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Moogie+Spartan headquarters

Hi welcome to the land of Moogies and Spartans!!! this is m first website I ever made so its not that special but it is good for a 11 year old dood like me! Please come back whene you can things here get better by the day!

to be a Moogie or Spartan you need to be...

things to vist...

Info on My favorite game Halo
Free game downloads for up to 30 days
one of my friends website

get this gear!

poke the pinguine about 20 times to make it angry! try not to let it smash you with the hammer or you won't be able to poke him any more!!! good luck!!! if you still want to continue just press the refresh button!!!! if you could E-mail me at and give me some comments!?!