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aafaafaaf, ban me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
**ToolkitCP sets mode +b *!~tk24097@***
**stu has been kicked by ToolkitCP (For character spam. (banned))**
<aafaafaaf> LMAO LMAO LMAO
**ZidaneTibal sets mode +o Rickzzy**
**ChanServ sets mode -o Rickzzy**

<ZidaneTibal> its not meant to be
<tymiller> kitemac- HELP ME!! IM BORED!!!
<Death_Boy21> tymiller-play rs then
<tymiller> nah
<tymiller> RS is boring
<kitemac> haha what ya need tymiller?
<Death_Boy21> do u have the game starcraft?
<tymiller> IM BORED!!
<Death_Boy21> kitemac-hes bored
<Death_Boy21> -.-
<tymiller> >_<
<kitemac> not a he Death_Boy21 tymiller is a girl............
<Death_Boy21> tymiller-ur a gurl?!
* tymiller follows kitemac into a dark avenue. Hey test my crowbar!
<Death_Boy21> the nick sounds like a boy..
<kitemac> haha
<tymiller> no im a boy
<Death_Boy21> kitemac- -.-
<Death_Boy21> TRYING TO LYE TO ME?!
<Death_Boy21> *LIE
<kitemac> she is just messing with you tymiller is a girl and she knows it
<Death_Boy21> god..
<Death_Boy21> i dun trust both of u..
<Death_Boy21> ill jsut call tymiller a shemale :D
* tymiller throws a keyboard at kitemac
<Death_Boy21> lol tymiller
<kitemac> IM MALE >_<
* tymiller shreds kitemac with a chainsaw
<Death_Boy21> fine tymiller ur a male
* tymiller steals kitemac's cookies. mwahaha!
<kitemac> she is lieing
<Death_Boy21> STOP ARGUING
<Death_Boy21> -.-
**kitemac has been kicked by tymiller (oops)**
<tymiller> lol
<Death_Boy21> lol
<Death_Boy21> rofl tymiller
<jockstrap> black heather
<ToolkitCP> You got the word! B L A C K _ H E A T H E R
<ToolkitCP> Champion Award: jockstrap. Dud Award: fearmenot. This game was finished in 17 turns
**ToolkitCP sets mode -mvv jockstrap fearmenot**
<ToolkitCP> Hangman game now ended.
<jockstrap> yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
**ToolkitCP sets mode +b *!~tk29065@***
**jockstrap has been kicked by ToolkitCP (For character spam. (banned))**

Dont drink and drive, you might hit a bump and spill ur beer
<ToolkitCP> You got a letter! E Y E  O F N E W T
<ToolkitCP> BrKiller, it's your go!
<BrKiller> HAHAHA OWNED!!!!
<ToolkitCP> Incorrect!
<ToolkitCP> Lachy, it's your go!
<ToolkitCP> _ H O _ O L A T _ B A R
<Brkiller> chocolate bare
<ToolkitCP> incorrect
<ToolkitCP> w_e_e_b_o its your go
**Brkiller sets mode -v w_e_e_b_o
<ToolkitCP> Brkiller its your go
<Brkiller> chocolate bar
<jddogg> yay everyone join in on the jddogg revolution
<jddoggs_hair> oh yeah im greasy
<jddogg`s_dad> am old..
<jddoggs_hair> :P
<jddogg`s_dad> now....
<jddogg> >_>
<jddogg`s_pet_rock> i'm hard, lmao
<jddogg> rofl
<jddogg`s_pet_rock> rofl
**nubi is now known as jddogg`s_dog**
<jddoggs_hair> LOL
**jddogg`s_dad is now known as jddogg`s_pie**
**jddoggs_daughter is now known as Galaxy_Woman**
<Lucifer> haha'
<dumb_log> hahha lol
**jddoggs_son has joined #rstoolkit**
<jddogg> this is great.
<jddogg> screenshotted
<jddogg`s_dog> rofl
<jddogg`s_pet_rock> lol
**fruitopolic1 has quit IRC (Quit: gosh, i sure feel safe in the OPs hands *snickers*)**
<Rickzzy> bet ya 10 gp it dosn't work
<Lachy> !hangman duel Lachy Awong
<Awong> !hangman duel lachy awong
<Awong> Awwwww
<tymiller> heh
<tymiller> Lachy- shall I?
<Rickzzy> y'all owe me 10gp
<ToolkitCP> A hangman duel has been commenced! The duel is between Lachy and Awong! The game will begin in 10 seconds.
-ToolkitCP- Lachy has joined the Hangman game!
-ToolkitCP- Awong has joined the Hangman game!
<ToolkitCP> Hangman is currently running in #rstoolkit, please wait until the game has concluded
<ToolkitCP> A hangman duel has been commenced! The duel is between lachy and awong! The game will begin in 10 seconds.
-ToolkitCP- awong has joined the Hangman game!
**ToolkitCP has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)**
<Awong> what the hell
<tymiller> o_O
**ToolkitCP has joined #rstoolkit**
<Awong> !hangman stop
**X sets mode +o ToolkitCP**
**ToolkitCP has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)**
<Rickzzy> lmao, Awong, u said it twice and it screwed it up
**ToolkitCP has joined #rstoolkit**
**X sets mode +o ToolkitCP**
<Awong> O.o
<Lachy> !hangman duel Lachy aw
<ToolkitCP> A hangman duel has been commenced! The duel is between
Lachy and aw! The game will begin in 10 seconds.
-ToolkitCP- Lachy has joined the Hangman game!
-ToolkitCP- aw has joined the Hangman game!
**ToolkitCP sets mode +m **
<Lachy> shit.
<Lachy> !hangman stop
<ToolkitCP> Hangman game now ended.
<duosythe> suck
<duosythe> my
<tymiller> !K duosythe we really dont care
**duosythe has been kicked by X (we really dont care)**
<ToolkitCP> yayah_1, it's your go!
<ToolkitCP> You got the word! D E A D L Y R E D S P I D E R
**You have been kicked from #rstoolkit by ToolkitCP (For talking in CAPS. Banned on next offense.)
<sublime> !kick ikillutoday for charecter spam (banned).
**ikillutoday has been kicked by X (for charecter spam (banned).)**
<jddogg> !calc coderx+females
<coderx> jddogg , coderx+females = 0
<Lachy> e
<ToolkitCP> Incorrect!
<ToolkitCP> speedis, it's your go!
<speedis> o
<ToolkitCP> You got a letter! _ _ _ _ O _ _ _ _ _ _ O _
**ToolkitCP has been kicked by X (Stop flooding!)**
* PlNG rolls his eyes
* Person236 unrolls PlNG's eyes
<sublime> I spanked it at 412 miles per hour
**kitemac is now known as kite**
**kite has quit IRC (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Rickzzy)))**
<kitemac> Rickzzy your not an op probably cause your a dick
<kitemac> !k drageo no you my bitch
**Drageo has been kicked by X (no you my bitch)**
<kitemac> !k kitemac happy now maybe i can do some work
**kitemac has been kicked by X (happy now maybe i can do some work)**
<kitemac> !k kitemac get your work done
**kitemac has been kicked by X (get your work done)**
<Kdragon5> btw a chinese nigger is called a chigger!!!!
<PlNG> !kick pokemyhonkers rude nick, change it please
* zaltrix sees Skipppppppyy sharpening his banstick...uh oh
**TooIkitCP has been kicked by Skipppppppyy**
<PlNG> !k ToolkitCP Change the nick to something unique.
**ToolkitCP has been kicked by X (Change the nick to something unique.)**
<kitemac> someone can go tell that a hole he is unbanned
* sublime puts Rickzzy in charge
<sublime> Rickzzy is in charge while I'm away.
* Rickzzy chucks a gummy bear at kitemac and runs like hell
<kitemac> run faster
* libras3_|_pking trips rickzzy
* Rickzzy gets into the concord
**Hot_Hobo has joined #rstoolkit**
<quiksilv3r> !hangman duel Rickzzy devilboy
<ToolkitCP> A hangman duel has been commenced! The duel is between Rickzzy and devilboy! The game will begin in 10 seconds.
-ToolkitCP- Rickzzy has joined the Hangman game!
-ToolkitCP- devilboy has joined the Hangman game!
**ToolkitCP sets mode +mvv Rickzzy devilboy**
<Rickzzy> :P
<ToolkitCP> _ _ _ _ _ _
<ToolkitCP> Rickzzy, it's your go!
<devilboy> oo scary
<Rickzzy> a
<ToolkitCP> Incorrect! (a)
<ToolkitCP> devilboy, it's your go!
<devilboy> e
<ToolkitCP> You got a letter!     _ _ _ _ E _
<ToolkitCP> devilboy, it's your go!
<devilboy> i
<ToolkitCP> You got a letter!     _ _ _ I E _
<Rickzzy> !die devilboy
<ToolkitCP> devilboy, it's your go!
<devilboy> o
<ToolkitCP> Incorrect! (o)
<ToolkitCP> Rickzzy, it's your go!
<Rickzzy> s
<ToolkitCP> Incorrect! (s)
<ToolkitCP> devilboy, it's your go!
<devilboy> !all talk no walk
<devilboy> u
<ToolkitCP> You got a letter!     _ U _ I E _
<ToolkitCP> devilboy, it's your go!
<devilboy> s
<ToolkitCP> Letter has already been guessed, have another try.
<devilboy> d
<ToolkitCP> Incorrect! (d)
<ToolkitCP> Rickzzy, it's your go!
<devilboy> !paniced
<devilboy> !cmon
<Rickzzy> m
<Rickzzy> !laaag
<ToolkitCP> devilboy, it's your go!
<ToolkitCP> Rickzzy, it's your go!
<Rickzzy> !TKCp is messed
<Rickzzy> m
<Rickzzy> m
<Rickzzy> m
<Rickzzy> m
<Rickzzy> !hangman stop
<Rickzzy> damn... it don't work
<Rickzzy> quiksilv3r, stop hangman plz
*** Disconnected
**Rickzzy sets mode: +iph**
**Rickzzy has joined #rstoolkit**
<Rickzzy> !damn it TKCP
<Rickzzy> a
<ToolkitCP> , it's your go!
<Rickzzy> m
<ToolkitCP> , it's your go!
<Rickzzy> m
<ToolkitCP> , it's your go!
<Rickzzy> m
*** Disconnected
**Rickzzy sets mode: +iph**
**Rickzzy has joined #rstoolkit**
**devilboy has joined #rstoolkit**
<Rickzzy> m
*** Disconnected
**Rickzzy sets mode: +iph**
**Rickzzy has joined #rstoolkit**
<Rickzzy> n
<ToolkitCP> , it's your go!
**omg_unmute_us is now known as Ray_Bomb**
<quiksilv3r>!hangman stop
<Rickzzy> rofl Ray_Bomb
**ToolkitCP sets mode -m **
<ToolkitCP> Hangman game now ended.
<w_a_s_t_e_d> shut the f u c k up
<Dagny> !tkb w_a_s_t_e_d ok you first
<eXtreme_PainKiller> !kb i__like_big_buts_and__i_cannot Me too
<ZidaneTibal> suckblime
<sublime> !k ZidaneTibal SuckTibal (omg owned)
**ZidaneTibal has been kicked by X (SuckTibal (omg owned))**
**h4ck3dm4infr4m3 has been kicked by X (change name (kick ordered by Rickzzy))**
**Rickzzy is now known as kite**
<kitemac> !k kitemac
**kitemac has been kicked by X (Requested)**
**kite is now known as Rickzzy**
**kitemac has joined #rstoolkit**
**ChanServ sets mode +o kitemac**
<Rickzzy> O.o
<kitemac> ......
<Rickzzy> **kitemac has been kicked by X (Requested)**
<Rickzzy> classic ^^^
<kitemac> !k Rickzzy made me kick myself
**You have been kicked from #rstoolkit by X (made me kick myself)**
<Dagny> kitemac you ornery thing.. wake up!
<sublime> !hangman duel Rickzzy sublime
<ToolkitCP> A hangman duel has been commenced! The duel is between Rickzzy and sublime! The game will begin in 10 seconds.
-ToolkitCP- Rickzzy has joined the Hangman game!
-ToolkitCP- sublime has joined the Hangman game!
**ToolkitCP sets mode +mv Rickzzy**
<ToolkitCP> _ _ _ _ _ _ _
<ToolkitCP> sublime, it's your go!
<sublime> e
<ToolkitCP> You got a letter!     _ _ _ _ _ _ E
<ToolkitCP> sublime, it's your go!
<sublime> a
<ToolkitCP> Incorrect! (a)
<ToolkitCP> Rickzzy, it's your go!
<Rickzzy> !O.o
<Rickzzy> s
<ToolkitCP> You got a letter!     _ _ _ S _ _ E
<ToolkitCP> Rickzzy, it's your go!
<Rickzzy> t
<ToolkitCP> You got a letter!     _ _ _ S T _ E
<ToolkitCP> Rickzzy, it's your go!
<Rickzzy> e
<ToolkitCP> Letter has already been guessed, have another try.
<Rickzzy> g
<ToolkitCP> Incorrect! (g)
<ToolkitCP> sublime, it's your go!
<sublime> r
<ToolkitCP> Incorrect! (r)
<ToolkitCP> Rickzzy, it's your go!
<Rickzzy> w
<ToolkitCP> You got a letter!     W _ _ S T _ E
<ToolkitCP> Rickzzy, it's your go!
<Rickzzy> l
<ToolkitCP> You got a letter!     W _ _ S T L E
<ToolkitCP> Rickzzy, it's your go!
<Rickzzy> !no clue, lmao
<sublime> !toughie ;)
<Rickzzy> !ummm
<sublime> !it's sooo easy
<ToolkitCP> sublime, it's your go!
<sublime> whistle
<ToolkitCP> You got the word!     W H I S T L E
<ToolkitCP> Champion Award: Rickzzy. Dud Award: None. This game was finished in 9 turns.
**ToolkitCP sets mode -mv Rickzzy**
<ToolkitCP> Hangman game now ended.

Copyright ©2003-2004

All Rights Reserved

Ricky Kabalan