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At RandomSh*, we have a large variety of random articles written by us. The site will be updated regularly, or as we like to say, whenever we feel like it. Naturally you may have some questions like, "how will this site help me in my everyday life?" The answer to that question is a simple one. We don't know, but read the articles anyways because in all fairness they do kick ass, just as the diagram to your left shows.

Our links above will take you to various topics. Inside these headings are smaller articles that we wrote. These articles will teach you whether you like, or you do not like something. This is very useful, because if we dont tell you who you're supposed to like, then who will?

Our site rates everything from sports to movies to movies about sports. You'll find everything you need here. If you have any suggestions for future articles or would like to become a writer just ask, and we'll put you through a series of tests. We are looking for anyone who can write, or help make our site better in any way(if possible). You know who we are, so come and find us!

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