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Name: Myra Ruth Tripp
Hometown: Arthur, Nebraska
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 114 lbs.
Alignment: Misunderstood
Type of Wrestler: Brawler

Here is a photo of Myra signing a contract.

Theme Music: "Imaginary (Origin version)" by Evanescence
Entrance: The arena goes completely dark, illuminated only by the gray glow of the JumboTron. The screen flashes random words -- red lettering against a black background -- detailing a plethora of detestable sins: lust, greed, gluttony, lies, idolatry, et cetera. As the music begins, the words are encompassed with a ghostly outline of Myra's face and her logo. The arena fills with a blacklight glow as the crimson spotlight settles on Myra stepping through the curtain. She walks to the ring quietly, somber and pensive. She climbs into the ring, kneeling in the corner as if to pray.

Here is a painting of Myra and her sister Jodie.

Finisher: "Total Depravity"
Finisher Description: It's a nudo lagunero.
Secondary Finisher: "The Call"
Secondary Finisher Description: It's an Emerald Erosion.
15 Favorite Moves: inverted DDT, Northern Nights suplex, choke sleeper, backdrop driver, piledriver, Russian legsweep, earringer, gutwrench suplex, hiptoss, jawbreaker, lariat, Samoan drop, kick-off, sidestep, sitdown powerbomb

Here is Myra during a rare independent match.

Brief History and Background: Much of Myra's history is still a mystery. What we have learned from previous stints in other federations is that she is constantly looking to reconcile with her sister Jodie, who just happens to be deceased. There are those who say that Myra inadvertently caused Jodie's death, and for that reason she is tortured so. Others say that Myra and Jodie had such a bond that when Jodie died, she took a piece of Myra with her. No one is certain what the real answer is.

What we know for certain is that Jodie died, and her death was officially deemed a suicide. Initially, both Myra and her father were suspects. Another girl, Michelle Rochester, was a suspect as well. It seems that Michelle and Mr. Tripp were having an affair. Did Jodie find out and get silenced? Did she kill herself out of the shame and reproach this brought on her? Was it simply a poorly timed accident? Was it something perhaps more nefarious? No one claims to know.

Unable to bear the circumstances, Myra left her family and hitchhiked across the country. One can only imagine the horrors that await a young girl making her way across the country alone. Though she refuses to talk about her experiences, she undoubtedly fell victim to predators of some sort. Needless to say, her mental state is worse now than before. She eventually found herself in Alabama, looking for a way to make some money.

She applied for a position with SWF, "Spirit Wrestling Federation." She thought it would be a good way to make some money and take out some frustration. Her personality often got her into trouble. She was accused of being a lesbian on a few separate occasions. That simply is not the case. It is nothing of a sexual nature she seeks. Rather, she seeks to fill the void that Jodie left in her life. No one seems to understand Myra's concept of friendship. After a few betrayals, Myra began to harden herself. Still, there is Something in her that keeps her heart whole. What could it be?

She eventually won the SWF Femme Fatale Championship before the organization closed due to financial reasons. Hidden from public view for almost two years, Myra spent some time in the ECF, WCWF, and the revitalized SWF-R. Now, she drifts without a home. Will fate drive her back to the ring? Will Michelle follow her back there? Will the missing puzzle pieces ever be discovered?

Myra is really a sweet girl ...

... she's just misunderstood.
Title History:
SWF Femme Fatale Champion {August 25, 2002 - ?}
(The title was renamed the SWF-R Femme Fatale Championship between April 11 2004 and September 16 2004.)

Employment History:
Spirit Wrestling Federation {SWF} (July, 2002 - December, 2003)
Extreme Championship Federation {ECF} (January, 2004 - March, 2004)
World Championship Wrestling Federation {WCWF} (February, 2004 - April, 2004)
Spirit Wrestling Federation: Resurrection {SWF-R} (April, 2004 - September, 2004)
World Wide Wrestling Association {3WA} (October, 2004 - )

Greatest Alliances:
Verena ...
Verena and Myra were great friends for most of 2002. Their relationship started off rocky, but Verena soon found herself fascinated with this troubled young woman. Though locker room rumblings later said there was a double-cross in the works, the friendship apparently lasted until the last days of the SWF. They eventually lost contact when the Federation folded.

Phoenix ...
This relationship began more on the basis of a common enemy, but blossomed into one built on respect. Though Myra is apprehensive about joining to any one particular group, she was most appreciative of the help of Phoenix and the Root Of All Evil in her ongoing battles with the Slaughterhouse. Myra and Phoenix even formed a successful tag team, "The House of Judgment." The House of Judgment remains undefeated.

Greatest Rivalries:
Michelle Rochester ...
No one is quite sure how deep the history is between these two. Michelle promises to reveal hideous secrets about Myra, while Myra claims that Michelle destroyed her family. How did Jodie die, and what did happen to her parents? There are a lot of unanswered questions, and perhaps Michelle is they key to figuring them out. However, Myra seems intent on not letting that happen.

The Slaughterhouse ...
Myra still is not quite certain how she ended up in this war. Disease and Alissa took it upon themselves to put Myra's friend, Mike Osbourne, out of the business for a while. Fiercely loyal, she could not allow that sin to go unpunished. As she pursued the two of them, she realized that D-Crusher, her occasional tag team partner, was not handling her feud with fellow Slaughterhouse members very well. Fearing a double-cross, Myra ended the team and counted D-Crusher among her enemies. Though the battle never had the chance to come to fruition, one of its defining moments was when Myra defeated Disease in his signature match.

Current Events:

Current Alliances:

Current Rivalries:

Recent Matches:


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