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kt's songs

Friday, 18 July 2003

my version of 'John Jacob Jingle Heimer Schmitt'
John Jacob Jingle Heimer Schmitt
His name is my name toooo
So whenever we go out
The people always shout
There goes.. John Jacob Jingle Heimer Schmitt

John Jacob Jingle Heimer Schmitt
His name is my name too..
So whenever we go out
The people dont know who killed who?
Bloods on both hands
oh wellllll oh wellllll

John Jacob Jingle Heimer Schmitt
His name is my name too
SO when he hung from that rope....
The didnt know who Choked

John Jacob Jingle Heimer Schmitt
His name is my name too
So when his throat was Slit
The dont know who finished it

Wasnt that fun kiddies
There's more.....

John Jacob Jingle Heimer Schmitt
His name is my name too
The coroner didnt know whow as who
Too bad he didnt know who was behind him

John Jacob Jingle Heimer Schmitt
Killed the coroner
He stabbed the guy w/ a knife
took his life

John Jacob Jingle Heimer Schmitt
Was in the paper today....
so was I?
guess what column people
guess what column

John Jacob Jingle Heimer Schmitt
His name is my name too
We are both deadly blue
Guess that's the end of the story

John Jacob Jingle Heimer Schmitt
His name was my name tooooo....

Posted by scary/naughtynymph at 6:49 AM EDT
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Thursday, 17 July 2003

She was a childless mother....
One that wanted a kid
but could never find the perfect stranger..
Tall, dark and handsome, prince charming..
oooooohhhhhhh how it would change

She was killed, massicured, a daily news story
no1 cared.. kt laughed..o did she
u wanna know why?
cuz she did it *muahahaha*


She was stabbed in the back 5 times
Blood dripping down..
ohh how the laughter grew
Next she was thrown down stairs..
How the blood poured..
Torture was all she knew all she knew..
More blood she screamed!!

Blood stained curtains swinging in the wind
swinging in the wind
Blood tails all over
wonder what happened
It was the gun that hit her after she fell fell fell
the wall was stained now
oh welllll oh wellllll


She tried to escape but there was no way
no way at all
do u know why do u know why?
cuz she was already dead..
The blood was her ashes spilling all over
no way could she escape
out the window she jumped jumped jumped
down she fell to the ground
all she knew was there'd still be a trail
follow the trail is what she did
die die die is all she screamed

The childless mother lost her child that day
falling down the stairs had cost her, her baby
all that blood was from the miscarriage
oh well, murder was a fun thought
*evil laughter*

Posted by scary/naughtynymph at 6:43 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 18 July 2003 6:42 AM EDT
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delightful ironicy
Ever see the begger on the side of the street
Well I did, he said a few things to me...
Hells freezing, and heaven's on fire
ironic how u dont listen, u really dont
U cant read between the lines...
lines of life and death..

I saw the smoke..
couldnt imagine the fire..
the sky lit up like the 4th of july
oh how we died
died deep down
it's then we realized we were being crushed
down n down came the sky


I've seen life..
I've seen the blood shed for death..
Neither is nice
Ice caps on hell's surface
So pretty yet so painfull..
Crashing down, we had no idea..
no idea at all..

Isn't ironic how a 13 yr old can have a kid on accident..
Yet a 35 yr old who's been tryin for years can't?
I want to know what's up w/ this
White people tan...yet they hate the "spics" and "nigs"
oooowwwweeeeeeoooooooooo what's goin on
ironicy ironicy all over this world ..


Isnt it ironic how ur supposed to trust ur family...
and all they can do is tell u what a trouble u are to them..

The moon and the sun hadda fight..
They were tired of all the light..
Birds hate their long flight
the south hates the sight..
yet the worlds spinnin
like a lil topper..
when's it gonna fall over


The world's ending..and no1's dying
We are all spinning
round n round..
We dont know what's going on
ww3 could kill us
but we want to keep our eyes open
Hell's freezing...
freezing over that is...
Heaven's set fire at the gates..
they are gonna dissentigrate us all
crashing n ice
melts melts melts...

Posted by scary/naughtynymph at 3:00 PM EDT
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You feel it creeping up on..
Everything's closing in..
It's just your sanity
it's gone
been knockin onnna door far far away


Ever get the feeling of being alone
Having a gun
But no Bullet
it's suicide with no bullet
no bullet in sight
*evil laughter*

Life's what u live what u live
there's no living without dying
Thinking about dying is so fun fun fun
suicide creepin up behind u
But u dont care.
dont care at all
ur eyes are open but u see nothing
open open open
blind blind blind


The devil's lurking
tellin u to sell your soul
u dont care cuz ur blind blind blind....
suicide is the only hope for u
nothing can make it better
the devil's outta business


It'll be alright....right?
Someone smiles, and u melt
She breaks ur heart again
suicide suicide suicide
surrounding your every thought
she did it...she's the devil...
u knew it, but u didnt care

ur in hell
but there's no fire
just her evil smile
her face surrounds your every thought
she's w/ another guy
suicide suicide suicide...
u want it u do u do
better go n catch it...look at it run
run run run run...

Posted by scary/naughtynymph at 2:33 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 17 July 2003 3:12 PM EDT
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I love kangaroos....
They are so adorable....
They Love to kick....
Just like me...
Kangies love kickin....
KT loves kickin..
woo woo..


I love kangy
He's my kickin buddy
We a team of kickers.....
u wish u had my kangy
u do u do
i c it in ur eyes
how u want him but hes mine
mine mine mine mine

Kangy loves all ppl
He loves to show his love
kickin all folks....
if only they knew
how much kangy loved em..


kangy murdered a town..
o well
i love my kangy
i do i do..
he's the cutest thing
he's fulla blood
we gonna have a shower together...
we are we are
I love my kangy
i do i do

the shower of blood is done
life goes on
n we sing n dance
me n my kangy
we do we do
i love my kannnggggyyyyyy

Posted by scary/naughtynymph at 2:31 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 17 July 2003 2:42 AM EDT
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Love's so tough aint it?
Ur so happy then it leaves
it's gone...
u cry
ur so pitiful
i wish someone had shot u like u wanted
doo doo doo doo


Loves afire and all houses are burning..
I burned love up
it's all ashes
it's where to be seen
aint ya happy now?
I know i am yes sireeee
all the houses afire and no guilt is gone
still way to lose it

Guilt really kills us all..
it does, eats away
munch munch munch
We are lil players in this game..
yup yup yup
why cant we stop losin?
loves a losin battle
u can never win, why try
everyone loves heartache
All for a lil bit of ass
just a lil love gets what u need
u wanna hit it too bad it's been hit too many times
ur inna goose, she's so loose
why u want this love
why why whyy


I wanted to be rescued
but I was already dead
i was...
I died lying there waiting for u to come
my white knight, where were u
I know where u were...
U were w/ snow white
the lil ho...
u hit the ho ho ho..
oh dont u feel great now
15 mins of paridise
thats all u wanted
all u wanted all u wanted..


Houses afire just like life
love's gone
I buried it six feet
six feet and sinking
down it goes....the captain with it's ship
love sinks and burns
it died here tonight..
the fire burns brighttttt
very bright...bright bright bright....

Posted by scary/naughtynymph at 2:26 AM EDT
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She walks down the street..
All she sees scares her..
Life makes her so sad..
That's how it's gonna be tho..


She bleeds..
All she does is bleed..
The pain of the world has been brought on her..
Her tears are blood...
Blood is all she sees
All she sees..

All she needs is a savior..
One to stop the pain..
One to bring about the end..
One that isnt afraid to take her life..
She wants him..
She needs him..


Life's one of those things that never stops..
It's keeps making her bleed..
Making her want to die..
Oh's another day of death..
She sees the raped, the killed, her friends..
All gone, leaving her alone...
She's sooo alone....alll alone.....

Her eyes bled her to death..
No more more life...
The blood has run out....
So has her life..
Poor decisions...
Bad Friends....
All gone and done...

Posted by scary/naughtynymph at 2:08 AM EDT
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