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Animation Project

During the past two weeks, our class has been working on making animation(s). First, to make an animation, you have to go to Blob Sculptor. I tried out different shapes and blobs, trying to figure out what I wanted to make for my animation. After a few days of thinking, I decided to make an animated turtle. The turtle wasn’t easy to make, and after I tried out many shapes and wasn’t able to successfully make a turtle, I began to feel a bit frustrated. Then one of my classmates helped me out with the positioning of the blobs, teaching me about the x, y, and z axis.
After I was done with my blob turtle, I exported it to POV-RAY PPC. There, I tried out different camera locations(angles) for my animation. I also had to use the x, y, and z axis for this. After I was satisfied with my camera locations, I changed the light source and color, experimenting with different colors. I changed the light source and color with different words and numbers. I saved all of my work and put it into GIF BUILDER, where I put all my different frames. I arranged the frames in the order that I wanted it to be, mixing it around and trying different patterns. I saved it, wrote about my experience and what I did and learned in AppleWorks6 and put my writing and animation into BBEdit 4.0 and put it online.