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Minions of Voleron

...webmasters Mahn and Dever...

Welcome, you have found The Minions of Voleron homepage. We are a team on for the game "Skure:The Hunting Grounds 2" played on BYOND. We are looking for advanced Role Players and strategists to be on our team. You must be willing to play this game. You cannot say "Oh, I think I'll make a char. Whatever." Members from the other team have already been booted because they did not show up to enough of the meetings. You must have patience and committment to play, for those who don't, leave. There will be plenty of battles and quests to come. Join our team of evil. The link to the main website is down below.

Feel free to talk to us about this. We currently need more players to join our team. We as a team will accept your character to our team if Dagolar approves it. Send all the information you have to us and Dagolar.
