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This site is dedicated to showing how Pat and his evil friends are actually the product of Satan. Some of these images may be disturbing to you. Remember, those mentioned in these pages are in fact evil. Should  you ever run into them, don't think any bad thoughts about them because they can read minds. Just pray that these evil beings are destroyed before they can do any more harm

You may be wondering how I'm so sure that Pat and the others I mention here are evil. I present proof to their evilness in photographic and audio. I also quote various eyewitnesses to their acts of evilness.

8/16/03 12:45 AM-  The personality test now includes demon Tom. Hope you enjoy.


7/21/03 9:16 PM- Hello visitors of this site, I know I haven't updated for a while. Actually I'm not even updating right now. I just wanted you to know that our reporters are all dead. I know it seems horrible but that's what happens when you people don't support the website. I am calling all of you who are patrons to this site to help report demons so I don't have to keep sending my employees to their graves. Go to the report demons link for my email. I need pictures of people being evil. I need pictures of people not being evil. I need anything that I could put on this site. SUPPORT THE SITE!!!

Demon Song of the Week:


Weird Al Yankovic- Nature Trail To Hell (In 3-D)

(Understand the theme now?)


Thanks to this website...

...people are now aware of the evilness of those mentioned here


Help humanity, report a demon!!!


Last Update: 09/14/2003 03:20 PM