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P3 Investigations

Foothills Paranormal Investigations


E.V.P. stands for Electronic Voice Phenomena. EVPs are found in everyday electronic equipment such as tape recorders, camcorders & television white noise(when you turn on a tv to station with no signal)etc. EVP is a very exciting phenomena because hundreds of people are getting results by using simple $10.00 tape recorders you can buy at Wal-Mart. The best type are ones with a USB interface so you can download them to a computer and analyze the evidence with sound editing software. On our first investigation, we captured multiple EVPs. We will post them on our site very soon.

The most accepted theory of how to capture an EVP is to go to a reportedly haunted location, introduce yourself and explain what you are doing and you do not mean any disrespect to the spirits. Start the recorder and then ask, "If there is anyone wishing to say anything, please do so now." Wait about 20 seconds and stop recording. Repeat the process asking different questions such as "Is this the spirit of the person who lived in this house?" or "What is your name?" If you make any accidental sounds(Coughing, talking, bumping into something etc), make a note on the tape explaining what happened so you're not spending time on something non-paranormal. It is also suggested by other investigators that EVPs show up better if there is a low hum or roar in the background, such as heater, fan etc. We're not sure about this theory but the main EVP that we got in Little Switzerland, a fan was going in the background.

EVP are classified into 3 major categories:

Class A-The EVP is very clear & unmistakeable, usually a direct answer to a question

Class B-The EVP is fairly clear and you can basically make everything out

Class C-The EVP is definately a voice but you can't make out what is said. You need to experiment with these by slowing down/speeding them up. The main EVP that we got in Little Switzerland was a Class C EVP that sounded like a male voice mumbling or whispering. When we slowed it down, it almosts sounds like two women arguing.

This is something that everyone can do with very little expense. If you get any good results, let us know

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