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Monkeyboy's Gallery

Links within this site contain what some people may consider bad language.
If you are under eighteen years old or easily offended, please don't bother looking any further....


Hark! Do I hear bells?

Barno & Emmo

What we saw

What we wanted to see

The Bells, the bells

Barney straightening his nose

Celia & George

Molly & Emily

S Club 5

Someone likes Emmo


Burnt another pizza?

Tom & Jamilla

Gee & Rox

Hadley & Lil' Louis

Rox & Jasper & Bruce


Ian & Barney


Gee & Rox 2

Gee & rox & Jas

Leanne's dogs


Ed & Jade

The hooligan

Furlong free kick

The hooligans

Menage a trois

Tom & Rangerbird & Mungo

Rangers Roads

Probably the most bogus pub in the world

Glenn & Luke

Check out the pub's name

Tom's a little teapot...

Glenn & Luke 2


The Famous Five


DJ Evil Ed

Boozy Kraut

New cast member

Barney the Gaul


It's a G thing Benny darling

Run Forrest, run


Some Jezebel in The Metropolitan

From the boat

The leaning tower

Harry's Bar

A church

Erm... Another church

And another church...

The Halo

Just one Cornetto

Some moody bloke

Armani's new model

Obligatory sunset shot

Nighty night

If you would like to order any of these pictures at an incredibly steep mark up, or if indeed you have any comments on any of the pictures, please don't hesitate to contact me on

If you are finding this site as dull as me, then click on these. They're much better:

The Pub Crawl Bit

In celebration of my 29th Birthday, I am planning a nice sedate little pub crawl around W8 and W11, on Sat November 1st. Here's the vague plan: Everyone must start the crawl - that is to say - no meeting up with us halfway. You can bail out at any point, but you shall be the object of lightweight related cusses for many moons to come.

Everyone will meet at 10:30 in a greasy spoon (Shepherd's Bush? - To be decided...) for a stomach lining breakfast. Then we will head to the Prince of Wales public house for 11:30. We will by this stage have appointed a cashier. Probably me, unless someone else fancies it. Everyone will put 30 quid in to the pot. (3 Quid a drink, 10 drinks). The cashier orders all the rounds. Before we start, anyone not drinking lager should specify their poison, and at least try to stick to it. If you sit out a round, or order a soft drink, tough. Them's the breaks. We can't be dealing with drunk maths.

We drink one drink per pub, and move on. We might have to skip The Castle, as it is being refurbished, but it could be finished by the 1st Nov. Obviously, as the day goes on, we will spend a little longer in each establishment. If the situation arises, we will respect any decision not to serve us; pubs have a habit of ringing the other locals, forewarning them, and then we're buggered. Any money left over at the end will be distributed for taxis/kebabs/shorts/etc etc. And remember troops, The tortoise beat the hare, it's not the winning, it's the taking part, the second mouse gets the cheese, blah blah blah. In short, take it easy and we should have a good laugh. If we don't someone could end up like this. Or this, this, or this. Or even this,and we wouldn't want that now, would we?

Check out the route map after the photos.

First pint
Prince of Wales

Second pint
The Castle

Third pint
Rat and Parrot

Fourth pint
Ladbroke Arms

Fifth pint
Uxbridge Arms

Sixth pint
Windsor Castle

Seventh pint
Churchill Arms

Eighth pint
Old Swan

Ninth pint
Prince Albert

Tenth pint
Sun in Splendour

The Aftermath

Well done troops. All in all a thoroughly blinding day was had by all. It really was a spiffing jaunt. I personally don't remember anything after The Sun in Splendour. This is because it was the last pub on the route, and I probably figured that anything after it was a Brucey Bonus. As such, I have no recollection of the Gold, the Finch's, the tequilas or anything. At all. Apparently I came to the classic inebriated conclusion that falling over is much easier than walking. This is born out by my 'beer bruises'.

I would like to thank everyone who turned up, but a couple of people deserve a special commendation for their services to getting fucked up; namely....Drum roll please...Ben and Steven. Their sterling effort entailed going out on Friday night, seeing in the dawn, maintaining conciousness and a degree of sanity, and taking on everything that Saturday threw at them. That's the sort of Dunkirk spirit that the youngsters of today lack. The sort of gumption that will make this once great country great again. Also my brother, Shane for doing such a fine job of ordering the drinks and dealing with the finances. Never was there an empty glass, or a thirsty punter. Magnificent.

Equally everyone should pat themselves on the back for seeing the day through, exceeding all expectations, and for not puking. As I understand it, no one was sick. And quite frankly if you were, you held it down so well, you deserve a double pat. Marvellous stuff. There's a few snaps to peruse, nothing too raucous unfortunately, but there are a couple of chuckles. In the heat of the battle, photography is not a priority I'm afraid.

Everyone's looking alright...

Juvenile idiot

It's still early

Getting livelier

Blazin' squad

Everyone's not looking alright...

Who's going home with Shane?

Kids, don't do drugs...

Pole dancers

Stan 'n' Ollie

Lovers tiff

I must've said something...

Not sure who looks worse...

Hands up if you're gay

Lager please

Fuzzy Barney


The happy couple