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MonkeyStranglesCow Monkey Strangles Cow

Welcome to my website that I created just to fill up space on the net. In order to get all the way through my website, you will have to answer some math questions that become increasingly difficult as you go. If you cannot answer the first question correctly, then obviously you are too young to view this page, so go away. If you cannot answer the first question completely, but you are not a youngster, then that must mean you are extremely stupid, and mentally impaired people should not view this site. If, however, you can answer the first question completely then you have four paths to choose from: Path A, Path B, Path C, or Path D. Choose one.

If you choose Path A, that means you answer the first question correctly, but do not answer any of the other questions correctly. This means you just got lucky and you are not much smarter than the guy who could not answer the first question correctly.

On the other hand, if you choose Path B, you answer the first question correctly and a handful of the other questions correctly. This means that you are not very bright, but at least you pay attention part of the time in class.

However, if you choose Path C, you answer the first question correctly and most of the other questions correctly. You must be a good student and pay attention, but you are still not good enough to get through this website.

Finally, if you choose Path D, you answer every question correctly. This means you cheated somehow, but since I have no way of proving that, I'll let it slide; but watch out because sooner or later, you'll get caught! Muahahaha!!!!

One more thing: if at any time you answer a question incorrectly, something bad will happen. :)