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TITLE: Fumbling Towards Ecstasy (10/22)
AUTHOR: Elizabeth (
PAIRING: Viggo Mortensen/Orlando Bloom
SUMMARY: What Viggo has learned (Viggo's POV)
FEEDBACK: It's the lace on the nightgown, the point after touchdown
DISCLAIMER: Lies, lies, all of it lies!!!
ARCHIVE: Anywhere, just drop me a line so I can brag to my friends
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Thanks so much to my best girls for a recharging of my slashy LOTR batteries (as if any was needed).  You guys rock!!! (Hey Liz: 'Don't look!  Stray Karl!) I know this part is short, but it's just the way the chapter wrote itself.  If someone wants me to do a corresponding piece from Orli's POV for a future chapter, I will.

I've learned so much about Orli.

I've learned that he always greets a new morning by pushing his face against my body, trying to block out the light.  I've learned that after a particularly exhausting night of filming or fucking he will sometimes throw the alarm clock.  I've gone through three clocks since Orli started spending the night.

I've learned that his energy and joy is real, not an act.  I've learned that his favorite thing to do is make others feel that energy and joy.  I've learned that when he gets scared, he runs.  Most of the time.  He told me that he was scared of starting a relationship with me, but he still took the chance.  I've learned that Orli's braver and stronger than he gives himself credit for.

I've learned his insecurities are always plaguing him.  I've learned that he constantly worries about his acting, about whether or not he's good enough for the role.  I've learned that he can be insecure about us sometimes.  About why I love him.  He fishes for reassurance and support, not compliments; those embarrass him.  I've learned that when I reassure him about something, he believes me.

I've learned that he wants to know everything about me.  I've learned that it's impossible to paint a canvas or take a photograph or write a poem without him wanting to know *exactly* why I'm doing it.  I've learned that he wants to meet my mother at some point, and see my baby pictures, and hear every story I can tell him.  And I've learned that I want the same from him.

I've learned that he's so much more mature than people think he is.  I've learned that he's just as comfortable having a quiet dinner with Ian or Hugo as he is clubbing with the hobbits.  I've learned that he's also still a kid in many ways.  And I love both his maturity and his youth.  I love seeing the excitement on his face when he bounds into the waves with his surfboard and seeing his brown eyes grow serious and concentrated when we're having a discussion about politics or literature.
 I've learned that we don't have to say anything to enjoy each others' company.  I've learned that when there's silence between us, it's comfortable.  Our relationship isn't about filling blank spaces or never having a dull moment.  Dull moments are a part of life sometimes, and we're fine with just sitting around doing nothing for an entire afternoon.  I've learned that Orli isn't quite as twitchy and impatient as he always seems to be.

I've learned that between being a twenty-two-year-old and being naturally affectionate and loving, he's all but insatiable in bed.  I've learned that I can more than keep up with him.  I've learned that he likes it when I throw caution to the wind and let myself go.  He likes it when I drive as deep as I can into him, he says it makes him feel like there's nothing between us at all.  I've learned that he likes to snuggle after sex and drop lazy kisses over me, and then he falls asleep almost immediately.

I've learned that he constantly surprises me.  I've learned that he can go from being sulky and morose to annoyingly cheerful in the blink of an eye, and vice versa.  I've learned that he throws around bad language and innuendoes without a second thought, but if someone makes a comment about our sex life, he blushes a deep red.  I've learned that if he's around when I call Henry, they always end up talking for a good five or ten minutes after I hand him the phone.  I've learned that if he gets a cold, he prefers veggie burgers and milk over cough syrup and chicken soup.  I've learned that if his lips part unconsciously and then he clamps them back together, he's upset about something.  I've learned that he knows what's really important in life and is dedicated to the happiness of those he loves.

I've learned so much about Orli, but there's so much more I still don't know.

Fumbling Towards Ecstasy Part 11

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