White Trash Portable Entries

well, another sunday night well spent. started out as a halothon between bastow, j. schnack, jd, and myself. after a while, guess who shows up? ann grill! after a pleasant discussion, she says that the painting of the white trash portables out front is a go. the trifecta thinks we should have photoshop contests for the portables. here is the portable entry page. if you wish to be considered, please email your entries to one of us.

Awkward moment of the day is brought to you by Barstow. So Barstow comes over to my house to show me the new quarter panel on his truck and he starts talking about the postcard he sent Mark Gibilisco. He says "Yeah man I sent Mark this really gay postcard. It says 'I'm on the beach and wish you were here' and stuff. It's super-gay. But, Mark told me to send him a really gay postcard." At this point the guy who does the chemical work on the pool (who happens to be gay) is getting something from his truck. I explain to Barstow that the guy is gay and he says "Wow this is really awkward" and he proceeds to his truck and leaves.

i leave for florida tomorrow. my cell is operational down there. give me a ring sometime.

Project ecstasy is done after i finally got off my lazy ass and downloaded a new program. Enjoy. Add what you think of it in the message board. Please. If the video does not work, then either: A) Download the codec. B) Get a new computer, asshat.


Well, my house sucked tonight. My brother and his college room mate was over, so it was basically a one hour awkward silence. We got sick of it, then just ended going to the Hulk. It was alright, but it was way too long, and the begining was slow. Also, there was some Mexican family behind us. They had like a three year old boy that would not shut up. The little bastard kept kicking our seats, and at one point, actually grabbed my head. Damn it, I was about to Hulk out on that little piece of shit. In honor of that family, here is a joke.

Q: Why do Mexicans have refried beans?
A: Have you ever heard of a Mexican doing something right the first time?

"I'm sorry. You have AIDS. Here, go see From Justin To Kelly!" Wow, Nebraskans are dumb.

Joe Samson got a speeding ticket for going 40 mph in a 25 mph zone. Let's all give him a round of applause for being such a dumbass. Remember Joe the signs don't say...

It might also come of interest that Samson got his license on the 12th, and he got the ticket yesterday. Six days. Wow.

Sorry, no pictures, but a story. Told by Hassing
Alright, so when we're done playing a game of Halo, I go to the restroom, and T. Schnack gets on the computer. While I'm in the restroom, my mom comes down. Schnack thinks it is me, so he says, "I can't find any porn on this computer." My mom says, "Check Dan's computer."

Put me on your to do list!

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Add some movie ideas in there. We're quickly running out of stuff to do in my basement. Expand our horizons: donate to the digital camcorder fund.

Well, there will be more later.

This page is brought to you by Andrew Hassing, Jason Schnack, and last but not least, Brett Barstow.