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Our Favourites...

Well, now that you know all about us and you’ve read everything on our website, you’re probably thinking that’s it. The Internet has nothing more to fulfil your needs. But that’s where you’re wrong. We’ve compiled a list of our favourite websites to visit during those long, boring hours so hopefully you’ll find them somewhat amusing. If not, get off our site cos you suck.

Bored This website be lots of fun, especially if ye be into pirates as much as we arrrrr!

Still bored? Ok, imagine us bored one night with no-one to annoy except each other. Not a pretty picture hey? Maybe you’ve found yourself in a similar situation? Maybe you’re in that situation right now… I don’t know I’m not stalking you. But if you’re bored or ANGRY (especially if you’re angry) and need to vent your frustration, we highly recommend these valuable chatrooms. Our favourite is the Harry Potter one (and by the way don’t worry if you know nothing about Harry Potter, cos it just annoys them more!) Have heaps of fun getting kicked out for harassing people and over using CAPSLOCK. And here’s a challenge: try beat our record of being banned for a day (it’s harder than you think!) Now if you’re female (or male) and hottie Orlando Bloom does it for you have fun on this site! Lots of pics and news, but more importantly it teaches the important lesson that no matter how obsessed you are, there’s always those people that go that one step further by creating an obsessive website.

If you're still bored (I don't know why) This one’s for all you weirdos like us out there… Not for the weak! It’s pretty much just a site with cartoons about cute, furry little animals that like to kill each other in very disgusting ways. Once you get over the initial grossed out feeling it’s great! Click watch episodes to see the cartoons on offer that week.