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The Lair of Phoenix Flame

welcome to the lair of phoenix
hope you like


Double, double,
toil and trouble
Fire burn and
cauldron bubble
Double, double,
toil and trouble
Something wicked
this way comes.
Eye of newt and
toe of frog,
Wool of bat and
tongue of dog,
Adder's fork and
blind-worm's sting,
Lizard's leg and
howlet's wing.

Double, double,
toil and trouble
Fire burn and
cauldron bubble
Double, double,
toil and trouble
Something wicked
this way comes.

In the cauldron
boil and bake,
Fillet of a
fenny snake,
Scale of dragon,
tooth of wolf,
Witches' mummy,
maw and gulf.

Double, double,
toil and trouble
Fire burn and
cauldron bubble

Double, double,
toil and trouble
Fire burn and
cauldron bubble
Double, double,
toil and trouble
Fire burn and
cauldron bubble

Something wicked
this way comes

the two hamsters down
at the bottem are there
to remind me about my
guinea pig Gypsi
and her sis Pispy
They died two
months appart
and were got two
months appart
they died because
of a heart attic
very hard times
well we got a
rabbit now
but i still whant
my babygirl back

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britts bage