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TITLE: Fumbling Towards Ecstasy (11/22)
AUTHOR: Elizabeth (
PAIRING: Viggo Mortensen/Orlando Bloom
RATING: R (for implied sex)
SUMMARY: What Orli's learned (Orli's POV)
FEEDBACK: It's the gin in my martini, the clams on my linguine
DISCLAIMER: Lies, lies, all of it lies!!!
ARCHIVE: Anywhere, just drop me a line so I can brag to my friends
AUTHOR'S NOTES: This is a companion piece to Pt. 10.  I wasn't sure if I was going to do this or not, but the kind feedback I've received on Pt. 10 has convinced me that writing this is a good idea.  So here it is.  I have a bit of fun at Billy's expense (mainly to annoy Liza), but I *do* love the boy.  Oh, and this series is now officially at the halfway mark, but there's another series in this universe that will follow it, so to all those who have sent me positive feedback, rest assured there's more viggorli to come (I'm talking 'bout you, MoHo girls).

I've learned so much about Viggo.

I've learned that he's the deepest sleeper I've ever met.  I've learned that every morning I wake up with his arm around me in a way that almost seems possessive.  I like that; it makes me feel that even in his sleep, he wants to show his love.  I've learned that he mumbles in his sleep, and if he's really exhausted, he'll snore on occasion.  I've learned that he denies snoring.

I've learned that if he gets quiet and keeps to himself it doesn't mean he's unhappy.  I've learned that he has his own universe at times, and stepping out into the real world can make him uncomfortable.  I've learned that he likes it when I go into that world with him, listening to him ramble and watching him paint.  He says letting me into that space is the ultimate act of trust on his part.  I've learned that he trusts me.

I've learned that he can be incredibly insecure despite his cool and composed exterior.  I've learned that he gets so deeply engrossed in his work that it's vital to him that others understand and approve of it.  I've learned that one thing he's *not* insecure about is our relationship.  The pace and intensity of it doesn't scare him at all, and that makes it easier for me to deal with how deep my feelings run.  I've learned that he loves me just the way I am, flaws and all.  I've learned that I feel the same way about him.

I've learned that he wants me to be myself.  I've learned that when I go out clubbing or surfing with the hobbits, he doesn't feel excluded because he knows it makes me happy.  I've learned that it's okay for us not to spend every minute together and share every hobby, something that was once a stumbling block for me.  I've learned that the age difference really doesn't matter, because the level on which we connect transcends age.  I never look at him as being too old for me.  I've learned that he looks at me as an adult, but lets me be a kid at the same time.
 I've learned that he himself can be a kid in many ways.  I've learned that he was eager to join us in surfing, though it didn't quite work out smoothly.  I've learned that he can be a wicked prankster, even teaming up with the hobbits for a particularly nasty trick that was played on me.  He manages to combine the maturity and wisdom that age brings with a streak of playfulness and immaturity that makes him so much fun to be around.  I've learned that he's not above laughing hysterically when Billy gets distracted and walks into something.

I've learned that he's an incredible lover, putting as much passion and intensity into sex as he does into everything else.  I've learned that he can be gentle and loving, whispering endearments one night, then hard and fast, dirty talk interspersed between thrusts the next.  I've learned that he loves to trace over my body with his hands and mouth, almost as if he's trying to memorize it.  When he says my name – my *full* name – in bed, it sounds both reverent and decadent.  I've learned that he knows exactly what to do to make me moan, make me beg, make me whimper, make me come.  I've learned that he'll always hold me afterwards.

I've learned that he manages to be fascinated by everything.  I've learned that a fleeting emotion will warrant its own poem, that a change in light will inspire a painting, that the random act of my daily metamorphosis into Legolas will lead to a photograph.  And when I see myself in his work, it's all the proof I need that he loves me.  I've learned that he can talk about anything and everything, and his unique mindset, filled to the brim with randomness and non-sequiturs, is one of the things that makes him who he is.  I've learned to stop trying to understand everything that comes out of his mouth and just enjoy the ride.

I've learned that the most important thing to him is not acting or art, but parenting.  I've learned that he refuses to go more than two days without speaking to Henry.  I've learned that he was truly terrified of telling Henry about his sexuality and relationship with me, and how relieved he was when he received his son's support.  I've learned that he loves the fact that Henry and I will sometimes talk on the phone about music and comic books.  I feel so grateful that I've been accepted into their little world, and that Henry doesn't dislike or resent me.  I've learned that Henry will always come first, and I've learned that I'm okay with that.

I've learned that he constantly surprises me.  I've learned that if he gets really annoyed with a car or an appliance, he'll mutter at the damned thing in Danish.  I've learned that he always denies it when I catch him watching me from across a room.  I've learned that he sings in the shower and when he's had a bit too much to drink, and that he sometimes hums while painting.  I've learned that he loves to go out and stand in the rain, letting droplets fall into his open mouth until I have to go out and steer him back inside before he gets sick.  I've learned that if there's a discussion about politics, he's going to jump right in and not let up until he's made you understand his position.  I've learned that if I screw up a take, he'll quietly stand next to me and place a comforting hand on the small of my back.  I've learned that he's one of the few people I've ever met who truly has the right priorities.

 I've learned so much about Viggo, but there's so much more I still don't know.

Fumbling Towards Ecstasy Part 12

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