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One Hundred And One Reasons Why You Should Want To Be A Vampire

Away from this madness!
Ten and One Reasons Why You Should Want To Be A Dragon (sorry, Brookie, I just want to be a Vamp more)

I'm sure you're all dying for more interesting madness from me, Scary Lady. So, since I was discussing Vampires and how much I wanted to be one (a Vampire, you fool) with this guy named Robbie* (*indicated name has been changed) when I got this great Idea to make a list of 101 reasons why you should be a vampire. So, here's as far as I have gotten: (any input would be great)

1) Fly 2) Shape-shifting 3) Immortal/don’t die 4) Nocturnal 5) Easy to murder people 6) Don’t have to follow rules of society 7) Never have to go to school 8) Scare people like anything 9) Fangs 10) Totally seductive 11) Become world super power because never die 12) Plenty of time to learn all fighting techniques 13) Party all night 14) The whole hypnotis thing 15) Move around all the time; don’t have to worry about angry past bfs 16) Get to move around all the time 17) If someone bothers you you can just kill them 18) Never have to worry about sunburn 19) Being pale is always cool 20) If you get in jail for a sentence of like, 157 years, you won’t be a day older when you step out of prison. 21) Umlimited media coverage 22) Easy to sleep around 23) Never have to be accountable to anyone 24) Wait 50 years and all your enemies are dead, if you decide not to kill them 25) If caught by sudden bloodlust, can just find annoying person and rip their throat out with your claws-er, nails! 26) Never have to pay the pizzaboy, etc. 27) Ability to read minds 28) Don’t have to worry about silver jewelry tarnishing—not allowed to wear silver