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Port Kar in Chaos
experience the real...

This room has an all new set up apart from any port kar seen yet.  Tired of homes that are catered to the favorites of the Ubar?  Tired of living in homes that don't recognize your work?  Tired of living in homes that only recognize the biggest ass kissers in the group?  We have the solution, a revolutionary way of running a home, where you get what you earn; think you have what it takes to survive in the harsh world that is Gor?  Think you have what it takes to lead?  Think you have what it takes to make alliances?  This room is run much like those which have become most well-known as 'territory rooms', in order to give you the most realistic 'real-life' like experience in your role play.  Build businesses, 'gangs', even empires, all while you partake in the turf war that was Port Kar.  In the beginning Port Kar was ruled by five Ubars and the council of captains.  Then, the fall of the Ubars took place (in Raiders), and now Port Kar is back in chaos.  Ubars will build alliances to gain, keep, and even over throw power (Picture "Gangs of New York" and the politics using the gangs to help them keep power.  Haven't seen it?  Well go rent it dweeb)

How will this work?

This room encompasses all of Port Kar, and it is spilt into five different vectors, with each vector controlling a major part of everyday life and business in the Port.  The five vectors are in current chaos and are waiting for someone to gain control of them.  Some will do it on their own, others will fail trying, and yet others will make alliances within to maintain their power while over throwing the power of another.  Civil War.

Who can gain control?

The shortest route to this answer is one word; anyone. 

How will this be controlled? 

Simply through support and power.  Anyone with at least two PC(Playable Characters) supporters (meaning you and one other person, and only free people count as supporters) can begin a 'group' (the exception to this is the room controller, who may start a group if they choose without the support...gotta start somewhere, however, even the room controller needs to have support to claim Ubarship).

What is a group? 

A group is any organization that holds some type of power within Port Kar; Physicians, Mercenaries, Thieves, Bakers, Merchants, Ship Wrights, Pirates, and much more.  All of whom have some sort of control in Port Kar; how large or small depends on you.  These groups then hold influence over Port Kar and her various turf or vectors, and eventually choose to support an Ubar.

There are also sub groups click for an explanation.

Who can be Ubar?

Just like the groups, anyone can be Ubar, but an Ubar must have three PC supporters (themselves and two others, and again, only frees count).

Then what?

That is up to the groups.  The main focus in Port Kar is survival and wealth.  Wealth means turf and control of course.  Strategy comes into play; Ubars warring against each other to take over one another's turf.  Trying to steal supporters from one Ubar to bring them to their own side.  And of course, then, there are the other people in Port Kar they must beware of.  If an Ubar loses his supporters he must step down, with the person holding the most power (support) within that vector taking over power.

Who can take over Power?

Any man may take over power of a vector.  He doesn't already need to be an Ubar of Port Kar.  If the leader of the Mercenary guild in that certain vector has 7 out of 12 of the vectors supporters in his guild working for him; he can then overthrow the Ubar and take over power.  Ubars must make alliances with the groups in their vector in order to survive.

For example - if Ubar Chu-Chu holds Ubarship in vector 3 and there is a thieve's guild in vector three that has 6 supporters of the guild, and there are only 11 supporters total (including the 6 thieves) in the vector, Ubar Chu-Chu had better find a way to persuade the thieves to support him or he could be over thrown.

Who can be a supporter?

Any free person in the Port counts as a supporter.  A supporter of who is up to them; they have the choice to support a group within their own vector, or they can support a group in another vector; they can also support the Ubar of any vector they want and change at any time; lastly, they have the choice to stay neutral and support no one.  Any group (thieve's guild, merc guild, physicians in the physician facility, slaver house, ect.) may only support one person, meaning all of their members support only one Ubar if they so choose, they cannot split support, or they are not a group are they? (meaning john and joe of the punk thieves of vector 2 can't support Ubar Chu-Chu, while the rest of the thieves guild supports Ubar Jingle from vector 2).  The leader of the group makes the final decision of where their support is given, if at all.

Non Members of this Port Kar may not give support or start groups in here; if you have a home else where you can only role play in here.

Who people support and where they live will be kept track of by the room controller.  To announce your support (which is OOC) state such on the message board.  You may change at any time; because you want to, or because role play forced you, it doesn't matter.  Post your character name, section you live in, group you support, and/or Ubar you support.  Those who do not so this will not be counted and will be listed as 'abstaining' in their support.

Who is the leader of the group?

Well you joined it you should know.

Do I have to be in a group or give support to live in Port Kar?

No, of course not, however, you will probably be a large target for the groups to strong arm since you have no alliances. 

How do you take power?

Any way you can think of; war, bribe, expansion, ect.

How can I expand?

Well war and bribe are pretty self explanatory, expansion however works like this:  Just like starting a group in Port Kar in vector 2 (which requires 2 supporters) once you have acquired at least 4 supporters in your group you expand.  for example - the thieves guild in vector 2 has 5 members; they can then send 2 of those five to run an expansion of their guild in vector 3, thus leaving 3 supporters in vector 2, and 2 supporters in vector 3, and thus, the Ubar they supported would now have support in vectors 2 and 3.  Expanding is just like starting a group, you must have at least 2 supporters in every vector your expansion is in to start a group; but remember, there is strength in numbers, leaving light numbers in vectors could get you killed by the other groups of the turf.

Once an Ubar or Group has more support than the current Ubar, the current Ubar may be over thrown if those who hold the majority support so choose to take power; remember, allies is the name of the game, whether you get them by friendship, bribe, or force doesn't matter, just as long as you get them.

Rules that apply to taking over a vector.

a)  An Ubar must have held power in his vector for one consecutive month before he can attempt to over throw another Ubar; or before he can attempt to take power in more than one vector.
b)  If over throwing an Ubar, the Ubar must have enough support in each vector he controls to over throw the current Ubar.  (Example - Vector 1 Ubar wants to over throw Vector 2 Ubar; Vector 2 Ubar has 4 supporters; Vector 1 Ubar must then have at least 5 supporters in both Vector 1 and Vector 2 in order to take over.)
c)  An Ubar can place his supporting points in any vector he chooses, however, he must keep a minimum of 3 supporters in every Vector that he controls.  Each free person that supports the Ubar counts for 1 point of support.
d)  In order to over throw an Ubar you must have more support than the current Ubar, a tie does not count
e)  In order to withstand an attempt to be over thrown, an Ubar must have enough support in each of the vectors that he controls to fend off the attempt or he will lose one of his vectors.  The Ubar will decide which vector he chooses to withdraw his support from.  (Example - if an Ubar controls vector 2, 3, and 4 with 3 members of support in vector 2, and 4 members of support in both 3 and 4; then a man with 4 members of support can over throw vector 2; however, the Ubar may choose to withdraw his support in vector 4 and put them all in vector 2 instead of giving up vector 4, he would then be choosing to give up vector 2)

What if the current Ubar doesn't want to give up their position?

They have no choice, once the majority support is claimed in a vector and verified by the room controller, the new Ubarship of that vector is granted and the current Ubar must step down.

How can the over thrown Ubar regain control?

Several ways; he can move to a new vector, with his supporters, where he would hold majority support and take over there; or he can build more allies; or he and his supporters and go to war with the new Ubar and try to kill off enough of the supporter in order to have majority support again.

Do I have to live in the vector I support?

No, people will live in the vectors that control their caste or trade, this will help spread out the role play and give everyone a chance to role play with others..

How do I choose?

You choose the vector that best suites your occupation.  This can vary; while someone like a thieve can operate really anywhere, thus allowing them to live anywhere, someone who is a ship wright needs to live in the vector that controls that trade with in the city; but you still don't have to support the vector you live in, this will help evenly spread the population and danger to everyone.

What about the Council of Captains?

Just like in the books the council will exist.  Each Ubar will have a chair in the council, as well as each Ubar may elect 1 captain for every 3 supporters he has.  Further more anyone with 5 or more ships may apply to become a captain, however, they will be subject to a vote by the current council members (bribe, strong-arm, kiss ass so you get votes).

What does the council do?

The council decides many things.  Even though Port Kar is in turmoil herself, in times of war she still comes together as one; the council decides on war matters.  The council can make laws; the council can decide on trade agreements; raid agreements; and vote on new captains, or other petitions that may come up.

What Vectors control what?


Role Play Rules

Port Kar is a:

*please read links for limitations and guidlines.

Assassins may carry out contracts under the following rules:

Anyone may join Port Kar at any time, as stated above this home is being run similar to a 'territory' home; the exception is people already with homestones.  Those already with homestones may not join this home, nor may they start 'groups' or become 'Ubars'.  The other exception are those on our ban list.

We do not accept the UCR.

We do accept raids under these conditions.

These are our open combat and sparring rules.

There is no city collar in this Port Kar, if you collar someone, you must collar them to your person, or to your group.

To enhance the realism in this room (meaning to keep people from flying to the rescue of their supporter); there must be a controlled environment when it comes to traveling vectors.  Meaning if you want to travel from Vector 2 to Vector 3 you must role play traveling towards Vector 3 for at least 20 posts.  For loophole sake, it doesn't matter if you live in the middle of the Vector or on the very border, it still requires the same amount of time.  Since the vectors all meet in the center of the city, it doesn't matter from which vector you are traveling or to which you travel to, it is 20 posts to change vectors.  Save scripts so it can be verified if questioned.

Entry into Port Kar is by ship or by tarn, and if the Council has deemed a safe time to allow trade through the main gate, then entrance through the main gates is allowed; click here to find out.  Following with the rule above; those who enter into Port Kar must abide by the vector travel rule.

If entering by tarn, you enter into vector 5
If entering by ship, you enter into vector 3
If entering by land (when possible), you enter into vector 1

Room Leader has final say over all role play judgments and scripts, if he is involved in the action to be judged he will appoint a neutral judge (meaning someone from a home not involved).  The council makes the laws and decides on the various things such as which trade routes open, and which are closed, ect., however, the room controller reserves the right to over rule the council if he feels a judgment will greatly conflict the room and/or it's role play.

Dualing is not allowed in Port Kar.  Dualing is any time a person play two different characters in a similar time frame without first announcing one is dead or no longer being played.

By entering you accept all of the above and are held accountable for all rules on this page and in our web site.

You must be 18 to enter.

Questions on rules above should be directed to the room controller, either in person, on the message board, or through e-mail.

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