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This is my webpage! WELCOMMEN!!

My Fave Bands at the'll change

Hey peeps! howz it hanging? the picture of that extremly fit guitar up ther,e is the pic Jon sent me of the guitar he is getting next lucky bastad! fit ppl with fit guitars.. darn annoying! i wanna say a big hello to all my peeps, hey to Hayley, Jez (i luv u), Dan, Pete, James, Tom, Jon, Daryn, Jonah, Jason, Sunny, Jenni, Nicki, Lauran, Kate, Katie, Benn, Mike, Sam, Dave, Neil, Baz and anyone else who I ahve missed out! If I ahve missed you out and you wnan be on my list, e-mail me and ill add ya! I will be keeping you all updated on what special events are happening in the futaure, hopefulyl thst aprty i promised will be up and going soon enuff!! soz for the delay! I fyou need anytihng or you wnan say anytihng, e-mail me, or you could always do me a big favour and make it seme liek i got freinds if you leave a message on my message board.. be most appareciated... ill pay you!! but shhh..... peace and luv to all xxxxxx

Websites i personally think you should have a peek at!

Incidental Heros
Made In Taiwan
Div's band-they are Proper Bo I tell thee!
This is a good one!
