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Lesson 5

Welcome to Lesson 5! This is the very last lesson of Potions I! Good Job, after this, you only have to do the exam! Just a reminder, the exam will not be open until ALL students have finished lesson 5! Since this is the last lesson, this is going to be mostly questions, although, you will get to make a potion, but first, I want to talk about the exam. So, here we go. Year 1 Final Exam The exam will consist of 3 sections, the first section you will be creating a potion. The second section you will answer 15 questions. The third section will be an extra credit section, and it WON'T be easy! Section 1: the potion, during this section you will be able to create a potion, the guidelines will be strict, I will select the ingredients and their amounts also. Section 2: questions, as I said there will be 15 questions, some will be easy, some will be hard, I have mentioned the answers to all these questions AT LEAST once during the term. Including this lesson. Section 3: Extra Credit, I will not tell you what there will be, but I will give you ideas of what there could be: idea 1: I could give you the name of a potion and have you tell me what it does or the main ingredient in it. idea 2: I could give you questions that have to do with potions but I've never mentioned before, or I could have mentioned it. Okay, that's all I'm going to tell you about the Final Exam, now get going on the lesson! My Owl: look answers up at:

