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Old Man Ike's

We were told the story of Old Man Ike's from a few different people. The parts of the story that were the same from those people happen to be the parts that we believe.

The Story:
The story goes that sometime in the 1980's a man by the name of Ike killed seven people. The youngest boy's name was andrew. When Ike was a little boy a man broke into his house and he watched as this man killed his parents. The police caought the guy and Ike said it was the same man who he saw kill his parents. Ike swore vengence on this man and planned on killing him when he got older. Flash foreward to when Ike was 18. He was woking at this cement factory in Speed Indiana. He finds out that the man who killed his parents died while he was in prison. Ike decides if he cant kill the man, he will kill the mans family. He tracks down and kidnaps seven members of the guys family and ties them up in boiler room number one of the factory. he tortures them over the period of (we heard anywhere between a week and a month) and then drags them to his house (which is about one to two miles away). He drags them over a bridge to get to his house (the bridge has names written on it of two of the dead family members). He then hangs them one by one on a makeshift gallows he made in his backyard. Finally he hangs himself.

The investigation
The place is overgrown with weeds. The whole team has been there, but on seperate occasions. Geoff has been there the most. It is a two story building and still has quite a bit of stuff in it. On one occasion the group (Consisting of Paul, Mark, Geoff, and a friend Jeremy) went around to the back of the house (the only access point) and got cold chills and heard someone moving in the field beyond the house. Upon further investigation the field is completely fenced in. The house seems normal and still hold relics from the past, an old stove and other kitchen items. The field seems to have a lot of negative energy in it though. We caught quite a few "orbs" in the property surrounding the house, but not a single one in the house itself.

The pictures
The Kitchen The Shed Orb in the field

We are keeping this investigation open because we were unable to access the upper floors and basement due to lack of stairs.

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