fingers with his cock, thrusting into me roughly.  There's no grand passion or sweet nothings here, just a good old fuck in a bathroom stall.  It's only the second time Orli's been inside me, and this is *very* different than the first time.  He was all nerves then, truly adorable and utterly irresistible.  Now he's confident, setting a ruthless pace that knocks the breath out of my body.

The truth is I've only been penetrated by one other guy, and it's been a while since that relationship; it was before I even met Exene.  But I don't remember it being quite this good.  Orli's breath is hot against my shoulder as he slams into me, and his hand is making quick strokes on my erection.  I feel torn open, but in a very good way, and I spread my legs a bit wider (a difficult feat, seeing as the leather pants are still on my legs).

"Harder," I gasp.  "More, please."

"Tell me what you want," he says, and I can picture the irritating grin he's probably wearing.
 "Just . . . more."

"You like having my cock inside of you, don't you?  Now you know how I feel, being mercilessly fucked while I bring you off with my hand."

"Shit," I moan.  Where the hell has this side of Orli been for the last four months?  I've created a fucking monster – pun intended.

"You're so damned tight, you know that?  Like a woman, except so much hotter and tighter."

"Orli . . ."

"I want you to fucking scream my name when you come Vig.  Let the whole damned club hear it."

One more jerk of my cock is what it takes for me to explode, and sure enough, I scream his name.  Or, at least, I think I do.  Coherency isn't exactly easy with Orli's cock up my ass.  He follows with his own orgasm seconds later, stifling his own cry by biting my shoulder.  I wince, but it's not too bad.

After a few minutes of regaining our composure, Orli grabs some toilet paper and quickly wipes us clean.  We both pull up our pants, and shake our heads at the stain now on the wall.  We christened the bathroom.

"C'mon," he says, pulling me out of the stall.  Seeing that there's no one else in the bathroom, he turns and gives me a shy smile.  It never ceases to amaze me how quickly his moods can change.  "Sorry, I just couldn't help myself.  Once you got into those pants . . . well, I just grabbed the lube before we left the house.  And then on the dance floor I just *knew* I had to fuck you."

I laugh.  "This is why I don't go clubbing anymore."

He grins.  "You enjoyed every second.  Admit it."

I kiss him on the cheek.  "It was unbelievable."

The smile widens, and he's glowing.  Although that could be from the sex.  We walk back out into the club, finding our way to the hobbit booth.  "Sorry we took so long," Orli apologizes.

"Mm-hmm."  Sean just stirs his beer with a finger.  "What happened?"

"Umm . . ."  Oh.  Maybe we should have come up with a story.

 "So, did you scream his name when you came, Viggo?" Lij asks with a grin.  "We couldn't actually hear it, but we're assuming you did."

My jaw drops. What the fuck?  "I'm sorry?"  Orli looks similarly flustered.

"Oh, I'm sure he did, Lij," Dom assures him.  "After all, he was being . . . mercilessly fucked, wasn't that it?"

"Okay, what the hell?" Orli screeches.  A few people around us look up, but just shake their heads and walk away.

"Well, I got worried," Billy stammers.  "I just wanted to make sure you were okay, and then, well . . ."

"'So tight, Viggo,'" Sean laughs.

"'Like a woman, only tighter,'" Lij moans over-dramatically.

"Oh, Orli, more!" Dom cries, pounding his fist on the table.

I moan and bury my head in my hands.  I can feel a migraine coming on.  "Please," I beg, knowing they won't listen to me.

"But, really, I'm shocked," Lij says.  "I thought Orli would bottom."

"Hey!" Orli protests.

"We're versatile," I explain.  After all, I do have a manly reputation to uphold.  Actually, I don't, but that's beside the point.  It is a valid conundrum though – when a prissy elf couples with a poet, who bottoms?  You'd think they both would.

"Why did you feel the need to report all of this to them?" Orli asks Billy, fixing him with a glare.

"Well . . . I mean, wouldn't you?"  Orli doesn't answer.  "I mean, it was like something out of a porn movie.  Two good-looking studs getting it on in a men's room with dirty language."

"You think I'm a stud!" Orli cries gleefully.

"Well, an effeminate stud, but a stud nonetheless," Billy amends

"I am *not* effeminate," Orli sulks.  "I just have fine features."

"Love, you *are* very pretty," I tell him with a grin.
 "Aye, the prettiest blonde in film history," Billy says as he raises his beer in a toast to Orli's prettiness.

"But Viggo's not pretty," Sean clarifies.  "He's more chiseled and rugged."

"Much more masculine," Lij concurs.

Orli makes a noise of protest and takes a swig of Dom's beer.  "You guys are so mean."

I wrap an arm around his waist.  "Am I mean?"

He gives me a blinding grin and a wet smack on the cheek "Only when I ask you to be."  He plants another kiss on me, this time on my mouth, evoking predictable groans, and a cry of 'get a room!' from Dom.

As a new, fast-tempo song comes over the speakers, Orli bats his eyelashes in a ridiculous manner.  "Dance with me?"

I roll my eyes and follow him onto the dance floor.  After all, I can't say no to the boy.

Fumbling Towards Ecstasy Part 15

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