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Froggies World

Last Updated: 1-14-04

Welcome to my hell, my, how you say, observant and informative manor of myself. To most, it is unimportant who i am. Just one of the lower depths of hell, merley surviving in this torment of existance, as i am sure most of you can relate.

*****Strength is the only thing that matters. The Rest is just a dillusion for the weak.*****

Onward, we push, to learn many interesting facts about me (well, maybe not that interesting). For example, Me and what i look like. Then there is my Bands of Interest.

Here is some commical stuff, but some of it describes me a lot. have a look at My Test results. For now, this should suffice, but more will i add, as i am known to do.

Alaways, also, i am open to constructive critisism. Feel free to send me mail on or about anything. Just click the link. Froggies E-mail As Always, enjoy, or dont, and suffer like all the rest.