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M-Lynn's Personal Space

This web site is mearly what i think,

Its where i can say what i think without being judged,

Where i can express my inner most thoughts without critisism.

If i have invited you to my own little world then you should be hounered

Beyond the word houner can explain.

This is my world...


Nobody even understands me
Because they choose not to

There is better pics in my VF account
Search for user Original_Sinner

Most people take one look at me and think that they
have my whole life figured out!
Well, they're wrong!
They dont know me, and its their loss!
Because the people that do know me will tell you,
i've been through alot, yeah and i'm probably bitter about it too
but if you walk even 10 miles in my shoes
it would be like walking 100 in yours.

Wiccan Website tjy note:this site is currently under construction